- Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (in press). Prompting reflections for integrating self-regulation into teacher technology education. Teacher College Records.
- Kramarski, B & Fridman, S.(2014). Solicited versus unsolicited metacognitive prompts for fostering mathematical problem-solving using multimedia. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50(3),
- Tzohar-Rozen, M, & Kramarski, B. (2014). Metacognition, motivation and emotions: Contribution of self-regulated learning to solving mathematical problems. Global Education Review. , 1 (4). 76-95.
- Kramarski, B., Weiss, I., & Sharon, S. (2013). Generic versus context-specific prompts for supporting self-regulation in mathematical problem solving among students with low or high prior knowledge, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 12,2, 197- 214.
- Tzohar-Rozen, M, & Kramarski, B. (2013). How can an affective self-regulation program promote mathematical literacy in young students? Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 10, 211-234.
- Kramarski, B., Desoete, A., Bannert, M.,Narciss, S., & Perry, N. (2013). New perspectives on integrating self-regulated learning at school (special issue). Education Research International, Editorial paper, Article ID 498214, 1- 4.
- Iluz, S., Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (2012). Developing and assessing the life challenges teacher Inventory for teachers' professional growth. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 38. 44-54.
- Kohen, Z. & Kramarski, B. (2012). Developing Self-Regulation by using reflective support in a video-digital microteaching environment. Journal for Education Research International, 10 pages, doi: 10.1155/2012/105246
- Kohen, Z, & Kramarski, B. (2012). Developing a TPCK-SRL assessment scheme for conceptually advancing technology in education. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 38, 1-8.
- Biberman-Shalev, L., Sabbagh, C., Resh, N., & Kramarski, B. (2011). Teachers' preferences for distributing grades: Does disciplinary expertise matter? Teaching and Teacher education, 27, 831-840.
- Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2010). Preparing preservice teachers for self-regulated learning in the context of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Learning and Instruction, 20, 434-447.
- Kramarski. B., Weiss. I., & Kololshi-Minsker. (2010). How can self- regulated learning (SRL) support problem solving of third-grade students with mathematics anxiety? ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 42(2), 179-193.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2009a). Investigating pre-service teachers' professional growth in self-regulated learning environments. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101 (1), 161-175.
- Kramarski, B., & Dudai V. (2009). Group-metacognitive support for online inquiry in mathematics with differential self-questioning. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 40 (4), 365-392.
- Kramarski, B., & Revach, T. (2009). The challenge of self-regulated learning in mathematics teachers' professional training. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 72 (3), 379-399.
- Cohen, E. H., Kramarski, B. & Mevarech, Z. R. (2009). Classroom practices and students’ literacy in a high and low achieving country: A comparative analysis of PISA data from Finland and Israel. Educational Practice and Theory, 31(1), 19-37.
- Kramarski. B. (2009). Developing a pedagogical problem solving view among mathematics teachers with two reflection programs. International Electronic Journal of Elemantary Education , 2(1): IEJEE, Special Issue: Metacognition,138-153.
- Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2009b). Three metacognitive approaches to training pre-service teachers in different learning phases of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Special issue of Educational Research and Evaluation An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 15 (5), 465-490.
- Michalsky, T. & Kramarski, B. (2009). Shaping self-regulation in teachers' professional development in the context of higher-order thinking. ISF.
- Michalsky, T. & Kramarski, B. (2008). Effects of e-learning on self-regulation and perceptions of learning and teaching of pre-service teachers. Megamot, 4, 660-685 (Hebrew).
- Kramarski, B. (2008). Promoting teachers’ algebraic reasoning and self-regulation with metacognitive guidance. Metacognition and Learning, 3, 2, 83-99.
- Kramarski, B. & Zoldan, S. (2008). Using errors as springboards for enhancing mathematical reasoning with three metacognitive approaches. The Journal of Educational Research, 102 (2), 137-151.
- Kramarski, B. & Weiss, I. (2007). Investigating preschoolers’ mathematical engagement in a multimedia collaborative environment. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology (JCEP), Issue 6(3), 411-432.
- Resh, N. & Kramarski, B. (2007). Teachers’ beliefs and pedagogical practice: Do they fit requirements as implied by the PISA’s model for teaching literacy? Educational Practice and Theory, 29(2), 27-48.
- Kramarski, B. & Mizrachi, N. (2006). Online discussion and self-regulated learning: effects of four instructional methods on mathematical literacy. The Journal of Educational Research, 99(4), 218-230.
