Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2020 Ecological school culture for novice teachers' retention PhD Zavelevsky, Erez Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
2020 Ecological school culture for novice teachers' retention PhD Zavelevsky, Erez Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
2020 Principals and teacher’s perceptions of principal’s role in the professional development of teachers towards the competencies needed in the 21st century (HEBREW) MA Zentner, Roslyn Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
2020 Relationship between personal and environmental factors and the religious level of adolescents with ADHD (HEBREW) PhD Zoldan, David Prof. Shlomo Romi
2019 Mid-level leaders as boundary managers and team effectiveness : the impact of functional heterogeneity and mid-level leaders' personality traits from the big five typology (HEBREW) MA Abergel, Oren Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
2019 Emotional intelligence and psychological capital amongst students with intellectual disabilities (ID) who participate in adapted academic enrichment and students with ID who are fully integrated in regular courses (HEBREW) MA Abu-Salah Jabali, Sana Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2019 Life stories told by adults with ASD : personal identities, quality of life, and future orientation (HEBREW) MA Ahimeir-Carmel, Osnat Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2019 The contribution of mentoring through empathy and caring for the perception of competence and developing a positive future thinking among religious girls at risk who participate in the SELA program on behalf of Yedidim (HEBREW) MA Alimi, Adi Prof. Zehavit Gross
2019 Concerns, knowledge, experience and attitudes about sexuality among adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders and their parents (HEBREW) MA Arbel-David, Efrat Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2019 Effects of intervention for mutual peer mediation on peer interaction and learning motivation in computerized environment in the classroom (HEBREW) PhD Atzmon Mordoch, Lea Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2019 Effects of intervention for mutual peer mediation on peer interaction and learning motivation in computerized environment in the classroom (HEBREW) PhD Atzmon Mordoch, Lea Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2019 Protective and resilient determinants of mental and functional well-being among Israeli youth (HEBREW) MA Bokobza, Gila Associate Prof. Yossi Harel-Fisch
2019 Influence of pure elaborated feedback on learning from tests (HEBREW) MA Bornstein, Arik Dr. Vered Halamish
2019 Technological intervention for promoting spatial language and perception of children at risk for learning disabilities (HEBREW) PhD Brainin, Einat Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
2019 Technological intervention for promoting spatial language and perception of children at risk for learning disabilities (HEBREW) PhD Brainin, Einat Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
2019 Analyzing the connection between various levels of inclusion and the recognition of faces and houses among children with autism, compared to typically developing children (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Odeya Dr. Or Catz
Prof. Nira Mashal
2019 Analyzing the connection between various levels of inclusion and the recognition of faces and houses among children with autism, compared to typically developing children (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Odeya Dr. Or Catz
Prof. Nira Mashal
2019 Experiential significance of child-rearing alongside household dogs and cats: the child's and mother's point of view (HEBREW) MA Corona, Liron Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Waniel Ariela
2019 Experiential significance of child-rearing alongside household dogs and cats: the child's and mother's point of view (HEBREW) MA Corona, Liron Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Waniel Ariela
2019 Do depressive symptoms mediate the connection between social support, suicidial thpoughts and non - suicidal self-injury? (HEBREW) MA Daka, Doaa Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2019 Perception of the life roles : gender, work and motherhood and the development of a career perception among daughters to a careerist mother (HEBREW) MA Dayan, Chen Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2019 Perception of the life roles : gender, work and motherhood and the development of a career perception among daughters to a careerist mother (HEBREW) MA Dayan, Chen Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2019 Jewish prisoner functionaries (Kapos) in the concentration and extermination camps of the holocaust : survivors' testimonies and judgmental attitudes given the perspective of time (HEBREW) MA Erlan, Pnina Orbach Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2019 Connection between principals' leadership style, self-regulation and shared regulation in teachers' learning and school efficiency (HEBREW) MA Flaeshman, Lior Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2019 Considerations in selecting songs for Israel’s soldiers memorial day in national radio and public events (HEBREW) PhD Frankel Michal Dr. Atara Isaacson