Professor, Director of the Institute for Research and Community Education

Prof. Shlomo Romi

Professor, Director of the Institute for Research and Community Education
Reception Hours
building 905 room 220




    Ministry of Education and Culture. A workshop for the Development and Research on Discipline




















    Ministry of Education and Culture. An evaluation of "MENIFA" program which purpose is to prevent at-risk adolescent's dropout from the educational system.


    Hamossad L'Bituach Leumi, Grant for Kali Anat's Doctoral Research under my and Dr. Deborah Court's supervision:  " Between Connection and Alienation: At-risk adolescents in Haredi Society"


    The Ministry of Education and Culture, Grant by the Chief Scientist (in response to tender No. 10). The relationship between the activities of youth ages 12-18 in the framework of non-formal education in leisure and school climate, violence, dropout and mental well-being. (With Prof. Erik Cohen).


    Halbert Foundation Grant to promote Israeli-Canadian cooperation. An expert's workshop from Canada and Israel about issues of At risk youth (with Prof. Zeira Anat and Dr. Grupper Emmanuel)





    Books (as editor)

    Romi, S. & Schmida, M. (Eds.). (2007). Nonformal Education in a Changing Reality. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 591 pages (in Hebrew).


    Grupper, E. and Romi, S. (Eds.).Children and adolescents at risk in Israel: MOFET Institute Publishers, Tel –Aviv.

    1. Vol 1: (2014) Overview of the Field and Core Issues (539 pages, Hebrew).
    2. Vol 2: (in press) The voice of young people in care and issues related to staff in the field of child and youth care (500 pages, Hebrew).





    1. Hamenahem, A. & Romi, S. (1997). Non-formal education - A value in an Israeli lexicon for teaching and education, Ramot University Authority of Research, Tel-Aviv University, Y. Kashti, M. Arieli & S. Shlasky (Eds.), 192-193 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S. & Levi, N. (2000). A multi-disciplinary professional team to clarify the dilemmas in children's custody. In N.N. Singh, J.P. Leung and A.N. Singh (Eds.), International Research and Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Elsevier Science Ltd.: Oxford, U.K., Chapter 21, 357-379.


    1. Romi, S. & Levi, N. (2003). Children's Custody Assessment. Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment, 1(A-L), 178-182, SAGE Publications.


    1. Yazdy-Ugav, O. & Romi, S. (2003). Psychomotor Development Assessment. Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment, 1(A-L), 317-323, SAGE Publications.


    1. Katz, Y. J., Kontoyianni, A., Lang, P., Menezes, S. N., Romi, S., Vasileiou, L. & Vriens, L. (2003). North and South Contrasted: Cultural Similarities and Differences in Affective Education. In A.C. Torres & A. Antikarmen (Eds.), The International Handbook on the Sociology of Education. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. (pp. 360-380).


    1. Katz, Y. J., Romi, S., & Qui, X. (2005). Affective Education: The Nature and Characteristics of Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes toward Schools in China and Israel. In S. Neill, S. Karpinnen, & Y. Katz (Eds.), Theory and Practice in Essays in Honor of Arja Puurula, University of Helsinki (pp. 179-197).


    1. Romi, S. (2005). Therapeutic Intervention Programs for Dropout Adolescents in Israel: A Case Study of Affective Education Implementation. In I. Menezes, J. L. Coimbra & B. P. Campos (Eds.), The Affective Dimension of Education: European Perspectives, Institute of Psychological Intervention Education and Development, University of Porto, Portugal (pp. 151-158).


    1. Romi, S. & Gilat, I. Z. (2005). In the Best Interest of the Child: Jewish and Civic Perspectives. In H. Grietens, W. Lahye, W. Hellinckk & L. Sandemenlebroecke (Eds.), In the Best Interests of Children and Youth. International Perspectives, Leuven University Press (pp. 231-249).


    1. *Romi, S. (2007). Child and Youth Care: Development and Central Issues. In S. Romi & M. Schmida (Eds.), Nonformal Education in a Changing Reality. The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem (pp. 231-249) (Hebrew).


    1. *Schmida, M. & Romi, S. (2007). Nonformal Education: Definitions and Theoretical Approaches. In S. Romi & M. Schmida (Eds.), Nonformal Education in a Changing Reality. The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem (pp. 11-28) (Hebrew).


    1. *Romi, S. & Schmida, M. (2007). Nonformal Educational Research in Israel. In S. Romi & M. Schmida (Eds.), Nonformal Education in a Changing Reality. The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem (pp. 185-191) (Hebrew).