- Weiss, I., Kramarski, B., & Talis, S. (2006). Effects of multimedia environment on kindergarten children’s mathematical achievements and style of learning. Educational Media International, 43(1), 3-17.
- Kramarski, B. & Gutman, M. (2006). How can self-regulated learning be supported in mathematical e-learning environments? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22, 24-33.
- Kramarski, B. & Mizrachi, N. (2006). Online interactions in mathematical classroom. Educational Media International, 43(1), 43-50.
- Kramarski, B. (2004). Making sense of graphs: Does metacognitive instruction make a difference on students’ mathematical conceptions and alternative conceptions. Learning and Instruction, 14, 593-619.
- Kramarski, B. & Hirsch, C. (2003). Using computer algebra systems in mathematical classrooms. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19, 35-45.
- Kramarski, B. & Mevarech, Z. R. (2003). Enhancing mathematical reasoning in the classroom: Effects of cooperative learning and metacognitive training. American Educational Research Journal, 40(1), 281-310.
- Kramarski, B. & Court, D. (2003). Professional development of pre-service teacher training faculty through learning about research. Curriculum and Teaching, 18(2), 89-102.
- Kramarski, B. & Hirsch, C. (2003). Effects of computer algebra system with metacognitive training on mathematical reasoning. Educational Media International, 40(3/4), 249-259.
- Mevarech, Z. R. & Kramarski, B. (2003). The effects of metacognitive training vs. worked-out examples on students' mathematical reasoning. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 73, 449-471.
- Kramarski, B. & Ritkof, R. (2002). The effects of metacognition and email conversation on learning graphing. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18, 33-43.
- Kramarski, B. (2002a). Enhancing mathematical discourse: The effects of email conversation. Educational Media International, 39(1), 101-106.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., & Arami, M. (2002). The effects of metacognitive training on solving mathematical authentic tasks. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 49, 225-250.
- Kramarski, B. (2002b). The effects of metacognitive training on gender differences in mathematics. Journal of Educational Practice and Theory, 24(1), 93-104.
- Court, D. & Kramarski, B. (2002). Teacher educators' views on the relationship between research and teaching. Educational Practice and Theory, 24(2), 63-73.
- Fund, Z., Court, D., & Kramarski, B. (2002). An evaluative tool to assess reflection in a teacher-training course. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 27(6), 485-499.
- Kramarski, B. & Zeichner, O. (2001). Using technology to enhance mathematical reasoning: Effects of feedback and self-regulation learning. Educational Media International, 38(2/3), 77-82.
- Kramarski, B. Mevarech, Z. R., & Liberman, A. (2001). The effects of multilevel-versus unilevel-metacognitive training on mathematical reasoning. The Journal of Educational Research, 94(5), 292-300.
- Kramarski, B. (2000). Metacognition and the ability to solve problems presented in concrete and abstract contexts. Megamot, 4, 660-685 (Hebrew).
- Kramarski, B. & Feldman, Y. (2000). Internet in the classroom: Effects on reading comprehension, motivation and metacognitive awareness. Educational Media International, 37(3), 149-155.
- Kramarski, B. (1999). Is easier better? - The study of graphs by computers. Educational Media International, 36(3), 203-209.
- Kramarski, B. & Mevarech, Z. R. (1997). Cognitive - metacognitive training within a problem solving based Logo environment. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 67, 425-445.
- Mevarech, Z. R. & Kramarski, B. (1997a). IMPROVE: A multidimensional method for teaching mathematics in heterogeneous classrooms. American Educational Research Journal, 34(2), 365-395.
- Mevarech, Z. R. & Kramarski, B. (1997b). From verbal description to graphic representations: Stability and change in student's alternative conceptions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 32, 229-263.
- Mevarech, Z. R. & Kramarski, B. (1993). Vygotsky and Papert: Social-cognitive interactions with Logo environments. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 63, 96-109.
- Mevarech, Z. R. & Kramarski, B. (1992). How and how much can cooperative Logo environments enhance creativity and social relationships? Learning and Instruction, 2, 259-274.
1. Mevarech, Z.R., & Kramarski, B. (2014). Critical maths for innovative societies: The role of
metacognitive pedagogies. OECD publisher, Paris.
