ד"ר נעמה בן עמי
קורות חיים
.ראש החוג להכשרת מורים בערבית
Name: Ben Ami Naama
Place of Birth: Yemen
Date of Birth: 1947
Status: Guest lecturer (מרצה מן החוץ)
B.A. – Bar-Ilan University
M.A - Bar-Ilan University
Theatrical Elements and Entertainment in the Book of Religious Rules
Al-Madkhal by Ibn al-Hajj (d. 1336) (in Hebrew)
SUPERVISOR: Prof Shmuel Moreh
Ph.D - Bar-Ilan University
The Image of the Sufi in Modern Arabic Novel
Socio-Cultural Aspects (in Hebrew)
SUPERVISOR: Prof Shmuel Moreh
Other training
Teaching certificate, Bar-Ilan University.
Islamic mysticism, modern Arabic poetry, modern Arabic literature
Head of Arabic teacher training course
Member in the Professional Committee for Arabic and Islamic teaching
1998 - I received the Excellence Award from Ariel College
Educational method for teaching Arabic language
Minor teaching
Practical work in Arabic
1. Arabic Language and Literature |
2. Modern Arabic poetry |
3. Islamic Sufism |
4. Yemenite Jewish poetry |
2011 - Arabic class Jubilee Conference (With the Department staff)
M.A. Students:
2003 – Beny Rish - The Existence of Reality Test Circuits
2004 – Sharon Shitrit-Sasson – Palestinian Women's Struggle as Reflected through the Novels of Sahar Khalifa (with Prof' Ami Elad Buskila)
2006 – Yael Vernik - The Image of the Jew as it Reflected through the Novels of Ghassan Kanafani
2007 – Livnat B. Ratushnik – The Soman's Reflection through the Novels of Najib Mahfuz in the Sixties
2008 – Shaul Akry – Language and Gender in Egyptian Movies and Communication Media (with Dr Shlomit Shraiboim-Shavtiel)
2010 – Netanela Melamed – Poetic Elements and Gender in the Short Stories of the Moroccan Author Latifa Baqa (with Prof' Ami Elad Buskila)
Ben Ami, N. The Modern Sufi: The Image of the Sufi in the Modern Arab Novel - Socio-Cultural Aspects, Israel, 2015.(in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., Teachers, Teaching and Textbooks in Ibn Khaldun's "Introduction", Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 29-30, Jerusalem, 2003, pp 35-44.(in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., Saints in the Wadi, Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 31, Jerusalem, 2004, pp 31-47. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., The Sufi Order Al-Bektashiyya - Is it Muslim?, Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 32, Jerusalem, 2005, pp 24-39. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., The Fortieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Afikim NGO and Its Journal: Gala Evening upon the Publication of the Book El Yashiv and in Honor of Its Author Yosef Danin. Afikim for Spiritual and Social Revival. Tel-Aviv, Afikim, June 2005, 125-126:76-78 (rhymed verse). (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "The Nakshbandy Order in Uzbekistan", Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 34, Jerusalem, 2007, pp 32-51. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "The Origins of Yemeni Immigrants' Names" TEMA Journal of Judeo-Yemenite Studies, Netanya, 2007, pp. 203-210. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Al-Zar, a Visitor to Be Expelled: Exorcism in Arabic Literature", Hamizrah Hehadash The New East: Egypt and Sudan, ed: Elie Podeh, Israel, Vol. XLVII, 2008, pp. 275-303. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Healing the Sick with the Koran", Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 36, Jerusalem, 2008, pp 60-91. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Dilemmas Facing the Translator of Arabic fiction", Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 36, Jerusalem, 2009, pp 118-125. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Sufism As Reflected in Modern Arabic Prose by Way of Presenting Its Spiritual Leaders and the "Dhikr" Ceremony". Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 38, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, 2009, pp. 34-61. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Beautiful, Seductive, Cruel, Evil and Immoral, But Also Understanding and Empathic" (On Jewish/Israel Women in Palestinian Prose Literature), Innovation, Science and Knowledge, Bar-Ilan University, 6, July 2010, pp. 38-53. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N.,"Guides and Escorts of Arab Caravans in the Journeys of Yemeni Jews to Aden", Tehuda, Association for the Promotion of Society and Culture, Documentation and Research, Netanya, The Association for the Promotion of Society and Culture, 2011, pp. 65-74. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., Saints in A Child from the Vilage by Syyid Qutb, ", Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 41, Jerusalem, 2012, pp 30-58. (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., "Qalat Ta`iz al-`Udaina" (Ta`iz al-`Udaina Said), Qasidah (Song) by Rabbi Shlom Shabazi, Translation and analysis, Afikim for Spiritual and Social Revival. Tel-Aviv, Afikim (138-139) April 2013, pp 69-75. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Types of al-Majanin (Lunatics), Their Behavior and How to Treat Them, according to al-Naysaburi (d. 1015)", Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 43, Jerusalem, 2012, pp 23-39. (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., "Qur’ānic Elements in Qissat Yusif (The Story of Joseph) by Oded Ben Zecharya", TEMA Journal of Judeo-Yemenite Studies, 13, Netanya, 2015, p. 55-79. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Al-Qat wal-Qahwa\ Rabbi Shalom Shabazi " (The Qat and Coffee \ Rabbi Shalom Shabazi), Qasidah (Song) by Rabbi Shlom Shabazi, Translation and analysis, Afikim for Spiritual and Social Revival. Tel-Aviv, Afikim, 140-141, 2015, p. 31-38. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Ami, N., "Reflection of Folk Wisdom in Maxims on Matchmaking and Marriage among Yemeni Jews", Tehuda, Association for the Promotion of Society and Culture, Documentation and Research, 31, Netanya, The Association for the Promotion of Society and Culture, 2015/16, pp. 13-24. "In memory of Yael Shay" pp. 261-262. (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., "Qur'anic Elements in a Poem abaut the Story of Joseph by 'Oded ben Zechariah", TEMA Journal of Judeo-Yemenite Studies, Netanya, 2015, pp. 55-79. (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N. "Al-niswan (the women) - An argument between them about who is prettier in the song "Abda' bak ad'ik ya rab sidi", Journal of Teachers of Arabic and Islam 38, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, 2017, pp. 77-97. (in Hebrew)/
- Ben Ami, N., "Memories in Translation: A Life between the Lines of Arabic Literature, by Denys Johnson-Davies- A BOOK REVIEW", AJISS 24 number 4 (Fall 2007), pp. 123-125.
