vocational training


    Iram, Y. (1986)

    Models of Vocational Training: Israel and Switzerland - An Analytic and Interpretive Comparison, In  H. Van Daele and M. Vansteenkiste (Eds.), The Impact of Technology on Society and Education (pp. 164-173), Antwerpen ; University of Antwerpen

  • Iram, Y. (1983)

    Vocational Training Systems in West Germany and Israel: A Comparative Analysis of Two Models. In R.S. Davie (Ed.), Cooperative Education (pp.146‑158). Melbourne : Swinburne College Press

  • Iram, Y. &  Balicki, C. (1980)

     Vocational Education in Switzerland and Israel: A Comparative Analysis. Canadian and International Education ‑ Education Cannadienne et Internationale, 9 (1),  95‑105.