- Kramarski, B., Michalsky, T. (in press). Effects of a TPCK-SRL model on teachers' pedagogical beliefs, self-efficacy and technology-based lesson design. In C. Angelie, & N. Valanides (Eds). Understanding Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). Springer Publisher.
- Kohen, Z., & Kramarski, B. (in press). Promoting mathematics teachers' metacognition. In J. Dori, z. Mevarech & D, Baker (Eds.). Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education. Springer Publisher.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2013). Student and teacher perspectives on IMPROVE self-regulation prompts in web-based learning. In R. Azevedo, & V. Aleven, (Eds). International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies. Springer Publisher (pp. 35-51).
- Kramarski, B. (2012). Stimulating self-regulated learning in hypermedia to support mathematical literacy of low achieving students. In A. Shamir, & O. Korat (Eds). Technology as a Support for Literacy Achievements for Children at Risk. Springer Publisher (pp. 157-169). Springer Publisher.
- Kramarski, B. (2012). Overview on self-regulated learning in online mathematical problem-solving discussion forums. In Z. Yan (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior (pp.1145-1155). IGI Global publisher.
- Kramarski, B. & Revach T. (2011). The role of self-regulated learning in professional development of mathematics elementary teacher. In N. Bednarz, D. Fiorentini & R. Huang, (Eds). The Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers: Experiences and Approaches Development in Different Countries. (pp. 182-193). Ottawa University Press.
- Kramarski, B. (2011). Developing and assessing self-regulation through sharing feedback in online mathematical problem solving. In G. Dettori, & D. Persico (Eds.), Fostering self-regulated learning through ICTs (pp. 232-247). Hershey: IGI Global.
- Cohen, A., Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. (2009). Self-Regulation in Learning Questionnaire among the Israeli examinees of the program for international student assessment (PISA). In A. Cohen (Ed.), Facet theory and scaling: In search of structure in social and behavioral science research. Jerusalem: FTA.
- Kramarski, B (2009). Metacognitive feedback in online mathematical discussion. In R. Subramaniam & T., W. Leo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges. Information Science Reference, Hershey, USA. (pp. 794-805).
- Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2008). Preparing pre-service teachers for professional education within a metacognitive computer-based learning environment. In Schwartz, N., Zumbach. J., Seufert. T., Kester. L., (Eds.), Beyond Knowledge: the Legacy of Competence Meaningful Computer-based Learning Environments. (pp. 93-101). Springer Publisher.
61. Kramarski, B. (2008). Self-regulation in mathematical e-learning: Effects of metacognitive feedback on transfer tasks and self-efficacy. In A. R. Lipshitz & S. P. Parsons (Eds.), E-Learning: 21st Century Issues and Challenges. (pp. 83-96). Nova Science Publisher N.Y.
62. Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2004). Ways for new models in mathematics education: Effects of metacognitive training and cooperative learning on mathematical communication. In J. Wang (Ed.), New Trends of Math Education. East China: Normal University Press.
- Kramarski, B. & Liberman, A. (2003). Using electronic mail communication and metacognitive instruction to improve mathematical problem solving. In G. Marshall and Y. Katz (Eds.), Learning in School, Home and Community: ICT for Early and Elementary Education (pp.21-30). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
64. Kramarski, B. (1999). Mathematics as a Communicative Language: Definitions, Implications and Evaluations. In J. Green (Ed.), Collection of Papers in the Theme of Evaluation and Education, Dedicated to the Memory of Shoshana Lasker, 135-145 (Hebrew).
65. Kramarski, B., Liberman, A. & Mevarech, Z.R. (1999). Authentic Assessment of Mathematical Task Performance. In J. Green (Ed.), Collection of Papers in the Theme of Evaluation and Education, Dedicated to the Memory of Shoshana Lasker, 102-112 (Hebrew).
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2008, June). Complementary perspective for the evaluation of student-teachers' pedagogical SRL in metacognitive hypermedia environment. Paper presented at the Third Workshop on Meta-Cognition and Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies, ITS. McGill University, Montreal.
- Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2013, February). Net-work, communication, and
self –regulation: Enhancing teacher professionalism through supportive interaction. Paper presented
at the Workshop on Technology support for reflecting on experiences and sharing them across
learning contexts, Alpine Rendez-Vous. France. Special invitation with travel funding
- Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2011, November). Agenda international TPACK
workshop, Tubingen University, Germany. Special invitation with travel funding.
