Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Book (editor)
Riecken, T. & Court, D. (1993) Dilemmas in educational change. Calgary:
Daniels, L., Case, R., & Court, D. (1991) Forum on curricular integration -
occasional papers. Vancouver: Tri-University Integration Project.
Chapters in Books
Court, D. (1988) Reflection in action: Some definitional problems. In P. Grimmet & G. Erickson (Eds.) Reflection in teacher education. NY: Teachers College Press, 143-146.
Court, D. (1991). Curricular integration and teachers’ personal practical
knowledge. In Forum on curricular integration. Occasional paper # 5.
Vancouver: Tri-University Integration Project.
Court, D. (1993) Public vs. private: The teacher’s dilemma. In T. Riecken & D. Court (Eds.) Dilemmas in educational change. Calgary: Detselig, 15-24.
Solomon Rozental, V., Feldstein-Hiun, L. & Court, D. (2002). Integration of children with Downe Syndrome in regular kindergartens. In Window of opportunities, ed. V. Rozental and P. Klein. Even Yehuda: Reches.
Court, D. Action Research, School Culture and School Improvement:
Toward the Enhancement of Jewish Literacy in Jewish Day Schools. In: Perspectives on Jewish Literacy and Education, Eds. Yisrael Rich, Yaacov Katz, Zemira Mevarech and Shimon Ohayon. University Press of America.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Court, D. (1990) ‘Skills’ in education: The perils of a frequent misnomer. The Clearinghouse, 63(6), 265-266.
Shapiro, P. & Court, D. (1990). A course in educational research: A new model. Education Canada, 31(4), 41-47.
Court, D. (1991). Studying teachers’ values. The Clearinghouse , 64(6), 389-392.
Court, D. (1991). Linking cooperative learning with philosophy. McGill Journal of Education, 26(2), 203-207.
Court, D. (1991). Teaching critical thinking: What do we know? The Social Studies, 82(3), 115-119.
Court, D. & Riecken, T. (1991) The seeds of growth and the winds of change,part 1. Education Canada, 31(4), 41-47.
Riecken, T. & Court, D. (1992) Extending cultural literacy. Journal of Educational Thought, 26(2), 152-163.
Court, D. & Riecken, T. (1992). The seeds of growth and the winds of change, part 2. Education Canada, 32(1), 36-39.
Court, D. & Francis, L. (1993). Teachers’ conceptions of critical thinking. McGill Journal of Education, 28(3), 479-488.
Court, D. (1993). A playful environment in a cooperative physics class. The Clearinghouse, 66(5), 295-298.
Court, D., Cohen, L., et. al. (1999). Personal and professional experiences in faculty exchanges and visits. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 4(44), 417-420.
Court, D. (1999). Teacher isolation. Education Canada, 39(1), 25-26.
Court, D. (1999). Lakatos revisited. Journal of Educational Thought, 33(3), 209-231.
Court, D. (1999). The influence of immigration on the professional practice and personal practical knowledge of immigrant teachers. Curriculum and Teaching, 14(1), 31-45.
Court, D. (2000). Teaching renewal: The secret resource. Classroom Leadership, 3(8), 4-7.
Court, D. (2000). Systematic problem solving through action research.New teacher advocate, 7(4), 7.
Court, D. (2001). Four points for beginning teachers. New teacher advocate, 9(2), 6-8.
Court, D. (2001). Wheels within wheels: The analysis of a cultural event. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 47(2), 173-186.
Fund, Z., Court, D. & Kramarski, B. (2002). Construction and application of an evaluation tool to assess reflection in teacher training courses. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 27(6), 485-499.
Court, D., Cohen, L. Broyles, I., Spenciner, L. & Michael, O. (2002). Crossing borders: Culture and transformation. World Studies in Education, 3(1), 39-53.
Court, D. & Kramarski, B. (2002). Teacher educators’ views on the relationship between research and teaching. Educational Practice and Theor,y 24(2), 63-73.
Court, D. (2002). Unity and conflict in an Israeli village. Contemporary Jewry, 22, 1-17.
Kramarski, B. & Court, D. (2003). Professional development of teacher trainers through learning about research. Curriculum and Teaching, 18(2), 89-102.
Court, D. & Givon, S. (2003). An intervention program to improve social skills of children with learning disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children, 36(2), 50-55.
Cohen, A. & Court, D. (2003) Ethnography and case study: A comparative analysis. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 7(3), 283-287.
Ornan, E. & Court, D. (2003). Becoming qualitative researchers: Characterizing the learning process of university students. Educational Practice and Theory, 25(2), 53-67.
Court, D. (2004). Education in a troubled democracy: Voices from Israel. Curriculum Inquiry, 34(1), 47-69.
