דר' אבן-ריפינסקי חגית 79-00-15 מיומנויות השיח והכתב בשפה האנגלית

שם ומספר הקורס: מיומנויות השיח והכתב בשפה האנגלית

English Proficiency


שם המרצה: דר' חגית אבן-ריפינסקי

Dr. Hagit Evan-Rifinski

סוג הקורס: סדנה

שנת לימודים: תשע"ט     סמסטר: קורס שנתי         היקף שעות:  2

יום ושעה: יום א' – 16.00-18.00

מיקום: בנין חינוך 905

אתר הקורס:  מודל  – בר אילן

שעת קבלה: ימי א' או ד' בתיאום מראש

משרד: בנין חינוך 905 חדר: 109

טל: 03-5317710


א. מטרות הקורס ותוצרי למידה (מטרות על / מטרות ספציפיות)

Course Objectives:      

The course will enable students

  • to improve accuracy and fluency based on errors that arise individually and/or as a class
  • to converse and present in English that is correct in terms of grammar, pronunciation, and register.
  • to enhance presentation skills with an emphasis on raising self-confidence to function in English in the class.
  • to develop the ability to self-assess and monitor their own performance and others.
  • to raise awareness of different features of the language –register, intonation, difference between formal and informal language, etc.
  • To enrich students’ vocabulary.

ב. תוכן הקורס:

Course Description:

This is a hands-on course and the main aim is to develop and improve students’ oral proficiency as future English teachers. The students will present both prepared and impromptu oral presentations. In the framework of the course, the students will have many opportunities to use the spoken language, to become aware of its different features and raise their self-confidence when using it. In addition, the students will develop their ability to assess their own and other studentsperformance in oral proficiency. As spoken language cannot be taught as an isolated entity, reading, listening and writing skills grammar will also be integrated into the course. Emphasis will be placed on expanding students’ vocabulary and getting their grammar right.

Certain changes and additions may be made to the course objectives as the course will be adapted to meet the specific needs of the participants in the class (both the class as a whole and the individual student).


Methods of Instruction:

pair/group work, class discussions, presentations, speeches, games, individual tutorials, Moodle assignments, Internet use.  


ג. דרישות קדם:----

Preliminary Requirements           

 Students must

  • hold a degree in English or be studying towards a degree in English.
  • demonstrate a good proficiency in the English language.
  • be highly motivated to improve their language skills.


ד. חובות/דרישות/מטלות:

Course Requirements:

  • Full attendance and participation in class are required. A student who has missed more than 3 classes  in one semester will automatically be dropped from the course.


  • In addition, arriving 15 minutes or later to 3 of the sessions will be recorded as not attending one session. Similarly, leaving early 3 times will also be recorded as not attending one session.
  • Active participation in the sessions.


  • Completion of all assignments (in and out of the classroom) on time*.

* All assignments are to be submitted on time. If you foresee a problem or are unable to submit an assignment for personal reasons, you are required to notify me by email so that we can agree on an alternative deadline. Assignments that are not submitted on time will not be accepted.


ה. מרכיבי הציון הסופי :

Breakdown of final grade

Oral presentation tasks: 30%

Writing tasks: 30%

Grammar and vocabulary quizzes 30%

Class participation: 10%


ו. ביבליוגרפיה: (חובה/רשות)


*A complete bibliography can be found on the Moodle site of the course

Avery, P. & Ehrlich, S. (1992) Teaching American English Pronunciation, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (002532678) (מכון פדגוגי 421.54 AVE t  )

Bilbrough, N (2007). Dialogue Activities: Exploring Spoken Interaction in the Language Class. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (לא קיים בספריות בר-אילן)

Collie, J. & Slater, S. (1991). Speaking.  Vol. 1.  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (000157516) (428.24 COL s מכון פדגוגי)

Deller, S. (1990). Lessons from the Learner : Student-Generated Activities for the Language Classroom. Harlow: Longman.( 000152018) (420.7 DEL l מכון פדגוגי)

Lee W.R. (1986). Language Teaching Games and Activities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press(לא קיים בספריות בר-אילן)

Klippel, F. (1984) Keep Talking: Communicative fluency activities for language teaching. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. (000055314) (421.07 KLI k (מכון פדגוגי, אנגלית

Maley, D., and Duff, A. (1997) Drama techniques in Language Learning . Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press. (000000577) (420.7 MAL d2 (מהדורת 1982 אנגלית, מכון פדגוגי

Savage, A. & Mayer P. (2012). Effective Academic Writing  (2nd edition). Oxford, UK:  Oxford University Press. (002488604) (808.42 SAV e2 (אנגלית

Course Sites



Professional Standards for English Teachers: Knowledge and Performance  


Word of the day



Quote of the day


Giving oral presentations


Giving presentations


Giving presentations


Conditionals in the EFL classroom






Stories and poems British Council


Practice oral English


Common errors


Choose sites from here


More sites-choose from here


One site from the above options

Pecha Kucha


TED talk


Official site


ז. שם הקורס באנגלית:

Title of the course in English:

English Proficiency