פרופ' מן המניין, ראש היחידה הפקולטטיבית למחקר | ראשת התוכנית להתפתחות הילד

פרופ' אסתר עדי-יפה

פרופ' מן המניין, ראש היחידה הפקולטטיבית למחקר | ראשת התוכנית להתפתחות הילד
בנין 905, חדר 409
שעות קבלה
ראה קובץ בעמוד הבית-הודעות
תלמידי מחקר
מנחה את תלמידי המחקר
  • רווית רונפלד קרפט
    מגמות לתואר שני
    קורות חיים


    Faculty of Education

    Curriculum Vita Esther Adi-Japha, PhD.









    Physics and Mathematics

    The Hebrew University



    Theoretical Physics

    The Hebrew University




    Center for Neural Computation

    The Hebrew University



    Experimental Psychology

    University of Bristol, UK




    Drawing movements and their relation to the development of representation in drawings of young children.


    Prof. Sorin Solomon, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University


    Prof. Iris Levin, School of Education, Tel-Aviv University. 





    Work Percentage


    Assistant, School of Occupational Therapy, Hebrew University.



    Post-Doctoral, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol, UK



    Lecturer, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ariel University.



    Lecturer, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University.



    Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University.


    2016-2021 Associate Professor, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. 100%
    2021-current Professor, Faculty of Education, Bar-Ilan University. 100%


    Visiting Scholar, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia


    2018 Visiting Scholar, Utrecht University, The Netherlands  

    2010-2014 and 2016-current

    Head of child development unit, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University.



    PROFESSIONAL FUNCTIONS: (Memberships/Editorial Activities)


    Membership in non-scientific committees- Nonpaid activities:

    Contribution to the Society



    Member of the National forum on learning, Psychological Counseling Service, Ministry of Education





    A member of the "Misgarot Tehila" steering committee incorporating the government (Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services), JDC (Joint Distribution Committee) and academia for intervention program in Israeli childcare centers.



    A member of the indicators committee, Early Childhood Education, Ministry of Education.



    Ministry of Education – Preschool Education Department – professional committee.



    A member of the URBAN95 steering committee, promoting the well-being of young children in cities from the prenatal period up to the age of 5. The Bernard Van-Leer Foundation and the Israeli Green Building Council.



    Ministry of Education – Preschool Education Department –Special Group for testing Corona effects on early childhood education.

    2022-2023 Ministry of Education – Early Childhood specialist consultant group

    Contribution to the School of Education and the Bar-Ilan University


    Faculty of Education


    Coordinator – Young researchers club.

    2010-2014 and 2016-current

    Head, the Child Development Program (30+ students per year)



    In charge of the statistics studies at the School of Education.

    2023-current Research unit


    Bar-Ilan University


    University Character Committee.


    The School of Graduate Studies Permanent Committee.

    2023-current Appointment comittee.

    Key role in the national and international scientific community:

    Contribution to the scientific society





    Coordinator, the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), SIG 5 (Learning and development in early childhood Special Interest Group)

    The coordinator is responsible for the activity of the SIG and organization of its bi-year conference.  SIG 5 has 100 registered members, and about 200 participants in its Bi-year conferences. EARLI SIG 5 Coordinator:





    Membership in a research group - Measuring the immeasurable – the Van-Leer Institute



    Organizing committee - The yearly early childhood education university programs workshop





    Committee membership - Inequality and education: The effect of rising economic inequality on educational attainment and achievement –The Initiative for Applied Education Research. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. 

    2015, 2021, 2024



    Member of the Malag (The Council for Higher Education) committee for the approval of the program in early childhood education at the Talpiot College/Galil Maaravi/David yelin

    Organizing committee - The Israeli Conference on Cognition Research - The yearly Israeli conference on cognition research.

    Editorial work



    Editorial Board, Frontiers in Psychology, Cognition section – Review Editor.


    Editorial Board, Psychological Bulletin, Consulting Editor


    Editorial Board, Early Childhood Research Quarterly

    Keynote in Conference


    Creativity, Utrecht University – The Netherlands: The non-existent object task


    Organizer of an Invited Symposium – EARLI 2021 Gothenburg


    Invited Symposium EARLI SIG 5 2022 Utrecht. NL.








    Julius Goodman Memorial Prize in Theoretical Physics (Caltech).


    Zvi Shindel Prize on Excelling Thesis (Hebrew University). 


    The Hebrew University (UK friends) Post-Doctoral Fellowship.


    Internal grant of the Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital,

    ADHD and Dysgraphia

    PI: Ruth Shalev & Esther Adi-Japha


    The Gonda Center for Brain Research, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.   

    Time domain source localization based on EEG recordings in Epilepsy

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha & Miriam Neufeld (Sourasky Medical Center)


    Ministry of Science, Israel.                                                                 

    Working paper: characterizing and diagnosing children with handwriting difficulties.

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha 

    (Submitted with Avi Karni, Haifa U. and Hilla Ben Pazi, Shaare Tzedek Medical Center, as researchers)


    Ministry of Education                                                                        

    The relation between kindergarten visou-motor skill acquisition and first grade achievements in reading, math, and writing

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha


    Israel Science Foundation.                                                             

    Skill acquisition in kindergarten children compared to second grade students and adults.

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha


    Israel Science Foundation - Workshop

    Procedural and declarative memory, language acquisition, and cognitive processes: developmental trajectories and impairments in monolingual and bilingual children.