    1. *Romi, S. & Bareli-Orel, D. (2007). Youth Leadership. In S. Romi & M. Schmida (Eds.), Nonformal Education in a Changing Reality. The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem (pp. 365-375) (Hebrew).


    1. *Romi, S. & Kohan, E. (2007). Wilderness Programs as an Educational-therapeutic Tool in the Treatment of Youth At-risk. In S. Romi & M. Schmida (Eds.), Nonformal Education in a Changing Reality. The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem (pp. 469-487) (Hebrew).


    *Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, are included in the edited book S. Romi & M. Schmida (Eds.), Nonformal Education in a Changing Reality. The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem.


    1. Romi, S., Magnuson, D., & Ferguson, R. (2007). Child and Youth Care in Higher Education: A Canadian-Israeli Comparison. In Hans Grietens, Erik J. Knorth, Paul Durning & Jean E. Dumas (Eds.), Promoting Competence in Children and Families Scientific Perspectives on Resilience and Vulnerability. Leuven University (pp. 375-400).


    1. Gilat, I. Z. & Romi, S. (2008). Establishing Child Custody in Rabbinical Courts: Transition from Religious Obligations to Cultural Duty. In Y. Ronen, C.W. Greenbaum & S. Erlich (Eds.), The Case for the Child - Towards the  Construction of a New Agenda, Intersentia Publishers.(239-266).


    1. Romi, S. (2009). Psychological Aspects of Youth Workers' Training Programs. In: E, Grupper, J, Koch, F, Peters, (Eds.). Challenges of the Child and Youth Care System: A German - Israeli Dialogue, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (pp. 202-216). 





    Chapters in Books**


    1. Romi, S. (2009). Psychological aspects of youth workers' training programs. In: E. Grupper, J. Koch, F. Peters (Eds.), Challenges of the Child and Youth Care System: A German - Israeli Dialogue, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (pp. 202-216).

    2.Gilat, I. Z., & Romi, S. (2009). Questions éthiques à propos des procédures de placement des enfants hors du domicile familial. In: B. Tillard & A. Rurka (Eds.), Du Placement A La Suppléance Familiale.. L’Harmattan Publisher, Paris. (French). (pp.116-133).

    1. Lev, M. & Romi, S. (2013). Third-Generation adolescents’ journeys to Poland: Differential effects on emotions, attitudes and values toward the Holocaust of Israeli and Canadian Adolescent. In Y. Rich., Y. Katz, Z. Mevarech, & S. Ohayon (Eds.), Jewish Literacy and Educational. University Press of Maryland in a series edited by Prof. Bernard D. Cooperman. (277-298).
    2. Grupper, E., & Romi, S. (2011). "Training of youth care workers for the social education field". In: H. Aharoni (Ed.), Social Education in Israel Rehovot: Advance – Publishing House. (312-340), (Hebrew).
    3. *Grupper, E., Romi, S. & Salkovsky, M., (2014).Introduction. In E. Grupper,  & S. Romi, (Eds.).Children and adolescents at risk in Israel; Vol 1: Overview of the Field and Core Issues. MOFET Institute Publishers, Tel –Aviv. (9-15). (Hebrew).
    4. *Grupper, E., Salkovsky, M., & Romi, S. (2014). Children and adolescents at risk: Definitions, Development and methods of interventions. In E. Grupper,  & S. Romi, (Eds.).Children and adolescents at risk in Israel; Vol 1:Overview of the Field and Core Issues. MOFET Institute Publishers, Tel –Aviv. (19-53). (Hebrew).   
    5. *Salkovsky, M., Sumbaeib-Giller, E. &Romi, S.,(2014). Perception of family functioning, self-identity and personal self-efficacy: Comparison between Israeli-born  adolescents at risk from Israel and immigrants from the Former Soviet Union. In E. Grupper,  & S. Romi, (Eds.).Children and adolescents at risk in Israel; Vol 1:Overview of the Field and Core Issues. MOFET Institute Publishers, Tel –Aviv. (213-246). (Hebrew).   
    6. *Goldenberg, J., Ornan, E., Romi, S. (2014). School as a environment  for change among at-risk adolescents. In E. Grupper,  & S. Romi, (Eds.).Children and adolescents at risk in Israel; Vol 1: (2014) Overview of the Field and Core Issues. MOFET Institute Publishers, Tel –Aviv. (213-246). (Hebrew).
    7. *Grupper, E., & Romi, S. (in press). The issue of training for the role of social educators. In E. Grupper,  & S. Romi, (Eds.).Children and adolescents at risk in Israel; Vol 2: The voice of young people in care and issues related to staff in the field of child and youth care MOFET Institute Publishers,Tel –Aviv.(Hebrew).

    ** Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, were part of the edited book E. Grupper & S. Romi, (Ed.) (in press) Children and adolescents at risk in Israel (Hebrew).MOFET Institute Publishers, Tel –Aviv.



    1. Hamanchem, A., Kfir, D., Ohad, D., & Romi, S. (1989). Profession of workers in youth advancement in Israel, reaction to article of Sherer. Society and Welfare Quarterly for Social Work, 10(1), 76-80 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S. & Itskovitz, R. (1990). The relationship between locus of control and type of aggression in middle class and culturally deprived children. Personality and Individual Differences, 2(4), 327-333.


    1. Avissar, G., Levi, N., & Romi, S. (1994). A model of pre-service programs for education of children with special needs. International Journal of Special Education, 9(9), 241-248.


    1. Romi, S. & Teichman, M. (1994). Effects of participant and symbolic modeling training programs: Changes in self-efficacy of youth counselors. British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 23(1) 83-94.


    1. Romi, S. (1996). Psychological aspects in religious residential schools in Israel. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 15(1), 27-46.


    1. Romi, S. & Teichman, M. (1996). Participant and symbolic modeling and the self-efficacy of Israeli "Street-Corner" youth counselors. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 24(1/2), 155-159.


    1. Romi, S. & Levi, N. (1998). What is the "preferred home" when the home doesn't exist anymore: Dilemmas and criteria. Society and Welfare Quarterly for Social Work, 18(3), 384-406 (Hebrew).


    1. Levi, N. & Romi, S. (1998). Multi-disciplinary team for optimal placement of children in custody disputes: Critical necessity or luxury? Sihot-Dialogue - Israel Journal of Psychotherapy, 185-193 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S. & Teichman, M. (1998). Participation modeling training programme: Tutoring the paraprofessional. British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 26(2), 297-301.


    1. Romi, S. & Kohan, E. (1999). Wilderness programs as a therapeutic intervention tool: Its principles, background and description research on detached youth implication to the school counselor. Educational Counseling, 8, 69-98 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S. (1999). Normative youth’s attitudes towards integrating detached youth within normative youth settings: Gender and field of studies differences. Child and Youth Care Forum, 28(4), 261-273.


    1. Romi, S. (1999). Youth care workers Burnout: Comparison with normative youth workers and the implication of coping with it. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 4(2), 101-111.


    1. Romi, S. & Freund, M. (1999). Teachers', students' and parents' attitudes towards disruptive behavior problems in high school: A case study. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Psychology, 19(1), 53-70.


    1. Romi, S. (2000). Educational interventions in the family school partnerships: Implications for the curriculum. Curriculum and Teaching, 15(2), 61-79.


    1. Romi, S., Schneider, K. H., & Levi, N. (2000). Emergence of a unique academic program: Student exchange program - German and Israeli attributes and dilemmas. Higher Education in Europe, 15(4), 529-537.


    1. Romi, S. (2000). Distance learning and non-formal education: Existing trends and new possibilities of distance learning experiences. Educational Media International, 37(1), 34-44.


    1. Romi, S. (2001). Child and youth care in Israel: Trends and dilemmas in training and in therapeutic intervention programs. Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, 15-16, 171-184.


    1. Romi, S. & Bar-Lev, T. L. (2001). Religious and personal identification in Ethiopian detached and normative youth. Society and Welfare Quarterly for Social Work, 21(1), 51-68 (Hebrew).


    1. Puurula, A., Neill, S., Katz, Y. J., Lang, P., Menezes, I., Romi, S., Vasileiou, L., & Vriens, L. (2001). Teacher and student attitudes to affective education: A European collaborative research project. Compare, 31(2), 165-186.


    1. Romi, S. (2001). Informal counseling services in Israel: A challenge for the school counselor. Pastoral Care in Education, 19(3), 14-22.


    1. Romi, S. & Teichman, M. (2001). Training programs: A methodological note. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 14(4), 97-105.


    1. Romi, S., Hansenson, G., & Hansenson, A. (2002). E-learning: A comparison between expected and observed attitudes of normative and dropout adolescents. Educational Media International, 39(1), 47-54.


    1. Romi, S. & Lev, M. (2003). Youth and the Holocaust: Changes in knowledge, feelings, and attitudes following the journey to Poland. Megamot, 42(2), 219-239 (Hebrew).



    1. Romi, S., Sharoni, V., Ben-Zion, S., & Fishbein, M. (2002). Learning disabilities: Differentiating between characteristics of dropout delinquent and school-going adolescents. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 4, 159-169.