- Mevarech .Z & Kramarski, B. (2012). Metacognition and Math Education in
Innovative-Driven Societies: What’s new?. OECD.Paris. Special invitation with travel funding.
- Kramarski, B & Friedman, S. (2014, April). Solicited or unsolicited metacognitive prompts? experimental study on mathematical problem-solving using multimedia. Poster presented at the AERA Conference, Philadelphia, USA. The poster was awarded as the best poster in SSRL SIG.
- Kramarski, B. (2015). Special invitation to contribute a short spotlight (2000 words) to the SSRL SIG newsletter in AERA on my research of supporting pre-service teachers SRL with technology.
- Kramarski, B & Kohen, Z (2015, accepted). Promoting the dual roles of teachers as self-regulated learners and self-regulated teachers. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Symposium conducted at the Six Biennial meeting of the, EARLI special interest group 16, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kramarski, B & Guttman, M, (2014, September). Effects of technology environment simulations on self-regulated learning / teaching — A longitudinal study. Symposium conducted at the Six Biennial meeting of the, EARLI special interest group 16, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2014). Reflecting back or reflecting ahead: Does it matter
for teachers' professional education?. EARLI special interest group 11: Teaching & Teacher
- Education, Germany
- Kramarski, B & Rozen, M.T. (2014, April). How does an emotional self-
regulation program promote mathematical problem solving in young Students? Paper
presented at the AERA Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
- Kramarski, B & Friedman, S. (2014, April). Solicited or unsolicited metacognitive prompts? experimental study on mathematical problem-solving using multimedia. Poster presented at the AERA Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
- Rozen, M.T., & Kramarski, B. (2013, August). Can an affective self-regulation program boost
functioning in mathematical literacy? Symposium conducted at the 15th Biennial EARLI Conference,
Munich, Germany.
- Kramarski, B., & Kohen, Z. (2013, August). Using videotaped teaching practice to promote SRL
of pre-service teachers in their learner / teacher roles. Symposium conducted at the 15th Biennial
EARLI Conference, Munich, Germany.
- Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2013, April). Leveraging teachers' technology pedagogical content
knowledge by using a self-regulated learning program: The TPCK-SRL model. Paper presented at the
AERA Conference, San Francisko, USA.
- Kramarski, B & Friedman, S.. (2011, August). Effects of diverse metacognitive prompts in
mathematical multimedia environment. Symposium conducted at the 14th Biennial Conference, EARLI,
Exter, United Kingdom.
- Kramarski, B & Weisbart, S., (2011, August). Investigating the benefits of stimulating SRL with
- for mathematical students. Symposium conducted at the 14th Biennial Conference, EARLI,
Exter, United Kingdom.
- Kohen, Z., & Kramarski, B. (2011, August). Using reflective support in different focus points for
developing pedagogical self-regulation. Symposium at the 14th Biennial Conference,
EARLI, Exter, United Kingdom.
- Kramarski, B & Friedman, S. (2011, July). Metacognitive discourse and cognitive load as indicated
with two types of prompts in mathematical computer-based learning. International Association for
Cognitive Education and Psychology. (IACEP) Boston, USA.
- Kramarski, B & Weisbart, S. (2011, July). SRL and social benefits as investigated among mathematical
low-achieving students in an online self-directed course. International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology. (IACEP) Boston, USA.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2010, May). Fostering self-regulation phases differentially in pedagogical web-based learning. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Denver, USA.
- Kramarski, B., & Shilo, A. (2010, May). Assessing mathematics teachers' metacognitive professional
development in a mixed-method study. Symposium conducted at the third Biennial meeting of the, EARLI
special interest group 16, Munster, Germany.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2010, May). Teaching and self-regulated learning: Theory, instruction and assessment aspects. Symposium conducted at the third Biennial meeting of the, EARLI special interest
group 16, Munster, Germany.
- Kohen, Z., & Kramarski, B. (2010, May). Assessing preservice teachers' SRL by using reflective support in a microteaching environment. Symposium conducted at the third Biennial meeting of the, EARLI
special interest group 16, Munster, Germany.
- Kohen, Z., & Kramarski, B. (2010, February). Promoting preservice teachers' SRL by using reflective
support in a technology environment. Chais Research Center for the Integration of Technology in
Education .
- Kramarski, B. (2010, November). How can self-regulated learning support mathematical literacy of lower
and higher achievers in forum discussions?. Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation in
Technology as a Support for Literacy Achievements for Children at Risk. Israel.