    PI: Sharon Armon Lotem, Esther Adi-Japha, Carmit Altman, Joel Walters


    The Joint – Israel                                                                             

    Writing the National Early Childhood Education Curriculum

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha


    The Mofet Institute                                                                      

    Motor Skill Learning across Toddlers with Differing Language Skills

    PI: Mona S. Julius (Levinsky collage), Co-PI: Esther Adi-Japha (BIU), Shari DeVeney (University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA)  (Submitted through Levinsky collage)


    Bar-Ilan Dangoor Centre for Personalized Medicine

    Sad but Happy in Corona Times: The Investigation of a Mixed Emotion Intervention in Preschool Children

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha


    Bar-Ilan grant for interdisciplinary groups                           

    The contribution of musical training to the engineering students specializing in integrated nanoscales circuits.

    PI-Esther Adi-Japha


    Ministry of Education                                                                        

    Assessment of the instability in early childhood education settings due to the Corona epidemic: Implications for education staff, parents and children.

    PI: Anat Moed & Esther Adi-Japha


    National Insurance Research Funds

    Early Childhood Allowances and Academic Achievements: The Impact of Allowance Cut in 2003 on Meitzav Test Scores.

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha


    Ministry of Education     

    Evaluation of a Diploma course for daycare caregivers

    PI: Yair Ziv & Esther Adi-Japha







    Sensory-motor development


    Yearly course


    Motor-cognitive development




    Learning memory and attention


    Term A


    Critical periods in infancy




    Brain and language


    Term B


    Early childhood curricular programs


    Yearly course




    1. Long-term procedural memory in children, motor-skill acquisition.

    2. Developmental Disabilities.

    3. The effect of child care on children's development

    4. Children's drawing and writing skills.


    Conference organization

    February 2103 - 2023: The Early Childhood Education University programs workshop. In each year representatives from all early childhood education programs in Israeli universities (I represent BIU since 2013) organize this 1 day workshop. Each year the event takes place in a different university. Last year organizing committee: Esther Adi-Japha, Dorit Aram, Edith Blit-Cohen and Yair Ziv,

    February 2107 - 2023: The Israeli Conference on Cognition Research, Akko. This 3 day conference takes place in Akko. I am part of the organizing committee for the last 5 years. This year a virtual conference is held. Esther Adi-Japha, Shahar Arzy, Boaz Ben David, Morre Goldshmith, Nurit Grunau, Yoav Kessler and Dominique Lamy.

    April 1997: The brain-mind day, Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation, Givat Ram, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    March 2017: ISF Workshop- Sharon Armon Lotem, Esther Adi-Japha, Carmit Altman, Joel Walters. Procedural and declarative memory, language acquisition, and cognitive processes: developmental trajectories and impairments in monolingual and bilingual children. Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    July 2020: Esther Adi-Japha, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Special Interest Group (SIG) 5 (Learning and development in early childhood). Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Due to Covid-19 situation, Virtual conference.

    July 2022: Esther Adi-Japha, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Special Interest Group (SIG) 5 (Learning and development in early childhood). Utrecht, The Netherlands. 

    Symposium organization

    July 2011: Esther Adi-Japha & Nira Mashal: Symposium organization: Cognitive Flexibility-  Neural and Educational Aspects. Symposium presented at the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP) conference, Boston.

    Jan. 2013: Symposium organization (with Prof. Shaul Hochstein): learning and transfer in perceptual and motor learning, in children, adults, and neurological impairment. Meeting of the Israeli association for cognitive education, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    July 2014: Symposium organization: Developmental differences in skill learning: from basic science to the clinic. Presented at the Mid-Year conference of the International Neuropsychological Society (ISN), Jerusalem, Israel.

    July 2015: Esther Adi-Japha: Symposium Organization: Language and learning in autistic spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and specific language impairment. Symposium presented at the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP) conference, Greece.

    September 2017: Symposia organization: The role of play in advancing child learning and well-being. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 17th Biennial, Tampere. Finland.

    February 2019: Esther Adi-Japha & Yafit Gabay: Symposia organization: Implicit Learning: Re-Examining some Fundamental Assumptions. Akko, Israel.

    March 2019: Yafit Gabay & Esther Adi-Japha: Symposia organization: Learning Processes in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. International Convention on Psychological Science, Paris.  

    Ad-hoc reviewer

    Journals (Alphabetic order): Animal Cognition; Applied Psycholinguistics; Autism Research and Treatment; Behavioral and Brain Sciences; BioMed Central Neuroscience; British Journal of Developmental Psychology; Child Development; Cognitive Development; Conciseness and Cognition; Cortex; Developmental Psychology; Early Childhood Research Quarterly; FEarly Childhood and Development; rontiers in Psychology; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Infant Behavior and Development; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools; Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; Neuropsychology; Perceptual and Motor Skills; PLoS ONE; Psychiatry Research; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Research in Developmental Disabilities

    Institutions (Alphabetic order): German-Israel Foundation (GIF); Israel Science Foundation (ISF); Ministry of Education (Chief scientist); National Institute for Psychobiology (Israel).



    Teicher, M., Zilbershtain, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2006). International application (9/7/2006) No. IL2006/000790 "Method and system for processing an electroencephalograph (EEG) signal".  2009 – U.S. Patent Application No. 11/988,366.


    List of Publication  

    Refereed Journals

    1. Adi, E., Hasenbusch, M., Marcu, M., Pazzy, E., Pinn, K., & Solomon, S. (1994). Monte Carlo simulation of 2D quantum Gravity as open dynamically triangulate random surfaces. Physics Letters B, 320, 227-233.

    2. Adi, E. & Solomon, S. (1994). The solution to Wheeler-DeWitt is eight. Physics Letters B 336, 152-156.

    3. Adi-Japha, E., levin, I., & Solomon, S. (1998). Emergence of representation in drawing: the relation between kinematic and referential aspects. Cognitive Development, 13, 25-51.

