פרופ' חבר פסקל בן עוליאל
קורות חיים
2023 |
Best Paper Award – AERA SIG Organizational Theory Benoliel, P. & Schechter, C. (2023). Smart Collaborative ecosystem: Leading complex school systems. Journal of Educational Administration, 61(3), 239-255 |
2020 |
Outstanding Reviewer in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence |
2013 |
The Highly Commended Award Winner of the 2012 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Education and Leadership strategy category. |
2010 |
PhD Excellency scholarship, University of Haifa 13 000 $ |
(Note: * indicates graduate student co-author)
1. *Nassir, M., & Benoliel, P. (Accepted, 2023). Teacher well-being in Arab educational system in Israel: The implications of teacher involvement in decision-making and organizational commitment. School Psychology.
2. *Nassir, M., & Benoliel, P. (Early online publication, 2023). The implications of participative decision-making and paternalistic leadership for teachers’ perceived strain in the Israeli Arab educational minority. Journal of Educational Administration.
3. *Abad Alkader, Y., & Benoliel, P. (Early online publication, 2023). The implications of principal leadership styles on teachers’ organizational commitment in the Israeli Arab educational minority. Psychology in the Schools.
4. *Nadav, N., Benoliel, P., & Schechter, C. (Early online publication, 2023). Principal systems thinking and senior management team effectiveness: the mediating role of senior management team learning. Journal of Educational Administration.
5. Huang, T., & Benoliel, P. (Early online publication, 2023). Principal time use and student academic achievement in Singapore. International Journal of Educational Management.
6. *Nassir, M., & Benoliel, P. (Early online publication, 2023). Promoting school effectiveness: Examining the mediating role of teachers' organizational commitment and the moderating role of a school cultural sector. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
7. *Nadav, N., Benoliel, P., & Schechter, C. (Early online publication, 2023). Principals’ systems thinking and school effectiveness: The mediating role of collective teacher efficacy. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
8. *Zadok, A., & Benoliel, P. (2023). Middle-leaders transformational leadership: Antecedents and consequences. International Journal of Educational Management, 37(4), 810-829.
9. Benoliel, P. & Schechter, C. (2023). Smart Collaborative ecosystem: Leading complex school systems. Journal of Educational Administration, 61(3), 239-255
10. *Nadav, N., Benoliel, P., & Schechter, C. (2023). Principals’ systems thinking and teachers’ withdrawal behaviors: The intervening role of a school structure and principal-teacher gender (dis)similarity. British Educational Research Journal, 49(2), 405-426.
11. *Nassir, M. & Benoliel, P. (Early online publication, 2022). Principal-teacher gender (dis)similarity as a moderator in the relationship between paternalistic leadership and organisational citizenship behaviour in the Arab minority in Israel. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1-24.
12. Liu, Y., & Benoliel, P. (2022). National context, school factors, and individual characteristics: Which matters most for teacher collaboration? Teaching and Teacher Education, 120, 103885.
13. *Zavelevsky, E., Benoliel, P., & Shapira-Lishchinsky, O. (2022). Retaining novice teachers: The meaning and measure of ecological school culture construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 117, 103783.
15. Benoliel, P. (2021). A Team-based perspective for school improvement: The mediating role of school management teams. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 14(2), 442-470.
16. Shaked, H., Benoliel, P. & Hallinger, P., (2021). How national context indirectly influences instructional leadership implementation: The case of Israel. Educational Administration Quarterly, 57(3) 437–469.
17. Benoliel P. (2021). Is it your personality, your boundary leadership, or both? An integrative approach for the improvement of school management team effectiveness. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(6), 669-687.
18. *Zavelevsky, E., Shapira‐Lishchinsky, O., Benoliel, P., Klein, J. & Schechter, C. (2021). Ecological school culture for novice teachers’ retention: Principals’ perceptions. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
19. Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Learning from intelligent failure: an organizational resource for school improvement. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(4), 402-421.
20. Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2021, Guest Editorial). Failures in school and school failures: Lessons for successful school management. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(4), 397-401.
21. Benoliel, P., & Berkovich, I. (2021). Ideal teachers according to TALIS: Societal orientations of education and global diagnosis of teacher self-efficacy. European Educational Research Journal, 20(2), 143–158.
22. Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2021, Guest Editorial). Organisational perspectives on globalisation in education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(1), 2-6.
23. Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2021). Framing the role of the school leader in OECD documents: A critical analysis. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(1), 41-54.
24. Benoliel, P., Shaked, H., *Nadav N., & Schechter, C. (2021). Principals’ systems thinking attribute: Exploring a principal-middle-leader relational demography perspective. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(1), 22-42.
25. *Nadav, N., Benoliel, P., Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2021). Exploring school principals' systems thinking competencies. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(4), 579-598.
26. Benoliel, P. (2020). Principals’ boundary activities and school violence: The mediating role of school management teams. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(2), 286-304.
27. Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2020). Marketing teacher quality: critical discourse analysis of OECD documents on effective teaching and TALIS, Critical Studies in Education, 61)4(, 496-511.
28. Shaked, H. & Benoliel, P. (2020). Instructional Boundary Management: The complementarity of instructional leadership and boundary management. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(5), 821-839.
29. Berkovich, I., & Benoliel, P. (2020). The educational aims of the OECD in its TALIS insight and lesson reports: exploring societal orientations. Critical Studies in Education, 61(2), 166–179.
30. Barth, A., & Benoliel, P. (2019). School religious-cultural attributes and school principals’ leadership styles in Israel. Religious Education, 114(4), 470-485.
31. Benoliel, P. & Berkovich, I., (2019). Understanding OECD representations of teachers and teaching: a visual discourse analysis of covers in OECD documents. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(2), 132-146.