- Kramarski, B. & Weiss. I. (2009, July). How can different metacognitive support enhance
transfer of mathematical problem solving. Paper presented at ICTMA 14 International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modeling and Applications. Hamburg, Germany.
- Catz, Z., Kramarski, B. (2009, August). Developing pedagogical self regulation by using reflective
support in a video-digital microteaching environment. Paper presented at the 12th JURE Conference, Nederland.
- Kramarski, B. (2009, August). The role of self-regulated learning in professional growth of mathematical elementary teachers. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Amsterdam,
- .
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2009, August). Prompting self-reflection differentiallyin a computer-based learning pedagogical context. Symposium conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Kramarski, B. (2008, February). Supporting online mathematical inquiry learning with metacognitive self-questioning. Paper presented at the fifth International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics and the Education of Gifted Students, Haifa, Israel.
- Kramarski, B., & Dudai, V. (2008 March). Group-metacognitive support in a mathematical forum
discussion with differential self-questioning. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, New York, USA.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2008, May). Effects of online metacognitive engagement on pre-service
teachers' self-regulated learning in pedagogical context. Symposium conducted at the third Biennial meeting of the, EARLI Special Interest Group 16, Ioannina, Greece.
- Kramarski, B., & Weiss, I. (2008, May) Supporting mathematical learning of higher and lower young achievers with self-metacognitive questioning: cognitive and affective factors. Symposium conducted at the third Biennial meeting of the, EARLI special interest group 16, Ioannina, Greece.
- Weiss, I. & Kramarski, B. (2008, May). How can we promote transfer in learning by different types of metacognitive training? Symposium conducted at the third Biennial meeting of the, EARLI special interest group, Ioannina, Greece.
- Catz, Z & Kramarski, B. (2008, July). Enhancing pre-service teachers' pedagogical self-regulated learning with video-digital microteaching environment with differential reflection supports: community, teacher, and student. Paper presented at the 11th JURE Conference, Belgium.
- Kramarski, B., & Revach, T. (2008, July). The role of self-regulated learning in professional growth of mathematical elementary teachers. Paper presented at the 11th International Congress in Mathematical Education, ICME 11, Topic Group 28, Mexico.
- Kramarski, B. (2008, July).Enhancing self-regulated learning in students’ mathematical problem solving and discourses with online collaborative discussion. Paper presented at the 11th International Congress in Mathematical Education, ICME 11, Topic Group 28., 2008, Mexico.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2008, September). Preparing pre-service teachers for professional education within a metacognitive computer-based learning environment. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 6 & 7 learning and instruction with computers in cooperation with SIG 6 Instructional Design, Salzburg, Austria.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech Z. R. (2008, September). How do teachers of reading, science, and math perceive the notion of literacy within PISA framework symposium, towards explaining achievement: findings from international comparative assessment studies, presented at ECER Gutenberg, Sweden.
- Cohen, E. H., Kramarski, B, & Mevarech Z. R. (2008, September). Classroom environment, and students’ literacy: a comparative analysis of PISA data. Symposium, towards explaining achievement: findings from international comparative assessment studies, presented at ECER Gutenberg, Sweden.
- Kramarski, B. (2007, February). Effects of metacognitive guidance on teachers’ mathematical and pedagogical reasoning of real-life tasks. Paper presented at EPISTEME-2, Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, Mumbai, India.
- Kramarski, B. (2007, April). Enhancing teachers’ algebraic reasoning with improve metacognitive guidance. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Kramarski, B. (2007, August – September). Supporting online inquiry based learning in mathematics with metacognitive feedback guidance. Symposium conducted at the 12th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2007, August–September). How can different mentoring styles promote reading and mathematical literacy of mentor students? Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2007, August–September). Preparing pre-service teachers online for self-regulated learning. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.
- Kramarski, B. (2006, July). Teachers’ mathematical knowledge: effects of general vs. specific metacognitive training. Presented at the second meeting of the EARLI SIG on metacognition, Cambridge, UK.
- Kramarski, B. (2006, December). What can be learned from metacognitive guidance in mathematical online discussion? Paper presented at ICMI-17 Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Kramarski, B., Cohen E. H., & Mevarech, Z. R (2006, November). Classroom environment and students’ literacy in high and low achieving countries: a comparative analysis of PISA data from Finland and Israel. Presented at PISA meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kramarski, B. & Zoltan, S. (2005, April). Using errors as springboards for enhancing mathematical reasoning: Effects of three metacognitive approaches. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Montréal, Canada.