    4. Adi-Japha, E. & Freeman, N. H. (2000). Regulation and division of labor between cognitive systems controlling action. Cognition, 76, 1-11.

    5. Adi-Japha, E. & Freeman, N. H. (2001). Development of differentiation between writing and drawing systems. Developmental Psychology, 37, 101-114.

    6. Adi-Japha, E., Landau, Y., Frenkel, L., Teicher, M., Gross-Tzur, V., & Shalev, R. S. (2007). ADHD and Dysgraphia: Underlying mechanisms. Cortex, 43, 700-709.

    7. Dorfberger, S., Adi-japha, E., & Karni, A. (2007). Reduced susceptibility to interference in the consolidation of motor memory before adolescence, Plos ONE, 2(2): e240.

    8. Meiran, N., Kessler, Y., & Adi-Japha, E. (2008). Control by action representation and input selection (CARIS): a framework for task switching involving speeded perceptual classification. Psychological Research, 72, 473-500.

    9. Adi-Japha, E., Karni, A., Parnes, A., Loewenschuss, I., & Vakil, E. (2008). A shift in task routines during the learning of a motor skill: group averaged data may mask critical phases in the individuals' acquisition of skilled performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 34, 1544-1551.

    10. Stern, Y., Neufeld, M. Y., Kipervasser, S., Zilberstain, A., Fried, I., Teicher, M., & Adi-Japha, E. (2009). Source localization of temporal lobe epilepsy using PCA-LORETA analysis on ictal EEG recordings. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 26, 109-116.   

    11. Ben Pazi, H., Lossos, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2009). Primary and secondary writing disorders in children, Harefuah, 148, 515-519 [in Hebrew].

    12. Dorfberger, S., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2009). Sex differences in motor performance and motor learning:  Age and experience make the difference. Behavioural Brain Research, 198, 165-171.

    13. Adi-Japha, E., & Klein P. S. (2009). Relationship between parenting quality and cognitive performance of children experiencing varying amounts of childcare. Child Development, 80, 893-906.  

    14. Arzy, S., Adi-Japha, E., & Blanke, O. (2009). The mental time line: an analogue of the mental number line in the mapping of life events. Consciousness and Cognition, 18, 781-785.

    15. Klein, P. S., Adi-Japha, E., & Hakak-Benizri S. (2010). Mathematical thinking of kindergarten boys and girls; similar achievements, different contributing processes. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 73, 233-246.   

    16. Adi-Japha, E., Banbrich-Artzi, J., & Libnawi, A. (2010). Cognitive flexibility in drawings of bilingual children. Child Development, 81, 1356-1366. 

    17. Klein, P. S., Adi-Japha, E., & Rosenthal V. (2010). Maternal teaching behavior and pre-verbal development of children with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, Doi:10.3104/reports.2105.

    18. Dorfberger, S., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2010). Low selectivity in the consolidation of motor memory before adolescence: Reduced susceptibility to interference. Research in teacher training, Gordon academic college of education, 12, 169 – 183. [Hebrew] 

    19. Arzy, S., Arzuan, Y., Adi-Japha, E., Solomon, S., & Blanke, O. (2010). The "intrinsic" system in the human cortex and self-projection: a data driven analysis. NeuroReport, 21, 569–574.   

    20. Adi-Japha, E., Fox, O., & Karni, A. (2011). Atypical acquisition and atypical expression of memory consolidation gains in a motor skill in young female adults with ADHD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 1011-1020

    21. Adi-Japha, E., Strulovich-Schwartz, O., & Julius, M. (2011). Delayed motor skill acquisition in children with language impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 2963-2971.   

    22. Hedenius, M., Persson, J., Tremblay, A., Adi-Japha, E., Veríssimo, J., Dye, C.D., Alm, P., Jennische, M., Tomblin, J. B., & Ullman, M.T. (2011). Grammar predicts procedural learning and consolidation deficits in children with specific language impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 1011-1020.  

    23. Dorfberger, S., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2012). Sequence specific motor performance gains after memory consolidation in children and adolescents. PLoS ONE, 7, e28673.  

    24. Adi-Japha, E., Badeer, R., Dorfberger S., & Karni, A. (2014).  Rapid Motor Memory Stabilization in Childhood. Developmental Science, 17, 424-433.

    25. Fox, O., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2014).  A skipped dose (placebo) of methylphenidate can reduce motor skill acquisition but not retention in adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, 391-396.

    26. Adi-Japha, E., & Abu-Asba, H. (2014). Learning, Forgetting, and Relearning: Skill Learning in Children with Language Impairment (2014). American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 23, 696-707. 

    27. Julius, S. M. & Adi-Japha E. (2015). Learning of a simple grapho-motor task by young children and adults: Similar acquisition but age-dependent retention, Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00225.

    28. Julius, S. M., & Adi-Japha E. (2016). A developmental perspective in learning the mirror-drawing task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 83. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00083.  