    1. Romi, S. & Zoabi, H. (2003). The influence of computer technology learning program on attitudes toward computers and self-esteem among Arab dropout youth. Educational Media International, 40, 259-268.


    1. Romi, S. & Katz, Y. (2003). Affective education: The nature and characteristics of teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward school in Israel. Educational Practice and Theory, 25(1), 35-47.


    1. Romi, S. & Kohan, E. (2004). Wilderness programs: Principles, possibilities and opportunities for intervention with dropout adolescents. Child & Youth Care Forum, 33(2), 115-136.


    1. Romi, S. (2004). Disruptive behaviour in religious and secular high schools: Teachers' and students' attitudes. Research in Education, 71, 81-91.


    1. Lewis, R., Romi, S., Qui, X., & Katz, Y. (2005). Teachers' classroom discipline and student misbehavior in Australia, China and Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21, 729-741.


    1. Romi, S. & Marom, D. (2005). Dropout Delinquent Adolescents: Psycho-diagnostic aspects of using the Bender-Gestalt Test and WISC-R. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 4, 164-176.


    1. Romi, S. & Kedar, S. (2005). Online Support-Group Facilitators and Adolescent Users: The Unknown Leading the Unknowing. Information Technology, Education and Society.89-96.


    1. Romi, S. & Leyser, Y. (2006). Exploring inclusion preservice training needs: A study of variables associated with attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 21(1), 85-105.


    1. Romi, S., Levy, N., & Shneider, K. H. (2006). The impact of cultural context on the structure and the curriculum of an academic exchange program. World Studies in Education, 7, 59-80.


    1. Romi, S. & Lev, M. (2007). Experiential Learning of History through youth journeys to Poland: Israeli Jewish Youth and the Holocaust. Research in Education.78, 88-102.


    1. Romi, S. & Marom, D. (2007). Differences in intelligence (WISC-R Scores) between non-delinquent adolescents and dropout delinquent adolescents. Adolescence, 42, 166, 325-336.


    1. Romi, S., Savicki, V., Grupper, E., & Caspi, R. (2007). Occupational Burnout among Child Welfare Workers: A Work-setting Comparison. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare. 10, (3-4), 93-109.


    1. Lewis, R., Romi, S., Qui, X., & Katz, Y. (2008). Students’ Reaction to Classroom Discipline in Australia, Israel and China. Teaching and Teacher Education. 24, 715-724.


    1. Leyser, Y. & Romi, S. (2008). Religion and Attitudes of college preservice teachers toward students with disabilities: Implications for Higher Education. Higher Education. 55, 703-717.



    1. Leyser, Y. & Romi, S.(2009).Self efficacy beliefs of Preservice Teachers from six religious Affiliations: Educational Implications. Educational Practice and Theory, 31, 1, 73-90.



    1. Romi, S. & Getahun, S. (2009). Ego identity and perceived family functioning: Comparing at-risk native born and immigrant Ethiopian adolescents in Israel. Adolescence, 44 ,(176), 869-890.


    1. Romi, S. Lewis, R., & Katz, Y. (2009). Student responsibility and classroom discipline in Australia, China and Israel. Compare.39,4,439-452.



    1. Romi, S. & Schmida, M. (2009). Nonformal education: A major educational force in the postmodern era. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39, 2, 257-273.


    1. Romi, S. & Hassid, M. (2010). The Hafalopedia as a curriculum program in nonformal education: The extend of usage by workers in the community and residential institutions, their self-efficacy and its relationship to this program. Theory into Practice in Curriculum Planning 21, 169-214. Ministry of Education; The Israeli Curriculum Center. (Hebrew).


    1. Cohen, E.H., Romi, S. (2010).Classroom management and Discipline: a Multi-method Analysis of the Way Teachers, Students and Pre-service Teachers View Disturbing Behavior. Educational Practice and Theory, 32, 42-69.



    1. Romi, S. Levi, N. and Betzer (2010). Israeli and German Students’ Expectations of an Academic Exchange Program: Personal, Professional Development and National Identity. Learning and Teaching.3, 51-74.


    1. Romi, S. Lewis, R., Roache, J. and Riley, P. (2011). The Impact of Teachers' Aggressive Management Techniques on students Attitudes toward Schoolwork and Teachers in Australia, China, and Israel, The Journal of Educational Research.104(4),231-240.


    1. Leyser, Y., Zieger, T. and Romi, S. (2011).Changes in Self-Efficacy of Prospective Special and General Education Teachers: Implication for inclusive education. The International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.58, 241-255.