- Kramarski, B., & Mizrachi, N. (2005, April). Effects of forum discussion and self-regulated learning on mathematical literacy. Symposium, presented at the AERA Conference, Montréal, Canada.
- Kramarski, B., & Mizrachi, N. (2005, July). Improving mathematical literacy: Effects of forum discussion and metacognitive questioning. Paper presented at the IACEP-10, Durham, UK.
- Kramarski, B. & Zoltan, S. (2005, August). Effects of three metacognitive instructional approaches on conceptual errors of linear function. Symposium, presented at EARLI-11, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Kramarski, B. & Revach, T. (2005, August). Effects of general vs. specific metacognitive training on teachers’ mathematical professional development. Symposium, presented at EARLI-11, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Kramarski, B., & Mizrachi, N. (2005, August). Enhancing mathematical literacy with forum discussion. Symposium, presented at EARCOMER3, Shanghai, China.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2004, April). Mathematical modeling and metacognitive instruction. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, AERA, Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.
- Kramarski, B., & Mizrachi, N. (2004, July). Enhancing mathematical literacy with the use of metacognitive guidance in forum discussion. Paper presented at the PME 28 Conference, Bergen, Norway.
- Kramarski, B., & Resh, N. (2004, July). Pedagogical identity of mathematics, science, and reading teachers: what we learn from the Israel PISA Project? Paper presented at the10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICEM-10, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R (2004, July). Mathematical literacy, modeling, and metacognitive instruction. Paper presented at the PME 28 Conference, Bergen, Norway.
- Kramarski, B., & Mizrachi, N. (2004, June-July). Effects of forum discussion and metacognitive guidance on mathematical literacy based on real-life tasks. Presented at the first meeting of the EARLI SIG on metacognition, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Kramarski, B. (2004, July). Enhancing students’ mathematical literacy on the basis of their teachers’ attitudes. Symposium conducted at the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICEM-10, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Kramarski, B., & Nezer, B. (2004, July). Teachers create mathematical argumentation. Presented at the PME 28 Conference, Bergen, Norway.
- Kramarski, B., & Weiss, I. (2004, October). Effects of multimedia environment on kindergarten children mathematical achievement. Presented at the ICEM-CIME - 11 Conference, Vienna, Austria.
- Kramarski, B., & Mizrachi, N. (2004, October). Online interactions in mathematical classroom. Presented at the ICEM-CIME-11 Conference, Vienna Austria.
- Kramarski, B., & Resh, N. (2004, December). Teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, science, and reading literacy: Lessons from the Israeli PISA project Paper presented at EPISTEME-1, Goa, India.
- Kramarski, B. (2003, February-March). Metacognitive discourse in mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the CERME3: Third Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Bellaria, Italy.
- Kramarski, B. (2003, July). Effects of metacognitive instruction on students’ algebraic thinking. Paper presented at the ICTMA Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
- Kramarski, B. (2003, August). Teaching style and perceptions of grading: what we learn from the Israel PISA project? Symposium conducted at the 10th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Italy.
- Kramarski, B. (2003, August). Making sense of graphs: does metacognitive instruction make a difference on students’ mathematical conceptions and alternative conceptions. Symposium conducted at the 10th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Padova, Italy.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., Tobuch, A., & Sinai, O. (2003, July). Constructing mathematical models under metacognitive instruction. Paper presented at the ICTMA Conference, Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA
- Kramarski, B. (2002, June) (Hebrew). Effects of training in-service mathematics teachers in the “spirit” of the reform on teacher’s believes about learning/teaching mathematics in secondary school. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Teacher Education, Achva College of Education, Israel.