    29. Fox, O., Karni, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2016). The consolidation of a motor skill in young adults with ADHD: shorter practice can be better. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 51-52, 135-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2016.01.014

    30. Iluz, R., Adi-Japha, E., & Klein, P (2016). Identifying child-staff ratios that promote peer skills in child care. Early Education and Development, 27, 1077-10985. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2016.1175240  

    31. Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2016) Time for considering constraints on procedural memory consolidation processes: comment on Pan and Rickard (2015) with specific reference to developmental changes. 2016: Psychological Bulletin, 142, 568-571. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000048

    32.  Julius, S. M., Meir, R., Shechter-Nissim, Z., & Adi-Japha E. (2016). Children’s ability to learn a motor skill is related to handwriting and reading proficiency. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 265-272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2016.08.034     

    33. Fox, O., Karni, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2016). The effect of training length on the learning of motor skills in young female adults with ADHD. Movement: Journal of physical education & Sports Sciences, the Academic College at Wingate, 344-376 [Hebrew]

    34. Fox, O., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2017).  Motor memory consolidation processes in young female adults with ADHD may be less susceptible to interference. Neuroscience Letters, 637, 91-95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2016.11.044 

    35. Lifshitz R., Klein, P., & Adi-Japha, E. (2017). Creativity and drawing measures of children in transition from kindergarten to first grade. Derech Efrata: Efrata College, 16. 1-12. [Hebrew]

    36. Shohet, C., Shay, M., Almog-Greenberg, C., & Adi-Japha, E. (2018). Early friendships: does a friend’s presence in daycare promote toddlers’ prosocial behavior toward peers? Journal of Experimental Education. 87(3), 517-529. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2018.1496062  

    37. Adi-Japha, E., Berke, R., Shaya, N., & Julius, M. S. (2019). Different post-training processes in children's and adults' motor skill learning. PLoS ONE, 14 (1), e0210658. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210658

    38. Azaryahu, L., Courey, S. Elkoshi, R. & Adi-Japha, E. (2020). "MusiMath" and “Academic Music”- two music-based intervention programs for fractions learning in fourth grade students. Developmental Science, e12882. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.12882 

    39. Adi-Japha, E & Brestel G. (2020). Motor skill learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder.  Research in Developmental Disabilities, 103, 103671. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103671    

    40. Ganamath, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Karni, A. & Adi-Japha, E. (2020). Too short, too long: a limited range of practice 'doses' is best for retaining grapho-motor skill in children. Learning and Instruction, 69, 101351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2020.101351

    41. Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Ganamath, R., Shalhoub-Awwad, Y., Adi-Japha, E , & Karni, A. (2020). Recitation and listening to nursey rhymes in the familiarization with a literary language in kindergarteners: no kids' stuff. Developmental Psychology, 56(12). 2195-2211. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001124   

    42. Kasirer, A., Adi-Japha, E., & Mashal, N. (2020). Verbal and figural creativity in children with autism spectrum disorder and typical development. Frontiers in Psychology11, 559238.

    43. Blom, E., Berke, R., Shaya, N., & Adi-Japha, E. (2021). Cognitive flexibility in children with Developmental Language Disorder: drawing of nonexistent objects. Journal of Communication Disorders, 106137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106137.  

    44. Hollander, C. & Adi-Japha, E. (2021) Second graders’ intentional verbal and grapho-motor skill learning through repetitions: The effects of socio-educational background factors. Frontiers in Psychology,12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.687207

    45. Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Ganamath, R., Shalhoub-Awwad, Y., Adi-Japha, E*, & Karni, A.* (2022). Long-term benefits after a rhyme-repetition based intervention program for kindergarteners: better reading and spelling in the 1st grade. Developmental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001284

         * Equal contribution    

    46. Ganamath, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Karni, A.* & Adi-Japha, E.* (2022). Practice Schedule and Testing per se Affect Children's Transfer Abilities in a Grapho-Motor Task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 215, 105323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105323

         * Equal contribution 

    47. Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Adi-Japha, E.,* & Karni, A.* (2022). Not for kids: 2nd grade school children require more practice than adults to attain long-term gains in a graphomotor task. Cognitive Development, 64, 101246.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2022.101246

        * Equal contribution    

    48. Azaryahu, L. & Adi-Japha, E. (2020). "MusiMath" Two Music-Based Intervention Programs for Learning Patterns and Symmetry Journal of Experimental Education. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2020.1799316  

    49. Azaryahu, L., Courey, S. Elkoshi, R. & Adi-Japha, E. (June, 2022) "MusiMath" and “Academic Music”- two music-based intervention programs for fractions learning in fourth grade students. ‘Mechkae Veeun BeHinuch Mathematy". In press. [Hebrew] 

    50. Azaryahu, L., Broza, O., Cohen, S., Hershkovitz, S., Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Development of creative thinking patterns via math and music. Thinking Skills and Creativity. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871187122001973?via%3Dihub

    51. Perry, N., Adi-Japha, E., & Spektor-Levy, O. (2023). What a cool classroom! voices of 5-Year-Olds on the design of physical learning environments. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 63, 370-385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.01.003

    52. Isaacson, A. Assis, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Listening’ to Paintings: Synergetic Effect of a Cross-Modal Experience on Subjective Perception. Empirical Studies of the Arts. 02762374231155742. https://doi.org/10.1177/02762374231155742

    53. Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Karni, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Dot-to-dot practice enhances Children's handwriting: The advantage of a multi-session training protocol. Learning and Instruction, 86, 101756.‏ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2023.101756

    54. Ghanamah, R & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). The Effect of Practice Schedules on the Acquisition and Retention of a Graphomotor Skill in Young-Adults. Journal of Experimental Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2023.2276920

    55. Cohen, S., Azaryahu, L., Broza, O., Hershkovitz, S., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023) The Contribution of Technology to Understanding Shared Phenomena in Math and Music‏. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 30 (4), 265-270. https://doi.org/10.1564/tme_v30.4.9

    56. Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., & Adi-Japha, E. (2024). The differential association of COVID-19 remote digital instruction period with second-grade students' graphomotor, handwriting, visual, and sequential memory skills. Learning and Instruction 91, 101898. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2024.101898

    57. Azaryahu, L., Broza, O., Cohen, S., Hershkovitz, S., Adi-Japha, E. (2024). Development of Creative Thinking via Fractions and Rhythm.‏ Thinking Skills and Creativity, 101514. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2024.101514


    Chapters in Books                                                                                                              

    1.    Adi-Japha, E. (2003). The development of writing and drawing as two separate systems. In P. Klein & D. Givon (Eds.), open windows. Tel-Aviv, Israel: Ramot, Tel-Aviv University Press [in Hebrew].