    1. Lewis, R. Roache, J. and Romi, S (2011). Coping Styles as Mediators of Teachers’ Classroom Management Techniques. Research in Education.85,53-68



    1. Lewis, R. Romi, S. and Roache, J. (2012).Excluding Students from Classroom: Teacher Techniques that Promote Student Responsibility. Teaching and Teacher Education , 28,870-878 .


    1. Romi, S. Lewis, R. and Roache (2013) "Classroom Management Strategies and Teachers' Coping: Inside classrooms in Australia, China, and Israel. Prospects, 43,(2),215-231.


    1. Asif. Z. Shapira E and Romi, S. (in press) Conceptual and Emotional Aspects of Indecisiveness throughout the Process of decision making for mate selection Megamot (Hebrew).


    1. Kaim, Z and Romi, S. (2014).Help seeking for personal problems: The resource choices of adolescents at risk and normative adolescents. Society and Welfare Quarterly for Social Work , 34, 385-409.(Hebrew).



    1. Romi, S., Lewis, R., & Salkovsky, M. (accepted).  Promoting responsibility within excluded students: What kind of Power works for different kinds of misbehaving students? The Journal of Educational Research.


    1. Kaim , Z. and Romi, S. (accepted) Help-seeking in accordance to the 'Threat to Self-esteem Model' among at-risk and normative adolescents. Megamot (Hebrew).



    1. Kaim , Z.and Romi, S. (accepted) Adolescents at risk and their willingness to seek help from youth care workers. Children and Youth services review






    1. Romi, S., & Teichman, M. (1989). Model to train youth care workers: Theory and practice. Chapter in Correctional Services in Social Work - Papirus, 70-91 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S. (1998). Psychological counseling in non-formal frameworks: A new glance at the existing systems. In R. Lazovsky, & S. Feldman (Eds.), Space and Territory in Educational Counseling. Reches Publishing Co., 357-379 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S., & Teichman, M. (1988). Dimensions in educational workers training - Description and evaluation. Beeri, Beit Berl College, 237-244 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S. (1990). Psychological aspects in residential counselors training. Niv Hamidrasha, Vol. 22-23, 300-307 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S., & Daniel, I., (2001). Mainstreaming of children with special needs in regular classes: Pre-service teacher's attitudes in Israeli colleges. In Zozovsky, Ariav & Keinass (Eds.), Teacher training and their professional development: Ideas exchange, 259-285.Ministry of Education Division of Teachers Preparation, Mofet Institute: Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).


    1. Benolol, N., & Romi, S. (2002). Therapeutic intervention through sport: Influence on personality factors of adolescent drop-outs. MIFGASH - Journal of Social-Educational Work, 16, 49-65 (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S., Levy, N., & Gilat, I. Z. (2005). And the child what does he say? The conservative models of the best interests of the child in the civil and rabbinical court procedures and the need to empower the voice of the child. Translating of matters that have no measure. Tzomet Alon-Shvout (pp. 337-362) (Hebrew).


    1. Leyser, Y., & Romi, S. (2005). The impact of religion, nationality, and other demographic variables of persevere teachers on attitudes toward inclusion: Implications for teacher training. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 20(2), 39-54 (Hebrew).


    1. Manor-Muldoon, O., & Romi, S. (2009). The Internet as resource for working with youth at risk: Attitudes of normative and dropout adolescents towards using the Internet. MIFGASH - Journal of Social-Educational Work, 29, 143-170. (Hebrew).


    1. Romi,S., Musler, R., & Leyser, Y. (2009). Attitudes toward inclusion of special needs students and self-efficacy beliefs of trainees in formal and informal education in colleges and universities. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 24(1), 15-34 (Hebrew).


    1. Yacobi-Silberberg, L., & Romi, S. (2009). Knowledge, emotions and attitudes of at-risk youth towards the Holocaust: Changes following the journey to Poland, MIFGASH - Journal of Social-Educational Work, 30, 83-108. (Hebrew).


    1. Romi, S. (2009).The non-formal education: Between establishment and built temporary, MOFET magazine, 37, 18-21.


    1. Romi, S. (2013). Preface. In G. Avissar and S. Reiter, (Eds.).Inclusiveness: From theory to practice, "AHVA" publishers. Haifa.






    Fields of Expertise

    Main Research Interests

    1. Non-formal education, qualification of workers and residential schools.

    2. Youth in distress, training workers and therapeutic interventions.

    3. Classroom Management.

    4.  Educational psychology, psychological assessment, custody cases and psychological characteristics of dropout and delinquent adolescents.


    Last Updated Date : 20/07/2022