- Kramarski, B. (2002, July).The effects of cooperative-metacognitive instruction on lower and higher achievers’ solutions of mathematical authentic tasks. Paper presented at the CIEAEM 54 Conference, Catalunya, Spain.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2002, August). New reforms in mathematics education: ways for enhancing student's ability to solve authentic tasks. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Reform of Mathematics Curriculum and Education in the 21st Century, Chongqing, China.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., & Liberman, A. (2002, August). Ways for new models in mathematics education: effects of metacognitive training and cooperative learning on mathematical communication. Paper presented at the ICM-2002 Satellite Conference on Mathematics Education, Lhasa, Tibet, China.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. ( 2002, July) (Hebrew). PISA – international students’ assessment for reading, mathematics, and science literacy of Israeli 15 year-olds. Presented at the SCRIPT Conference, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
- Kramarski, B., & Lieberman, A. (2002, June–July). Using electronic mail communication and metacognitive instruction to improve mathematical problem solving. Paper presented at the IFIP-MMU Conference, Manchester, England
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2002, July). Metacognitive discourse in mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the PME26 Conference, Norwich, England.
- Kramarski, B., & Hirsch, C. (2002, October). Effects of computer algebra system (CAS) with metacognitive training on mathematical reasoning. Paper presented at the ICEM-CIME Conference, Granada, Spain.
- Kramarski, B. (2001, October). Enhancing mathematical discourse: the effects of email conversation on learning graphing. Paper presented at the ICEM-CIME Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Kramarski, B., Fund, Z., & Court, D. (2001, August-September). An evaluative tool to assess reflection in teacher-training courses. Paper presented at the Ninth European Conference, EARLI, Freiburg, Switzerland.
- Kramarski, B., & Court, D. (2001, August-September). Professional development through learning about research? An action research project in a university school of education. Paper presented at the Ninth European Conference EARLI, Freiburg, Switzerland.
- Kramarski, B. (2001, August-September). Studying students' mathematical discourse in the classroom enhancing mathematical communication in the classroom: effects of metacognitive training and cooperative learning. Organizer of the symposium at the Ninth European Conference, EARLI, Freiburg, Switzerland.
- Kramarski, B. (2001, August-September). The effects of multilevel and metacognitive training on mathematical problem solving. Symposium: instructional processes in mathematics in relation to student outcomes. Presented at the Ninth European Conference, EARLI, Freiburg, Switzerland.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2001, July) Structuring group interaction in mathematics cooperative classrooms: the effect of metacognitive instruction vs. worked out examples. Paper presented at the PME 24 Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Kramarski, B., & Zeichner, O. (2000, November). Using technology to enhance mathematical reasoning: effects of feedback and self-regulation learning. Paper presented at the ICEM-CIME Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
- Kramarski, B. (2000, July). The effects of different instructional methods on the ability to communicate mathematical reasoning. Paper presented at the PME 24 Conference, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., & Liberman, A. (, 2000, July). Improving mathematical reasoning: the role of multilevel-metacognitive training. Paper presented at the PME 24 Conference, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Kramarski, B., & Liberman, A. (2000, September). Assessing mathematical problem solving with holistic scoring rubrics: effects of metacognitive training. Paper presented at the 1st Biannual Conference of the EARLI Assessment SIG `Assessment 2000’, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Kramarski, B., Fund, Z., & Court, D. (2000, September). An evaluation tool to assess reflection in a teacher-training course. Paper presented at the 1st Biannual Conference of the EARLI Assessment SIG `Assessment 2000’, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- Kramarski, B., & Liberman, A. (2000, October) (Hebrew). Metacognition and mathematical problem solving. Paper presented at the Ayala 2000 Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
- Kramarski, B. (2000, October) (Hebrew). Reducing the gap between boys and girls in mathematical achievement. Paper presented at the Ayala 2000 Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
- Kramarski, B., & Court, D. (2000, October) (Hebrew). Professional development through the building of a research culture: an action research project in a university school of education. Paper presented at the Ayala 2000 Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., & Schwartz, B. (2000, October) (Hebrew). Mathematical discourse in heterogeneous classrooms: who gains and who looses? Symposium conducted at the Ayala 2000 Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
- Kramarski, B. (2000, October) (Hebrew).The effects of metacognitive discourse on the ability to solve mathematical abstract problems vs. concrete problems. Symposium conducted at Ayala 2000 Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
- Kramarski, B. (2000, November). Using technology to enhance mathematical reasoning: effects of feedback and self-regulation learning. Paper presented at the ICEM-CIME 2000 Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., & Liberman, A. (2000, July-August). IMPROVE: Effects of Metacognitive Training and Cooperative Learning on Mathematical Problem Solving. Paper presented at the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICEM-9, Tokyo, Japan.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., & Arami, M. (1999, August).The effects of cooperative learning and metacognitive training on mathematical routine and no-routine problem solving task. Paper presented at the Eighth European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI, Biennial Meeting, Gőteborg, Sweden.