    2.   Freeman, N. H., & Adi-Japha, E. (2008). Pictorial intention, action and interpretation. In A. Vinter & C. Lang-Kutner (Eds.) Drawing and Non-Verbal Intelligence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp.104-120.

    3.   Schiff, R., & Adi-Japha, E. (2008). Teaching reading and writing. In P. S. Klien & Yablon B. Y. (Eds.) From research to practice in early childhood education. Jerusalem: The Israeli Academy of Science and Humanities, pp.155-176 [in Hebrew].

    4. Adi-Japha, E., Ferman, S., Dorfberger, S., & Karni, A. (2011). Skill acquisition and the formation of long term memory in children and in adults: Is the process more effective in children? In O. Korat & D. Aram (Eds.) Literacy and language: relations, bilingualism and difficulties, p. 109-125. Jerusalem: Magnes, the Hebrew University press [in Hebrew].

    5. Adi-Japha, E. The assessment of skill learning in African children (2013). In M. Boivin and B. Giordani (Eds.) Neuropsychology of children in Africa: perspectives on risk and resilience, p. 215-234. New York: Springer.

    6. Adi-Japha, E. (2013). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, language impairment and developmental coordination disorder, why a high comorbidity exists between these developmental disorders? In P. Klein and D. Givon (Eds.) Attention and concentration skills in early childhood: An interdisciplinary perspective. Tel Aviv: Reches Academy [Hebrew].  

    7. Noam Yadlin & Adi-Japha E. (2021). Intervention program for enhancing mixed-emotion understanding and adjustment to a new preschool. In O. Korat and D. Givon (Eds.). Corona days: young children in a period of crisis. Tel Aviv: Reches Academy [Hebrew].   

    8. Ghanamah, R., Julius, M, S., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Handwriting and Motor Skill Learning. In Y. Ye., Tomohiro, I., U. Maurer., C. McBride (Eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and Spelling: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge International Handbooks Series


    Non Refereed Publications

    1. Adi-Japha E (2022). Reforms and changes in education systems from birth to six. A policy paper.  The chief scientist, Ministry of Education, Israel (64 pp). https://meyda.education.gov.il/files/LishcatMadaan/SkirotSifrut/early-childhood-policy.pdf

    עדי-יפה, א. ( 2022). מסמך תשתית למדיניות בנושא רפורמות ושינויים במערכות חינוך בגילי לידה עד שש. משרד

    החינוך, לשכת המדענית הראשית

    2. Shohet C. Givon D., & Adi-Japha, E. (2021). Developmentally appropriate education and care guidelines: Values, principles, and practices for daycare staff. (The Israeli National Curriculum, 0-50 month). Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services (328 pp).

    שוחט, צ. גבעון ד. ועדי יפה, א. (2021). תכנית חינוכית התפתחותית לגיל הרך: ערכים, עקרונות, וקווים מנחים לצוותים משרד העבודה, הרווחה והשירותים החברתיים וג׳וינט-אשלים






    ·Azaryahu, L., Broza, O., Cohen, S., Hershkovitz, S., Adi-Japha, E. (2024). Development of Creative Thinking via Fractions and Rhythm.‏ Thinking Skills and Creativity, 101514. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2024.101514

    ·Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., & Adi-Japha, E. (2024). The differential association of COVID-19 remote digital instruction period with second-grade students' graphomotor, handwriting, visual, and sequential memory skills. Learning and Instruction 91, 101898. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2024.101898

    ·Cohen, S., Azaryahu, L., Broza, O., Hershkovitz, S., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023) The Contribution of Technology to Understanding Shared Phenomena in Math and Music‏. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 30 (4), 265-270. https://doi.org/10.1564/tme_v30.4.9

    ·Ghanamah, R & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). The Effect of Practice Schedules on the Acquisition and Retention of a Graphomotor Skill in Young-Adults. Journal of Experimental Education, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2023.2276920

    ·Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Karni, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Dot-to-dot practice enhances Children's handwriting: The advantage of a multi-session training protocol. Learning and Instruction, 86, 101756.‏ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2023.101756

    ·Isaacson, A. Assis, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Listening’ to Paintings: Synergetic Effect of a Cross-Modal Experience on Subjective Perception. Empirical Studies of the Arts. 02762374231155742. https://doi.org/10.1177/02762374231155742

    ·Perry, N., Adi-Japha, E., & Spektor-Levy, O. (2023). What a cool classroom! voices of 5-Year-Olds on the design of physical learning environments. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 63, 370-385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.01.003

    ·Azaryahu, L., Broza, O., Cohen, S., Hershkovitz, S., Adi-Japha, E. (2022). Development of creative thinking patterns via math and music. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 47, 101196. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871187122001973?via%3Dihub

    ·Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Adi-Japha, E.,* & Karni, A.* (2022). Not for kids: 2nd grade school children require more practice than adults to attain long-term gains in a graphomotor task. Cognitive Development, 64, 101246.‏       https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2022.101246     * Equal contribution

