Academic Partnerships, Projects & Network

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The faculty of education sponsors official initiatives that connect academics and affiliates engaged in related fields of research. At the faculty of education, projects are stand-alone activities that bring together interdisciplinary researchers from many academic fields with practitioners and students.


How to Collaborate with Us? Building partnership

Sign an agreement to:

  • Offer joint degrees and programs of study,
  • Jointly developed training, short courses, and continuing professional development programs,
  • Offer workshops, conferences, and seminars,
  • Engage in student and academic exchange,
  • Offer joint doctoral training, offer post doctorate training
  • Conduct ground-breaking research,

Seminars, conferences, and guest talks

At The faculty of education we aim to find the outstanding participants in Israel and abroad interested in contributing to the teaching and learning process of the faculty as guest speakers and through student mentorship.

Three instructional sessions are required at the very least.

  • Become a mentor means aiding someone in transitioning from a student to teacher, to a principal ready for the workforce. You may actively mold the next generation of leaders starting with just one hour per month.
  • Becoming a mentor can also mean aiding a doctorate student in transitioning from a student to a researcher and academic ready for the workforce and navigating through the different academic processes (author, reviewer, professional advancement and career development, conferences ….).

We enthusiastically invite you to become our partner and you may actively mold the next generation of academics.

If you wish to participate, please contact us:

Training, short courses, and continuing professional development.

A new project of the faculty that aims to find and interact with influential public people in Israel and abroad who can help the faculty of education staff and students grow.

Participants are encouraged to participate by giving one-time lectures, sharing their expertise with faculties, departments, centers, and institutes, writing regular papers, contributing to faculty of education journals, and helping to plan conferences, workshops, and seminars.