- Kramarski, B. (1999, July). Interaction between knowledge and contexts on ability to solve problems: the role of different learning conditions. Paper presented at the Twenty-third Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME23, Haifa, Israel.
- Kramarski, B., Zeichner, O., & Mevarech, Z. R. (1999, July). Improving students' mathematical thinking: the role of different interactions in a computer environment. Paper presented at the twenty-third Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME23, Haifa, Israel
- Kramarski, B., Glaubman, R., & Ornan, E. (1999, June-July) (Hebrew). Action research in teacher training, a prolonged restructuring process for professional development of teacher trainers. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Teacher Education, Almost 2000: Crises and Challenges in Teacher Education, Beit Berl College, Israel.
- Kramarski, B., & Ornan, E. (1999, June-July) (Hebrew). The mirror language of professional development by the pre-service students. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Teacher Education, Almost 2000: Crises and Challenges in Teacher Education. Beit Berl College, Israel
- Kramarski, B. (1999, June). The effects of alternative teaching methods on mathematical routine and non-routine problem-solving tasks. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of the European Learning Styles Information Network, The University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom.
- Kramarski, B., Mevarech, Z. R., & Liberman, A. (1999, April). The effects of cooperative learning and multilevel-metacognitive training on mathematical reasoning. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, AERA, Annual meeting Montreal, Canada.
- Kramarski, B. (1998, October). Is easier better? - The study of graphs by computers. Paper presented at the ICEM-CIME Conference, Helsinki.
Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (1997) (Hebrew). Reflection on graphical studies with the help of computers – is easier better? Paper presented at the Fourteenth Conference on Computers in Mathematics: Take from the Past and Future Directions "Moach", Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Israel.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (1996) (Hebrew).Development of a meta-cognitive strategy within logo environments. Paper presented at the Thirteenth Conference of Computers in Education "Moach". Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Israel. Kramarski, B., Levy, T., & Mevarech, Z. R. (1996) (Hebrew).Who wins and who loses in alternative learning. Paper presented at the Third Yearly Conference, The Association for the Advancement of Mathematical Education in Israel, Jerusalem.
- Kramarski, B., Levy, T., & Mevarech, Z. R. (1996) (Hebrew). Participation of mathematical teachers in projects: mathematical advertisement and industry. Paper presented at the Third Yearly Conference, The Association for the Advancement of Mathematical Education in Israel, Jerusalem.
- Kramarski, B., & Mevarech Z. R. (1994) (Hebrew). Meta-cognition as a tool for the development of mathematical thinking: within a logo environment. Paper presented at the Eleventh Conference on Computers in Education, "Moach", Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Tel-Aviv.
- KraKramarski, B., & Mevarech Z. R. (1991). Training students in using cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies within logo environments. Paper presented at the Fifth Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI, Finland.
Articles Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (2008). Complementary perspective for the evaluation of student-teachers' pedagogical SRL in metacognitive hypermedia environment. In I. Roll, & V. Aleven (Eds.). Measuring metacognition and self-regulated learning in educational technologies. (ITS). Montreal, Canada. pp. 31-40.
- Kramarski B. (2008). Supporting online mathematical inquiry learning with metacognitive self-questioning. In R. Leikin, (Ed.), Research and promotion of creativity and giftedness in mathematics: What is done and what should be done? Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics and the Education of Gifted Students Haifa University, Mofet and Technion: Haifa, Israel, February 24-28, 145-151.
- Kramarski, B. (2004). Enhancing mathematical literacy with the use of metacognitive guidance, in forum discussion, the effects of different instructional methods on the ability to communicate mathematical reasoning. In
Marit Johnsen Hoines & Anne Berit Fuglestad (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28h Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Bergen University College: Bergen, Norway, 3, 169-177.
- Kramarski, B. (2000). The effects of different instructional methods on the ability to communicate mathematical reasoning. In T. Nakahara & M. Koyama (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Hiroshima University: Hiroshima, Japan, 1, 167-171.
- Kramarski, B. & Court, D. (2000). Professional development through the building of a research culture: an action research project in a university school of education. In N. Fadia, N. Hativa & Z. Shertz (Eds.), Research Applications in Education in a Changing World - Proceedings of 12th Conference of the Israel Educational Research Associations. Tel-Aviv: Reches Publishing, 822-827 (Hebrew).