32. Shapira‐Lishchinsky, O., & Benoliel, P. (2019). Nurses’ psychological empowerment: An integrative approach. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(3), 661-670.
33. Benoliel, P., Shaked, H., *Nadav N., & Schechter, C. (2019). School principals' systems thinking: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(2), 167-184.
34. Benoliel, P. & Berkovich, I. (2018). A cross-national examination of the effect of the Schwartz cultural dimensions on PISA performance assessments. Social Indicators Research, 139(2), 825-845.
35. Benoliel, P. & Somech, A. (2018). A new perspective for understanding the role of school managers: The impact of principals’ boundary activities on the effectiveness of school management team. Teachers College Record, 120(3), 1-40.
36. Benoliel, P. & Schechter, C. (2018). Teamwork doubting and doubting teamwork. Improving Schools, 21(3), 225–239.
37. Benoliel, P. (2017). Managing senior management team boundaries and school improvement: An investigation of the school leader role. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 20(1), 57-86.
38. Benoliel, P. & Schechter, C. (2017). Is it Personal? Teacher's personality and the principal's role in professional learning communities. Improving Schools, 20(3), 222–235.
39. Benoliel, P. & Berkovich, I. (2017). There is no 'T' in school improvement: The missing team perspective. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 922-929.
40. Benoliel, P. & Barth, A. (2017). The implications of the school’s cultural attributes in the relationships between participative leadership and teacher job satisfaction and burnout. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(6), 640-656.
41. Benoliel, P. & Schechter, C. (2017). Promoting the school learning processes: Principals as learning boundary spanners. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 878-894.
42. Benoliel, P. & Somech, A. (2016). Functional heterogeneity and senior management team effectiveness: The mediating role of school leadership. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(4), 492-512.
43. Benoliel, P. & Somech, A. (2015). The role of leader boundary activities in enhancing interdisciplinary team effectiveness. Small Group Research, 46(1), 83–124.
44. Benoliel, P. & Somech, A. (2014). The health and performance effects of participative leadership: Exploring the moderating role of the big five personality dimensions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(2), 277-294.
45. Benoliel, P. & Somech, A. (2010). Who benefits from participative management? Journal of Educational Administration, 48(3), 285-308.
46. Barth, A., & Benoliel, P. (2022). Well-being of Ultra-orthodox female teachers working in state-religious secular schools. Dapim (Hebrew).
47. *Haouzi, Z., Barth, A., & Benoliel, P. (2022). Educational leadership as a predictor of organizational commitment among ultra-orthodox teachers. The Study of Organizations and Human Resource Management in Education (Hebrew).
I have been engaged in the exploration of domains aimed at improving school leadership and policy and promoting organizational effectiveness in the educational context. I have adopted a cross-cultural and comparative perspective on policies and leadership practices with a particular focus on underrepresented populations.
Boundary management and teacher collaboration. One of my main research objectives has been to investigate the unique role and activities of principals in managing their senior management team (SMT) boundaries and school boundaries and the impact of such activities on SMT and school effectiveness. This is a wider perspective, one that emphasizes a central challenge for principals, known as “boundary management”. I was among the first researchers to apply and research the concept of boundary management in the educational context. My implementation and empirical study of this idea have supported the unique value of teamwork and teacher collaboration in the school context and the role of school leaders as boundary managers, building and maintaining positive relationships with external stakeholders.
Educational minorities and underrepresented populations. My research focuses on the implications of cultural factors on the effectiveness of several leadership styles, to highlight the significance of such factors in explaining the variations in the effect of principals’ leadership and teachers’ attitudes on school effectiveness across culturally diverse samples including underrepresented populations. Recently, I have focused on the lived experiences of underrepresented populations in higher education, to gain a critical understanding of the underrepresented student population as well as to highlight the perceptions of underrepresented groups regarding the inhibiting and enabling factors to their access, participation, and academic success in higher education.
Global governance and global education policy. I have investigated the influences of “global governance” on educational policies worldwide. First, I have focused on cultural dimensions as significant factors that have too often been underemphasized or ignored in research on educational performance on international tests. Second, a particular focus of my research was to investigate how the OECD communicates and markets educational quality. In a set of articles, I have examined OECD publications and documents using mixed methods, involving both critical discourse analysis (CDA), visual discourse analysis (VDA), and cross-country analysis of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) framework.
Participative management and school effectiveness. Because of the need for effective management in situations characterized by dynamic change, cultural and economic diversity, and complexity, I have explored principals' leadership styles of participative management as a leadership style that would promote positive school and teacher outcomes considering contextual variables. As a result of continuous reforms, increased emphasis has been placed on participative leadership as a means to improve school and teacher outcomes. However, along with the benefits of participative leadership comes the potential for strain and burnout, tension, and conflict among teachers, principals, and administrators that stem from work intensification. Therefore, I proposed that differences in school cultural attributes and teacher personal characteristics will influence the emergence of participative leaders and their influence on teachers’ outcomes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and withdrawal behaviors, and the school effectiveness outcomes of school violence, and student achievement.
2022-Present |
Organizational effectiveness, organizational behavior and leadership in educational systems |
2017-Present |
Global leadership in multicultural and dynamic educational systems - level 1 |
2017-Present |
Global leadership in multicultural and dynamic educational systems - level 2 |
2014-Present |
Simulation and study cases |
2014-Present |
Practical training in educational leadership |
תחומי התמחות
1. Educational governance, comparative research, cross-cultural research
2. Leadership in minorities and underrepresented population
3. Diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education
4. Boundary management, teamwork, senior management team,
5. Organizational theory and organizational effectiveness
6. Teacher retention and well-being
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 30/12/2024