מרצה - יסודות בסוציולוגיה חינוכית

ד"ר אייל בר-חיים

מרצה - יסודות בסוציולוגיה חינוכית
בנין חינוך 905, קומה 4, חדר 411
שעות קבלה
בתיאום מראש
    מגמות לתואר ראשון
    קורות חיים

    Post-Doctoral fellowship, Department of Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Kreitman fellowship




    Post-Doctoral fellowship, PEARL Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality (IRSEI), University of Luxembourg.


    2015 - 2019


    Ph.D. Labor Studies, Tel Aviv University


    2009 – 2015



    כתבי עת שפיטים

    1. Bar-Haim, E. & Pricila Birgier, D.,. (2024). Language Distance, Language Abilities, and Labour Market Outcome of Migrants by Gender.‏ PLoS ONE (accepted 8/3/24) [IF – 3.7, Q1 in Multidisciplinary Sciences]
    2. Bar-Haim, E. (2024). Stagnation and De-segregation: The Expansion of Palestinian Arabs Education in Israel. Higher Education Policy, 1-17.‏ [IF – 1.6, Q2 in Education & Educational Research]
    3. Birgier D. P & Bar-Haim, E. (2023) Language Used at Home and Educational-occupational Mismatch of Migrants by Gender, Social Indicators Research [IF – 3.1, Q1 in Sociology, citations: 4]
    4. Schindler, S., Bar-Haim, E., Barone, C., Fels Birkelund, J., Boliver, V., Capsada-Munsech, Q., ... & Vallet, L. A. (2023). Educational tracking and social inequalities in long-term labor market outcomes: Six countries in comparison. International Journal of Comparative Sociology.‏ [IF- 2, Q2 in Sociology, Citations: 3]
    5. Aziz, H. & Bar-Haim, E, (2022) Marginalized Yet Flourishing: The Remarkable Growth of the Palestinian Middle Class in Israel American Sociologist [IF- 0.7, Q4 in Sociology, Citations: 3]
    6. Feniger, Y., Bar-Haim, E. Gorodzeisky, A. and Ayalon, H. (2022) Educational reforms and long-term educational and occupational achievements of high school students in the 1990’s: Ethnicity and gender among Israeli Jews. Kriot Israeliot 3: 70-108 (in Hebrew)
    7. Bar-Haim, E., Chauvel, L., Gornick, J. C., & Hartung, A. (2022) The persistence of the gender earnings gap: Cohort trends and the role of education in twelve countries Social Indicators Research [IF – 3.1, Q1 in Sociology, Citations: 24]
    8. Feniger, Y., Bar-Haim. E. & Blank, C. (2021) From social origin to high school selective courses: The role of ability grouping in securing educational advantage in secondary education, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility [IF- 5, Q1 (94.3%) in Sociology, Citations: 2]
    9. Leist, A., Bar Haim, E. & Chauvel, L (2021) Inequalities at Time of Schooling Predict Cognitive Functioning in Later Adulthood. SSM - Population Health [IF – 4.7, Q1 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Citations: 11]
    10. Bar-Haim E. & Feniger, Y. (2021). Tracking in Israeli high schools: Social inequality after 50 years of educational reforms. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies [IF-0.9, Q4 in Social Sciences, Citations: 8]
    11. Chauvel, L. Bar-Haim, E., Hartung, A. Murphy, E., (2021) Rewealthization in 21st Century Western Countries: The Defining Trend of the Socioeconomic Squeeze of the Middle Class. The Journal of Chinese Sociology [IF-1.5, Q3 in Sociology, Citations: 20]
    12. Shani, G. & Bar-Haim E. (2020) Globalization, Place, and the Life Course: Local economies and middle-class transition to adulthood in two Israeli cities. Current Sociology [IF – 2.48 , Q2 in Sociology, Citations: 3]
    13. Bar-Haim, E., Chauvel, L., & Hartung, A. (2019) More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation in Comparative Perspective. Higher Education 78(3):479-499 [IF - 4.63, Q1 (92%) in Education & Educational Research, Citations: 37]
    14. Bar-Haim, E., & Blank, C., (2019) Second-Chance Alternatives and Maintained Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Israel. Social Inclusion 7(1) [IF - 1.33, Q2 in Social Sciences, Citations: 9]
    15. Chauvel, L., Hartung, A., Bar-Haim, E. & Van Kerm, P. (2019) Income and Wealth above the Median: New Measurements and Results or Europe and the United States. Research on Economic Inequality. 27:89-104 [IF-0.2, Q3 in Sociology and Political Science (SJR), Citations: 11]
    16. Bar-Haim, E. (2018) Disciplines and the Categorization of Scientific Truth - The Case of the Hebrew Wikipedia. Journal of Sociocybernetics 15(2):20-37
    17. Bar-Haim, E., Blank, C. and Rotman, A. (2018) Taking Their Place: Educational Expansion and Inequality of Educational Opportunities – A Gendered Perspective. Higher Education Policy DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41307-018-0122-8 [IF - 1.59, Q2 in Education & Educational Research Citations: 5]
    18. Bar-Haim, E. (2018) Still Great: Income Inequality and Subjective Intergenerational Mobility. Comparative Sociology 17(5): 496 – 518 [IF - 0.426, Q2 in Sociology and Political Science (SJR), Citations: 8]
    19. Bar-Haim, E., and Shavit, Y. (2018.) Higher Education, Economic Inequality, and Inequality of Opportunities Megamot 53(1):99-124 (in Hebrew)
    20. Bar-Haim, E. and Shavit, Y. (2013). Expansion and Inequality of Educational Opportunity: A Comparative Study. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 31 (1): 21-33 [IF- 1.38, Q1 in Social Sciences (SJR), Citations: 132]
    21. Bar-Haim, E., Yaish, M., and Shavit, Y. (2008). Up the Down Escalator. Israeli Sociology 10 (1): 61-79 (in Hebrew) [Citations: 8]
    • Permission to Bypass – Who Can Use Second-Chance Alternatives to Access Higher Education

