ד"ר מוראשן איריס 79-323-01 עבודה מעשית אנגלית

Dr. Iris Muresan 79-323-01 EFL Practicum עבודה מעשית אנגלית


Recommended Bibliography


Darling-Hammond, L., & Baratz-Snowden, J. (2005). A good teacher in every classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. (1093504) (חינוך 370.711 GOO)

Hadfield, J., & Hadfield, C. (2011). Simple writing activities. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (000490783 ) (מכון פדגוגי 428.24 HAD)

Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching (with DVD) (4th ed.). London: Pearson. (002434146)  (מכון פדגוגי – בתהליך רכישה)

Johnson, P. (2004). Choice words: How our language affects children's learning. Portland, ME: Stenhouse. (Ch. 1: The Language of Influence in Teaching).  https://www.stenhouse.com/sites/default/files/public/legacy/pdfs/choicewordsaudio.pdf

Leibling, M., & Robin, P. (2005). The A-Z of learning: Tips and techniques for teachers. Abingdon:  RoutledgeFalmer. (1092355) (חינוך 371.102 LEI)

Ministry of Education (2008). Adapting the English curriculum for students with disabilities. Jerusalem: Author.


Ministry of Education (2014). Revised English curriculum. Jerusalem: Author.  http://www.education.gov.il/tochniyot_limudim/english.htm

Moir, N. (2013). Starting and ending lessons. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (002434151) (מכון פדגוגי – בתהליך רכישה)

Moore, A. (2004). The good teacher. London: RoutledgeFalmer. (001066192) (חינוך 371.1 MOR)

Purpura, J. (2014). Language learner styles and strategies. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. Brinton, & A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4th ed., pp. 532-549). Boston, MA: National Geographic Learning. (002434139 ) (מכון פדגוגי – בתהליך רכישה)

Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning teaching: The essential guide to English language teaching [with DVD]. Oxford: Macmillan Books for Teachers. (002434158) (מכון פדגוגי – בתהליך רכישה)

Wright, T. (2005). Classroom management in language education. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (001105860) (מכון פדגוגי 428.0071 WRI)


Recommended Websites


ETNI  English teachers network in Israel www.etni.org.il

Ministry of Education   www.education.gov.il/English

Teaching HOTS Ministry of Education tlc.cet.ac.il

Amit English Network Site www.amit.org.il/learning/english

TEFL Skills  www.onestopenglish.com

English Teaching Professional www.etprofessional.com

www.4teachers.org (Teach with Technology)

British Council http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk