SEE ALSO THESES AND DISSERTATIONS IN HEBREW Degree - Any -MAPhD Advisor - Any -Aaronson Raphael Zvi of Blessed MemoryAdi-Japha EstherAflalo MichalAhrend Moshé Max of Blessed MemoryAlfassi MiriamAltman CarmitAlyagon MichalApel ZeevArmon-Lotem, SharonAsif TsemachAvargil ShirlyBabkoff HarveyBar-Lev Mordechai of Blessed MemoryBar-On AmaliaBat-Zion, NaomiBauminger-Zviely NiritBen-Itzchak EsterBen-Sasson, AyeletBen-Zvi RuthBenDavid-Hadar IrisBenoliel PascaleBental AyeletBentur NettaBerant EtyBornstein JacobBrand EvaBrawer, Chaim I. of Blessed MemoryCatz OrCohen ArieCohen Erik H. of Blessed MemoryCohen-Malayev MayaCourt DeborahDadon-Golan ZehoritDana-Picard NoahDaniel RavivDarom EfarimDarom EfraimDiesendruck GilDon RamiDon-Yehiya EliezerDor-Shav ZechariaEden SigalEiserhammer MeiraEliav, MordechaiElizur DovEtzion DafnaFaust MiriamFeldman Adriana of Blessed MemoryFeldman RuthFeuerstein Reuven of Blessed MemoryFinzi, RickyFixler DrorFrishtik MordechaiFund ZviaGabis LidiaGaziel HaimGeva RonnyGilat Israel ZviGillis Miriam of Blessed MemoryGlanz Iosef of Blessed MemoryGlaubman RivkaGoldberg YoelGreen AGross ZehavitGross, YigalGudman Ruth of Blessed MemoryGutel NeriaHalamish VeredHalperin EranHarel-Fisch YossiHarrison, Jo-AnnHartman TovaHavlin ShlomoHazan HaimHeiman TaliHenik AvishaiHolzer ElieIluz ShiraIram YaakovIsaacson AtaraIsman EstherIsraelashvili MosheJagerman NuritJeffrey WoolfKaniel ShlomoKatz Yaacov of Blessed MemoryKatzoff, CharlotteKimhi YaelKirsh NuritKlein JosephKlein MosheKlein Pnina, of Blessed MemoryKorat OfraKramarski BrachaLeslau Avraham of Blessed MemoryLevinger UrielLevinson YosefLevy-Gigi EinatLifshitz HefzibaLivnat ZoharMadjar NirMashal NiraMaslovaty Nava, of Blessed MemoryMeiron OdedMenis JosephMerzbach ElyMevarech ZmiraMichael OrlyMichalsky TovaMikulincer MarioMoed AnatNachmias, ShlomoNadler ShmuelNeuman MenahemNussbaum JosephOchs David of Blessed MemoryOffir BaruchOr-Bach IsraelOrnan EttyPassig DavidPaz-Baruch NuritPeleg OrnaPinhasov AlbertPoll ShlomoPoria YanivRam-Tzur RonitRand Yaacov of Blessed MemoryRappel Dov of Blessed MemoryRaveh MichalRavid DoritRazel MichaResnick DavidReychav IrisRich YisraelRolider AmosRomi ShlomoRonen MatiRoss TamarRubin NissanSadetzki, Siegalsaiegh haddad ElinorSaiegh-Haddad ElinorSchachter ElliSchechter ChenScherz ZahavaSchiff RachelSchneller, Raphael of Blessed MemorySchreiber IrisSchremer OdedSchwarzwald, OraShachar HannahShachar RinaShamir AdinaShani KahtaShapira-Lischinsky OrlySharvit UriShefer ShaharShemida Miryam of Blessed MemoryShen, YeshayahuShield OzerShifron, RachelShnider M.Shohet CillyShrira AmitShulman ShmuelSimpson ShimonSimpson SimonSobelman-Rosenthal VardaSohlberg Shaul C.Spanier Zeev of Blessed MemorySpektor-Levy OrnitStern Eliezer of Blessed MemoryStern HindySukenik NufarSwan JoshuaTal DaliaTaub DavidTidhar ChavaTrau HenriTubul-Lavy GilaTzuriel DavidVakil EliWalk JosephWalters JoelWaniel ArielaWasserstein-Warnet, Mark M.Weiss YitzhakWeller LeonardWohl ArieYablon Yaacov B.Yaoz Hana, of Blessed MemoryYeari MenahemYinon AvigailYoel UriZalkin Avraham of Blessed MemoryZion MichalZiv, A.Zivotofsky Ari Z.Zuckerman Davidאל יגון מיכלבן יצחק אסתרגלבע אבידיזנדרוק גיל הבלין שלמהוולף יובלזיידרמן אדריאןמיקולינסר מריופיקסלר דרורצוקרמן דודרבקה אלקושישחר רינהשקדי אשר Year - Any -2024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970 Search Year Student Advisor 2024 Relationship between reciprocity in giving help to a virtual player and social skills among children with and without specific learning disability or ADHD in Arab society (Hebrew) MA Essa, Mariam Associate Prof. Sigal Eden 2024 Interrelationships between identity motives in distinct identity domains and their connection to identity integration (Hebrew) MA Schechter, Orit Dr. Elli Schachter 2024 Tool for measuring future thinking in adolescents diagnosed with moderate-low functioning autism spectrum disorder (Hebrew) PhD Shmueli-Rubin, Orly Prof. David Passig 2023 Role of stimulus variation- based vs. stimulus constancy-based exposure and response attribution on learning and explicitness perception in artificial grammar learning (Hebrew) PhD Ashkenazi, Pesia Prof. Rachel Schiff 2023 Effect of bilingual narrative intervention