    ·Ganamath, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Karni, A.* & Adi-Japha, E.* (2022). Practice Schedule and Testing per se Affect Children's Transfer Abilities in a Grapho-Motor Task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychologyhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105323  * Equal contribution         

    ·Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Ganamath, R., Shalhoub-Awwad, Y., Adi-Japha, E*, & Karni, A.* (2021). Long-term benefits after a rhyme-repetition based intervention program for kindergarteners: better reading and spelling in the 1st grade. Developmental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001284  * Equal contribution

    ·Hollander, C. & Adi-Japh, E. (2021). Second Graders’ Grapho-Motor Skill Learning and Intentional Verbal Learning Through Repetitions: The Effects of Socio-Educational Background Factors. Frontiers in Psychology, 4250. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.687207

    ·Blom, E., Berke, R., Shaya, N., & Adi-Japha, E. (2021). Cognitive flexibility in children with Developmental Language Disorder: drawing of nonexistent objects. Journal of Communication Disorders, 106137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2021.106137.  

    ·Azaryahu, L., Courey, S. Elkoshi, R. & Adi-Japha, E. (in press) "MusiMath" and “Academic Music”- two music-based intervention programs for fractions learning in fourth grade students. ‘Mechkar veeyun bachinuch hmathemathie’. [Hebrew]

    ·Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Ghanamah, R., Shalhoub-Awwad, Y., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2020). Recitation and listening to nursery rhymes in the familiarization with a literacy language in kindergarteners: Not kids’ stuff. Developmental Psychology, 56(12), 2195–2211. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001124

    ·Kasirer, A., Adi-Japha, E., & Mashal, N. (2020). Verbal and Figural Creativity in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development. Frontiers in psychology11, 559238. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.559238

    ·Azaryahu, L. & Adi-Japha, E. (2020). "MusiMath" Two Music-Based Intervention Programs for Learning Patterns and Symmetry Journal of Experimental Education. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2020.1799316

    ·Ganamath, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Karni, A. & Adi-Japha, E (2020). Too short, too long: a limited range of practice 'doses' is best for retaining grapho-motor skill in children. Learning and Instruction, 69, 101351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2020.101351

    ·Adi-Japha, E & Brestel G. (2020). Motor skill learning with impaired transfer by children with
    developmental coordination disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 103, 103671. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103671

    ·Azaryahu, L., Courey, S. Elkoshi, R. & Adi-Japha, E (2019).  "MusiMath" and “Academic Music”- two music-based intervention programs for fractions learning in fourth grade students. Developmental Science, e12882. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/desc.12882

    ·Adi-Japha, E., Berke, R., Shaya, N., & Julius, M. S. (2019). Different post-training processes in children's and adults' motor skill learning. PLOS ONE, 14(1), e0210658. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210658

    ·Shohet, C., Shay, M., Almog-Greenberg, C., & Adi-Japha, E. (2019). Early Friendships: Does a Friend’s Presence in Daycare Promote Toddlers’ Prosocial Behavior toward Peers? The Journal of Experimental Education 87 (3), 517-529.   https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2018.1496062

    ·Fox, O., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2017).  Motor memory consolidation processes in young female adults with ADHD may be less susceptible to interference. Neuroscience Letters, 637, 91-95.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2016.11.044  

    ·Julius, M. S., Meir, R., Shechter-Nissim, Z., & Adi-Japha, E. (2016). Children's ability to learn a motor skill is related to handwriting and reading proficiency. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 265-272.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2016.08.034

    ·Iluz, R., Adi-Japha, E., & Klein, P (2016). Identifying child-staff ratios that promote peer skills in child care. Early Education and Development, 27, 1077-1098.  http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10409289.2016.1175240

    ·Julius, S. M., & Adi-Japha E. (2016) A Developmental Perspective in Learning the Mirror-Drawing Task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 83. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00083. http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnhum.2016.00083/full

    ·Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2016). Time for considering constraints on procedural memory consolidation processes: comment on Pan and Rickard (2015) with specific reference to developmental changes. Psychological Bulletin, 142, 568-571.

    ·Fox, O., Karni, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2016). The consolidation of a motor skill in young adults with ADHD: shorter practice can be better. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 51-52, 135-144. 

    ·Julius, M. & Adi-Japha E. (2015). Learning of a simple grapho-motor task by young children and adults: Similar acquisition but age-dependent retention, Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 225. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00225; http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00225/abstract

    ·Adi-Japha, E., & Abu-Asba, H. (2014). Learning, Forgetting, and Relearning: Skill Learning in Children with Language Impairment. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 23, 696-707. 

    ·Adi-Japha, E., Badeer, R., Dorfberger S., & Karni, A. (2014). Rapid Motor Memory Stabilization in Childhood. Developmental Science, 17, 424-433. 

    ·Fox, O., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2014). The effect of a skipped dose (placebo)
    of methylphenidate on the learning and retention of a motor skill in adolescents
    with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology,  24, 391-396.

    ·Dorfberger, S., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2012). Sequence specific motor performance gains after memory consolidation in children and adolescents. PloS ONE 7(1): e28673. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0028673

    ·Hedenius, M., Persson, J., Tremblay, A., Adi-Japha,  E., Veríssimo, J., Dye, C.D., Alm, P.,  Jennische, M ., Tomblin, J.B., & Ullman, M.T. (2011). Grammar predicts procedural learning and consolidation deficits in children with specific language impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 2362-2375.

    ·Adi-Japha, E., Strulovich-Schwartz, O., & Julius, M. (2011). Delayed motor skill acquisition in children with language impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 2963-2971.

    ·Adi-Japha, E., Fox, O., & Karni, A. (2011). Atypical acquisition and atypical expression of memory consolidation gains in a motor skill in young female adults with ADHD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 1011-1020.

    ·Arzy, S., Arzuan, Y., Adi-Japha, E., Solomon, S., & Blanke, O. (2010). The "intrinsic" system in the human cortex and self-projection: a data driven analysis. NeuroReport, 21, 569–574.

    ·Adi-Japha, E., Banbrich-Artzi, J., & Libnawi, A. (2010). Cognitive flexibility in drawings of bilingual children. Child Development81, 1356-1366.

    ·Klein, P. S., Adi-Japha, E., & Rosenthal V. (2010). Maternal teaching behavior and pre-verbal development of children with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, Doi:10.3104/reports.2105.

    ·Klein, P. S., Adi-Japha, E., & Hakak-Benizri S. (2010). Mathematical thinking of kindergarten boys and girls; similar achievements, different contributing processes. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 73, 233-246.

    ·Arzy, S., Adi-Japha, E., & Blanke, O. (2009). The mental time line: an analogue of the mental number line in the mapping of life events. Consciousness and Cognition, 18, 781-785.

    ·Adi-Japha, E., & Klein P. S. (2009). Relationship between parenting quality and cognitive performance of children experiencing varying amounts of childcare. Child Development, 80, 893-906.

    ·Dorfberger, S., Adi-Japha, E., & Karni, A. (2009). Sex differences in motor performance and motor learning:  Age and experience make the difference. Behavioural Brain Research, 198, 165-171.

    ·Ben Pazi, H., Lossos, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2009). Primary and secondary writing disorders in children, Harefuah, 148, 515-519 [in Hebrew].

    ·Stern, Y., Neufeld, M. Y., Kipervasser, S., Zilberstain, A., Fried, I., Teicher, M., & Adi-Japha, E. (2009). Source localization of temporal lobe epilepsy using PCA-LORETA analysis on ictal EEG recordings. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 26, 109-116.

    ·Adi-Japha, E., Karni, A., Parnes, A., Loewenschuss, I., & Vakil, E. (2008). A shift in task routines during the learning of a motor skill: group averaged data may mask critical phases in the individuals' acquisition of skilled performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 34, 1544-1551.

    ·Meiran, N., Kessler, Y., & Adi-Japha, E. (2008). Control by action representation and input selection (CARIS): a framework for task switching involving speeded perceptual classification. Psychological Research, 72, 473-500.

    ·Dorfberger, S., Adi-japha, E., & Karni, A. (2007). Reduced susceptibility to interference in the consolidation of motor memory before adolescence, Plos ONE, 2(2): e240. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0000240

    ·Adi-Japha, E., Landau, Y., Frenkel, L., Teicher, M., Gross-Tzur, V., & Shalev, R. S. (2007). ADHD and Dysgraphia: Underlying mechanisms. Cortex, 43, 700-709.

    ·Adi-Japha, E. & Freeman, N. H. (2001). Development of differentiation between writing and drawing systems. Developmental Psychology, 37, 101-114.

    ·Adi-Japha, E. & Freeman, N. H. (2000). Regulation and division of labor between cognitive systems controlling action. Cognition, 76, 1-11.

    ·Adi-Japha, E., levin, I., & Solomon, S. (1998). Emergence of representation in drawing: the relation between kinematic and referential aspects. Cognitive Development, 13, 25-51.

    ·Adi, E. & Solomon, S. (1994). The solution to Wheeler-DeWitt is eight. Phys. Lett. B 336, 152-156.

    ·Adi, E., Hasenbusch, M., Marcu, M., Pazzy, E., Pinn, K., & Solomon, S. (1994). Monte Carlo simulation of 2D quantum Gravity as open dynamically triangulate random surfaces. Phys. Lett. B, 320, 227-233.


    Book chapters

    ·Ghanamah, R., Julius, M, S., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Handwriting and Motor Skill Learning. In Y. Ye., Tomohiro, I., U. Maurer., C. McBride (Eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and Spelling: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge International Handbooks Series

    ·Noam Yadlin & Adi-Japha E. (2021). Intervention program for enhancing mixed-emotion understanding and adjustment to a new preschool. In O. Korat and D. Givon (Eds.). Corona days: young children in a period of crisis. Tel Aviv: Reches Academy [in Hebrew].   

    ·E. Adi-Japha (2013). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, language impairment and developmental coordination disorder, why a high comorbidity exists between these developmental disorders? In P. Klein and D. Givon (Eds.) Attention and concentration skills in early childhood: An interdisciplinary perspective. Tel Aviv: Reches Academy [Hebrew].

    ·E. Adi-Japha (2013). The assessment of skill learning in African children  In M. Boivin and B. Giordani (Eds.) Neuropsychology of children in Africa: perspectives on risk and resilience, p. 215-243. New York: Springer.

    ·E. Adi-Japha, S. Ferman, S. Dorfberger, & A. Karni (2011). Skill acquisition and the formation of long term memory in children and in adults: Is the process more effective in children? In O. Korat & D. Aram (Eds.) Literacy and language: relations, bilingualism and difficulties, p. 109-125. Jerusalem: Magnes, the Hebrew University Press [Hebrew].

    ·N. H. Freeman & E. Adi-Japha (2008). Pictorial intention, action and interpretation. In A. Vinter & C. Lang-Kutner (Eds.) Drawing and Non-Verbal Intelligence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp.104-120.

    ·R. Schiff & E. Adi-Japha (2008). Teaching reading and writing. In P. S. Klien & Yablon B. Y. (Eds.) From research to practice in early childhood education. Jerusalem: The Israeli Academy of Science and Humanities [Hebrew].

    ·E. Adi-Japha (2003). The development of writing and drawing as two separate systems. In P. Klein & D. Givon (Eds.), open windows. Tel-Aviv, Israel: Ramot, Tel-Aviv University Press [Hebrew].


    Non Refereed Publications

    1. Adi-Japha E (2022). Reforms and changes in education systems from birth to six. A policy paper.  The chief scientist, Ministry of Education, Israel (64 pp). https://meyda.education.gov.il/files/LishcatMadaan/SkirotSifrut/early-childhood-policy.pdf

    עדי-יפה, א. ( 2022). מסמך תשתית למדיניות בנושא רפורמות ושינויים במערכות חינוך בגילי לידה עד שש. משרד

    החינוך, לשכת המדענית הראשית

    2. Shohet C. Givon D., & Adi-Japha, E. (2021). Developmentally appropriate education and care guidelines: Values, principles, and practices for daycare staff. (The Israeli National Curriculum, 0-50 month). Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services (328 pp).

    שוחט, צ. גבעון ד. ועדי יפה, א. (2021). תכנית חינוכית התפתחותית לגיל הרך: ערכים, עקרונות, וקווים מנחים לצוותים משרד העבודה, הרווחה והשירותים החברתיים וג׳וינט-אשלים





    קרנות מחקר

    Ministry of Education

    Evaluation of a Diploma course for daycare caregivers

    PI: Prof. Yair Ziv and Prof. Esther Adi-Japha


    National Insurance Research Funds

    Early Childhood Allowances and Academic Achievements: The Impact of Allowance Cut in 2003 on Meitzav Test Scores.

    PI: Esther Adi-Japha


    Ministry of Education

    Assessment of the instability in early childhood education settings due to the Corona epidemic: Implications for education staff, parents, and children.

    PI: Dr. Anat Moed and Prof. Esther Adi-Japha


    Bar-Ilan grant for interdisciplinary research

    The contribution of musical training to the engineering students specializing in integrated nanoscales circuits.

    PI: Prof. Esther Adi-Japha


    Bar-Ilan Dangoor Centre for Personalized Medicine

    Sad but happy in corona times: The investigation of a mixed emotion  intervention in preschool children

    PI: Prof. Esther Adi-Japha


    University of Nebraska at Omaha, University Committee for Research and Creative Activities (UCRCA), faculty grant

    Motor skill learning across toddlers with differing language skills

    PI: Prof. Shari DeVeney (University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA). Co-PI: Dr. Mona S. Julius (Levinsky College), Prof. Esther Adi-Japha (BIU).


    The MOFET Institute

    Motor Skill Learning across Toddlers with Differing Language Skills

    PI: Dr. Mona S. Julius (Levinsky College), Co-PI: Prof. Esther Adi-Japha (BIU), Prof. Shari DeVeney (University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA)  

    (Submitted through Levinsky College)


    Schnitzer Foundation, Bar-Ilan University

    Organization of the 7th yearly conference of the Israeli universities’ early childhood education programs, Bar-Ilan University.

    PI: Prof. Esther Adi-Japha


    Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services

    Writing the National Early Childhood Education Curriculum

    PI: Prof. Esther Adi-Japha


    Israel Science Foundation (ISF): Workshop.

    Procedural and declarative memory, language acquisition, and cognitive processes: developmental trajectories and impairments in monolingual and bilingual children

    PIs: Prof. Esther Adi-Japha, Prof. Sharon Armon Lotem, Dr. Carmit Altman, Prof. Joel Walters (Submitted through BIU)


    Schnitzer Foundation, Bar-Ilan University

    Organization of the 3rd yearly conference of the Israeli universities’ early childhood education programs, Bar-Ilan University.

    PI: Prof. Esther Adi-Japha


    Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

    Skill acquisition in kindergarten children compared to second grade students and adults

    PI: Dr. Esther Adi-Japha


    Rector's grant (for 2011, Very-Good ISF)


    Rector's grant (for 2010, Very-Good ISF)


    Ministry of Education

    The relation between kindergarten visou-motor skill acquisition and first grade achievements in reading, math, and writing

    PI: Dr. Esther Adi-Japha


    Ministry of Science, Israel

    Working paper: characterizing and diagnosing children with handwriting difficulties.

    PI: Dr. Esther Adi-Japha 

    (Submitted with Prof. Avi Karni, Haifa U. and Dr. Hilla Ben Pazi, Shaare Tzedek Medical Center, as researchers)


    The Gonda Center for Brain Research, Bar-Ilan University.

    Time domain source localization based on EEG recordings in Epilepsy

    PIs: Dr. Esther Adi-Japha & Prof. Miriam Neufeld (Sourasky Medical Center) (Submitted through BIU)


    Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital, Israel

    ADHD and Dysgraphia

    PIs: Prof Ruth Shalev & Dr. Esther Adi-Japha


    The Hebrew University (UK friends) Post-Doctoral Fellowship.


    Zvi Shindel Prize on Excelling Thesis (Hebrew University).


    Julius Goodman Memorial Prize in Theoretical Physics (Caltech).


    תחומי התמחות


    התפתחות קוגניטיבית, למידה פרוצדורלית בילדים, ציורי ילדים והתפתחות הכתיבה, השפעת הגן/המעון על התפתחות הילד.

    קישור לאתר מעבדה של ד"ר אסתר עדי-יפה:


    כתבות בעיתונות


    שאני אכתוב ביד?! - המחיר של עידן המקלדת ynet



    מישהוא מטפל בילדים במעונות היום?   הארץ




    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 28/07/2024