Court, D. (2004). The quest for meaning in educational research. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 8(3), 7-11.
Court, D. (2005). What a load of garbage! A data analysis exercise. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9(1), 97-100.
Court, D. (2005). Curriculum in search of a soul. Educational Practice and Theory, 27(2), 81-86.
Court, D. (2006). How shall we study religious school culture? Religious Education, 101(2), 233-241.
Court, D. (2006). Reflection and validity in qualitative research. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10(1), 211-214.
Court, D. (2006). Foolish dreams in a fabled land: Living coexistence in an Israeli middle school. Curriculum Inquiry, 36(2), 189-208.
Court, D. & Ornan, E. (2007). Metaphor and narrative in the development of qualitative researchers. Curriculum and Teaching, 22(1), 87-98.
Tukir, L. & Court, D. (2007). The search for meaning: Life stories of child survivors of the Theresensdadt Ghetto. Megamot, 45(2), 272-300 (Hebrew).
Court, D. (2007). Glimpsing God on the rocky road of culture. Religious Education, 102(2), 116-119.
Court, D. & Rosental, E. (2007). Values embodied in children’s literature used in early childhood education in Israeli state schools. Early Childhood Education, Journal 34(6), 407- 414.
Court, D., Rosenthal, V. & Mizrachi, I. (2007). Play behavior and social interactions of children with Down syndrome enrolled in regular preschools. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 9(1), 10-15.
Court, D. (2008). Qualitative research as cultural and religious mirror. Religious Education, 103(4), 410-426.
Court, D. (2008). A lot of ropes, but no lion: School culture and Ethiopian Israeli students’ struggle for identity. World Studies in Education, 9(2), 73-92.
Court, D. (2008). Data’s quiet voice: Ethiopian Israeli children speak. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12(2), 116-121.
Court, D. (2008). Jewish school principal professional development: An action research model. Curriculum and Teaching, 23(2), 51-64.
Michael, O, Court, D. & Petal, P. (2009). Job stress and organizational commitment among mentoring coordinators. International Journal of Educational Management, 23(3), 266-288.
Court, D. & Merav, L. (2009). Preschool teachers’ narratives: A window on personal-professional history, values and beliefs. International Journal of Early Years Education, 17(3), 207-218.
Gilday, B. & Court, D. (2009). A model for multicultural education developed using Israeli society as a case. World Studies in Education, 10(2), 5-21.
Givon, S. & Court, D. (2010). Coping strategies of high school students with learning disabilities: A longitudinal qualitative study and grounded theory. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 23(3), 283-303.
Court, D. & Abbas, R. (2010). Druze high schools in Israel and their role in shaping students’ identity and citizenship. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(2), 145-162.
Court, D. (2010). What happens to young children’s faith in the zone of proximal development, and what can religious educators do about it? Religious Education, 105(5), 491-503.
Court, D. & Abbas, R. (2011). The view from the bridge: An Israeli Druze woman as guardian of religious tradition and agent of social change. The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 1(1), 135-146.
Court, D. & Poner, I. (2011). Socio-cultural identities of Israeli USSR parents. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(3), 156-161.
Court, D. Shohet, C. & Hantz, M. (2011). Caregivers’ experience of separation from children in daycare. Educational Practice and Theory, 33(2), 63-82.
Court, D. (2013). Religious experience as an aim of religious education. British Journal of Religious Education, 35(3), 251-263.
Abbas, R. & Court, D. (2012). “We cannot move forward unless we preserve our traditions": Women principals as leaders in traditional Israeli Druze society. Education and Society, 30(2), 67-82.
Abbas, R. & Court, D. (2013). The role of the Druze school curriculum in shaping the personality, identity and level of citizenship of its students: An ethnographic case study in two Druze high schools. Dapim, 55, 11-28. Hebrew.
Uli, G & Court, D. (2013). From “Asur, asur, asur” to “The big mutar”: Modern Orthodox women’s views on sex education in Israel. International Journal of Jewish Education Research, 4, 29-67.
Court, D. & Abbas, R. (2013). Whose interview is it, anyway? Methodological and Ethical Challenges of Insider-Outsider Research, Multiple Languages and Dual-Researcher Cooperation. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(6), 480-488.
Court, D. (2013). What is truth in qualitative research, and why is this important for education? In press, Educational Practice and Theory, 35(2), 2013.
Court, D. & Abbas, R. (2014). Will education for tradition be enough in a closing circle of secrets? In press Religious Education 109(5), 2014.
Professor Deborah Court researches school and classroom culture, religious education and teachers' knowledge development,and writes about issues in qualitative research methodology
Research Thinking for Doctoral Students
Seminar in Knowledge and Curriculum
Curriculum Theory
Methods in Qualitative Research
Last Updated Date : 08/02/2024