on narrative and vocabulary skills of English-Hebrew bilingual preschool children (HEBREW) MA Ahituv-Shlomo, Pe'er Prof. Carmit Altman 2023 Cultivating collaborative dual regulation integrated with meta-cognition and meta-affect to empower mathematical-literacy problem solving skills and communicative discourse among young students (age 10-11) (Hebrew) PhD Amiga, Yaron Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski 2023 Narratives of young women who made Aliya on their own from developed and developing countries : personal identification, quality of life,and future orientation (HEBREW) MA Arbiv, Vered Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz 2023 The interactive effect of flexibility and income on burnout among healthcare providers MA Benenson Barak, Pola Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi 2023 Sad but happy : understanding mixed emotions by preschool children, and transferring the understand of mixed emotions to hidden emotions (HEBREW) MA Benita Harush, Sima Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2023 Peer interaction in adolescent boys and girls with high-functioning ASD (HEBREW) MA Benshabbat-Seri, Miri Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely 2023 Crystallized and fluid intelligence, cognitive flexibility and creativity among adolescents with intellectual disability with unique talent in visual art (HEBREW) MA Berko, Keren Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz 2023 Examining the relation between professional identity, involvement in work, support, professional guidance and burnout among principals in the non-formal education systems vs. principals in the formal education systems (HEBREW) MA Book, Elyasaf Prof. Zehavit Gross 2023 Relationship between linguistic skills and mathematical skills in adolescents with ASD and adolescents with typical development (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Oranit Dr. Nufar Sukenik 2023 Mozart's effect on verbal working memory, electrophysiological brain-state parameters and mood (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Sapir Dr. Oded Meiron 2023 The Contribution of an intervention program on academic writing at the microstructure macrostructure level of undergraduate students with intellectual disabilities MA Dueck, Hadas Prof. Hefziba LifshitzProf. Carmit Altman 2023 The Contribution of an intervention program on academic writing at the microstructure macrostructure level of undergraduate students with intellectual disabilities MA Dueck, Hadas Prof. Hefziba LifshitzProf. Carmit Altman 2023 Influences of segmenting work and private life on Israeli teachers : Case Study (Hebrew) MA Eliyahu, Efrat Associate Prof. Joseph Klein 2023 Leadership for social mobility in the Arab educational system in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Elmalak-Wattad, Alaa Prof. Chen Schechter 2023 Toward developing teachers' social-emotional learning by team simulations in an ethical context PhD Gat, Yaniv Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky 2023 Behavioral and electrophysiological manifestations of social cognition in young adults with autism spectrum disorder compared with their neurotypical peers PhD Gaziel-Guttman, Meyrav Prof. Nira Mashal 2023 Coherency challenge : how stakeholders make sense of professional learning communities (HEBREW) PhD Govrin, Shevi Prof. Chen Schechter 2023 Social engagement in the eyes of teachers in charge of social engagement in Israeli secondary schools : creating a typology of perceptions (HEBREW) MA Greenbaum-Guttman, Sima Prof. Zehavit Gross 2023 Resilience in school leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic : opportunities and challenges (HEBREW) MA Gruber, Maayan Atara Prof. Chen Schechter 2023 Parental identity and motivation processes among single mothers by choice and not by choice MA Gul, Chen Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev 2023 Relationship between the effectiveness of retrieval practice during learning, test anxiety and working-memory capacity among high school students (HEBREW) MA Hale, Ortal Dr. Vered Halamish Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page Next › Last page Last »