- Ben Ami, N., "Arab Representation of the Occident: East-West Encounter in Arabic Fiction – A BOOK REVIEW " AJISS 25 (Spring 2008) pp. 128-130
- Ben Ami, N., "Rituals of Memory in Contemporary Arab Women's Writing, by Brinda Mehta- A BOOK REVIEW", AJISS 25 number 4 (Fall 2008), pp. 125-127 .
- Ben Ami, N., Preservation of the Heritage: Survival and Documentation by P alestinians - "We Begin Here: Poems for Palestine and Lebanon by Kamal Boullata and Kathy Engel (eds.); Pens, Swords and the Springs of Art: The Oral Poetry Dueling of Palestinian Weddings in the Galilee by Nadia G. Yaqub; Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine: the Politics of National Commemoration, by Laleh Khalili- BOOKS REVIEW", AJISS 26 number 1 (Winter 2009), pp. 86-94
- Ben Ami, N., "Israelism: Arab Scholarship on Israel, a Critical Assessment by Hassan A. Barari - A BOOK REVIEW", AJISS 27 number 1 (Spring 2010), pp. 112-114.
- Ben Ami, N., "Disfigured: A Saudi Woman's Story of Triumph over Violence, by Rania Al-Baz - A BOOK REVIEW", AJISS 27 number 1 (Winter 2010), pp. 111-113.
- Ben Ami, N., "Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the Twenty-First Century, by Marc Sageman – A BOOK REVIEW", AJISS 27 number 2 (Spring 2010), pp. 99-101.
- Ben Ami, N., "War on Sacred Grounds, by Ron E. Hassner – A BOOK REVIEW", AJISS 28 number 2 (Spring 2011), pp. 135-138.
- Ben Ami, N., Mysticism and Celebration: The Prophet's Birthday As Celebrated in Contemporary Egypt, Crisis (Mashber) Conference, First Student Conference in Jewish Studies and Humanities, Yune 13, 1999, Bar-Ilan University (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., Mystical Rites on Saints' Anniversaries (Mawalid) in the Sufi Orders, Novenber 7, 1999, Arabic Faculty Conference, Bar-Ilan University (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., Dhikr Ceremonies in the Mawlawiyya, Naqshabandiyya and Baktashiyya Orders, Sufism in Israel / Palestine Past and Present, Alqasni Academic College of Education, Baqa al Gharbia, April 26-27, 2006, (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., The Baktashiyya Sufi Order, Is It Muslim? The 30th Annual National Conference of the Israel Oriental society, May 8, 2006, Bar-Ilan University (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., Jewish/Israeli Women As Reflected in Palestinian Arabic Prose, Conference of the Other: philosophy fiction Theatre, January 18-19, 2010, Bar-Ilan University (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., Panel: Rise of Yemen and heritage - experiences from the past and anticipation to the future ,The National Conference on Identity and heritage, Marking the 60th Anniversary of the "Magic Carpet", October 18-19, 2010, Bar-Ilan University (in Hebrew).
- Ben Ami, N., Revival of Sufism in Uzbekistan, Jubilee Conference of Arabic Department, May 17-18, 2011, Bar-Ilan University (in Hebrew).
Most my studies have focused on modern Sufism, in particular the figure of the modern Sufi as reflected in novels. In order to do this I went to Egypt to validate my findings. My post-doctoral papers have dealt with Sufi orders in various Arab countries, especially in Turkey and Uzbekistan, where I explored modern Sufism and on basis of which I wrote the above-mentioned articles. In recent years, I have been investigating the immigration of Jews from Yemen and Yemeni Arabic poetry (mainly that of Rabbi Shalom Shabazi).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 22/01/2023