science teaching

  • Michalsky, T.‪ (2024)‪.‪ Metacognitive scaffolding for preservice teachers’ self-regulated design of higher order thinking tasks.‪ Heliyon10(2)‪.‪ https://doi.‪org/10.‪1016/j.‪heliyon.‪2024.‪e24280

  • Fund, Z. (2007)

    The effects of scaffolded computerized science problem-solving on achievement outcomes: A comparative study of support programs. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23, 410-424

  • Fund, Z. (2005)

    Computerized science problem solving and cognitive support: effects on achievement outcomes. In Z. C. Zacharia & C. P. Constantinou (Eds.). Computer Based Learning in Science, conference proceedings 2005, Integrating new technologies  in science and education (pp. 307-317). University of Zilina, Slovakia.

  • Fund, Z. (2003)

    How to evaluate science problem solving in a computerized learning environment?  Construction of an analyzing scheme. In C. P. Constantinou & Z. C. Zacharia (Eds.). Computer Based Learning in Science, conference proceedings 2003, Vol 1 (pp 737-745). Nicosia : University of Cyprus

  • Fund, Z.  (2002)

    Cognitive support in computerized science problem solving: Eliciting external representation and improving search strategies. In P. Brna, M. Baker, K. Stenning, & A. Tiberghien (Eds.), The Role of Communication in Learning to Model (pp. 127-154). NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

  • Fund, Z. (1999)

    Models of Written Communication as a Cognitive Support for Computerized Science Problem Solving. In P. Brna, M. Baker, & K. Stenning (Eds.), C-LEMMAS, Roles of Communicative Interaction in Learning to Model in Mathematics and Science.  Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.