    Goal: The project is a series of empirical studies on the relations between second chance paths to enter Higher Education (HE) and Inequality of Educational Opportunities (IEO). In most countries, students are expected to obtain certain qualifications and credentials to enter higher education institutions. If they fail to achieve those, or they are tracked into a non-academic educational career, the main road for higher education is blocked. However, in some cases, they can employ “second-chance” alternatives that serve as a bypass—for example, to obtain a diploma at an older age, to take preparatory courses at the higher education (HE) institutions that grant access, or to enter first to specific academic programs that do not require credentials. While the alternative ways were design to de-track and promote disadvantaged groups – and some even target specific group – their effectiveness in doing so is questionable.

    • More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation

    Goal: In many countries, the skilled labour market has lagged behind educational expansion. As a result of increased competition, younger cohorts of highly educated face decreasing returns to education or overeducation. Surprisingly, decreasing occupational outcomes do not coincide empirically with decreasing economic returns among those with tertiary education. We propose two explanations for this conundrum: first, as economic returns vary more across age and periods than occupational returns, economic returns may be overestimated - unless age-period-cohort (APC) methods are used. Second, we argue that strategies conceptualizing economic returns are less consistent across countries and time than occupational standardization methods leading to higher sensitivity to macroeconomic changes. To overcome these limitations, we model logitrank standardized economic returns with a new AgePeriod-Cohort-Gap (APCG) method and compare it to currency-based returns. Using the Luxembourg Income Study, we analyse trends over four decades in nine Western countries: Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, France, Canada, the U.K., the Netherlands and the US. Our results confirm a moderate overeducation in terms of economic returns but much less in terms of social position in most of the countries. This discrepancy seems to confirm that currency-based approaches overestimate the (trends in the) gap in returns between high and low educated

    • יסודות בסוציולוגיה חינוכית
    • שיטות מחקר (תוכנית יהלום)
    באמצעי התקשורת
    1. איך עושים רפורמה במערכת החינוך? בר דעת (2022)
    2. Instead of Reducing Inequalities, Israeli Middle Schools Are Perpetuating Them , (Haaretz 17.11.21)
    3. מחקר: יוצאות ברה"מ בראש טבלת שכר הנשים, הפער בין אשכנזים למזרחים עדיין גדול, הארץ (6.2.22)
    4. חטיבות הביניים היו אמורות לייצר אינטגרציה. מחקר ענק מראה כי הן מנציחות פערים, הארץ (17.11.21)
    5. בלנק, כ. ישראל 2021: פערים ואי שוויון שולטים באקדמיה, גלובס (1.10.21)
    6. בר-חיים, א. חכו עם ההספדים על האקדמיה. זה עוד לא נגמר, Ynet י (18.9.2020)
    7. בר-חיים, א., בלנק, כ. ורוטמן א. המרוויחות הלא צפויות ממהפכת המכללות, שקוף (2019)
    תחומי התמחות
    • Sociology of education
    • Educational expansion
    • Inequality
    • Overeducation

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 17/06/2024