Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Tova Michalsky
Tel:+972-3-531772 |
E-mail:Tova.Michalsky@biu.ac.il |
Year |
Degree |
1979 |
B.A. |
Bar-Ilan University |
M.A |
Bar-Ilan University |
2003 |
Ph.D. |
Bar-Ilan University |
THESIS: The Effects of Metacognive Guidance within in Asynchronous Learning Networks on Inquiry Learning Processes |
Prof. Zemira Mevarech |
Year |
Appointment |
(Work Percentage) |
1978 |
Assistant, Department of Science |
2000-2003 |
Lecturer |
2003 to 2021 |
Senior Lecturer |
2021 to present | Associate Professor |
PROFESSIONAL FUNCTIONS: (Memberships/Editorial Activities)
Prof. Michalsky currently participates as a member in many international professional organizations, such as the International Group for the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE). She also participates on the Review Committee for Research Proposals on Learning and Thinking for the Office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Education. In addition, she is a member of the Academic Committee Conferences and was the Conference Chairperson for the Conference on Enhancing Biology Education in Israel (2005). |
Year |
(sample) (amount) |
1979 |
Award of Excellence from the Dean of Biology, Bar-Ilan University $ 500 |
2002 |
Award of Excellence from the Rector, Bar-Ilan University $ 1000 |
2004 |
Award from the Rector, Bar-Ilan University $ 500 |
2004 |
Award of Excellence, Israel Ministry of Education $ 200 |
2006 |
Third Prize Award, E-scola European Competition for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Education |
$ 1000 |
2010 |
Award from the Rector, Bar-Ilan University |
$ 1200 |
2012 |
Award from the Rector, Bar-Ilan University |
$ 8000 |
B.A: Assessments in School, Inquiry Learning Teaching Gifted Students, Developing TPCK, High-Order Thinking Skills.
1.Scientific Literacy |
2.Developing students SRL |
3. Developing teachers TPCK |
Books (as author)
1. Michalsky, T. (1994). Guiding book for electronic-sheet Astound 2 applications in teaching science for high school. The Open University . (Hebrew).
2. Michalsky, T. (1994). Guiding book for electronic-sheet PowerPoint 4 applications in teaching science for high school. The Open University . (Hebrew).
3. Michalsky, T. (1995). Guiding book for electronic-sheet Word 6 applications in teaching science for high school. The Open University. (Hebrew).
4. Michalsky, T. (1997). Bio-Excel: Computer applications in teaching science Hod Ami. (Hebrew).
5. Michalsky, T. (1997). Guiding book for electronic-sheet Excel 5 applications in teaching science for high school. The Open University. (Hebrew).
6. Michalsky, T. (1999). Heredity – DNA: Science 2000 Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew).
1. Aboud, M,. Michalsky, T,. Nitzan, Y & Samuel Salzberg (1980) Enhancement of Cellular Protein Synthesis Sensitivity to Diphtheria Toxin by Interferon. Infection and Immunity, (28) 1, 11-16.
2. Nitzan, Y & Michalsky, T. (1980) Simple Procedure for Purification of Diphtheria Toxin and Separation of its Fragments by Hydrophobic Chromatography, Analytical Biochemistry, 109, 71-75.
3. Zion, M., Michalsky, T., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2005). The effects of metacognitive instruction embedded within an asynchronous learning network on scientific inquiry skills. International Journal of Science Education, 27, 957-958.
4. Mevarech, Z. R., Zion, M., & Michalsky, T. (2007). Peer assisted learning via face-to-face or a-synchronic learning network embedded with or without metacognitive guidance: The effects on higher and lower achieving students. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 4(3), 456-471.
5. Michalsky, T., Zion, M., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2007). Developing students' metacognitive awareness in asynchronous learning networks in comparison to face-to-face discussion groups. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 36, 421-450.
6. Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (2008). Preservice teachers’ self-regulation of learning: Effects of e-learning environment and beliefs about learning and teaching. Megamot, 4, 660-685. (Hebrew).
7. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2009). Investigating pre-service teachers' professional growth in self-regulated learning environments. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101 (1), 161-175.
8. Michalsky, T., Mevarech, Z. R., & Haibi, L. (2009). Elementary school children reading science texts: Effects of metacognitive instruction. Journal of Educational Research, 102(5), 363-374.
9. Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2009). Three metacognitive approaches to training pre-service teachers in different learning phases of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Special issue of Educational Research and Evaluation An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 15 (5), 465-490.
10. Kramarski, B, & Michalsky, T. (2010). Preparing preservice teachers for self-regulated learning in the context of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Learning and Instruction, 20, 434-447.
11. Michalsky, T. (2012) Shaping Self-Regulation in Science Teachers' Professional Growth: Inquiry Skills. Science Education. 96) 6(, 1106–1133.
- Michalsky, T., & Schechter, C. (2013) Preservice teachers’ self-regulated learning: Integrating learning from problems and learning from successes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 30, 60–73.
13. Kramarski, B., Michalsky, T. (2013) Student and teacher perspectives on IMPROVE self-regulation prompts in web-based learning. In R. Azevedo, & V. Aleven, (Eds). International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies. (pp. 35-51). New York : Springer
14. Schechter, C. & Michalsky, T. (2014). Juggling our mindsets: Learning from success as a complementary instructional framework in teacher education. Teachers College Record. 116 (2), 48 p.
15. Iluz, S., Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (2013). Developing and assessing the life challenges teacher Inventory for teachers' professional growth. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 38. 44-54
- Michalsky, T. (2013) Integrating skills and wills instruction in self-regulated science text reading for secondary students. International Journal of Science Education, 13(11), 1846 -1873.
17. Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (in press). Prompting Reflections for integrating self-regulation into teacher technology education. Teachers College Record.
18. Michalsky, T. (2014). Developing the SRL-PV assessment scheme: Preservice teachers’ professional vision for teaching self-regulated learning. Studies in Educational Evaluation, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2014.05.003.
Chapters in Books
1. Kramarski, B & Michalsky, T. (2008). Preparing pre-service teachers for professional education within a metacognitive computer-based learning environment. In Schwartz, N., Zumbach. J., Seufert. T., Kester. L., (Eds.), Beyond Knowledge: the Legacy of Competence Meaningful Computer-based Learning Environments. (pp. 93-101). Springer Publisher.
2. Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (2008). Complementary perspective for the evaluation of student-teachers' pedagogical SRL in metacognitive hypermedia environment. In I. Roll, & V. Aleven (Eds.). Measuring metacognition and self-regulated learning in educational technologies. (ITS). Montreal, Canada. pp. 31-40. http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/iroll/workshops/its08/papers/Michalsky.pdf.
3. Kramarski, B., Michalsky, T. (2013) Student and teacher perspectives on IMPROVE self-regulation prompts in web-based learning. In R. Azevedo, & V. Aleven, (Eds). International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies. (pp. 35-51). New York : Springer
- Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (in press). Investigating teaching and learning perceptions of teachers in a self-regulated learning program for attaining TPCK. In C. Angelie, & N. Valanides (Eds). Understanding Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). Cyprus: Springer.
1. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2007, August-September). Preparing pre-service teachers online for self-regulated learning. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.
2. Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (2007, August-September). How can different mentoring styles promote reading and mathematical literacy of mentor students? Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.
3. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2008, May). Effects of online metacognitive engagement on pre-service teachers' self-regulated learning in pedagogical context. Symposium conducted at the 3rd Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16, Ioannina, Greece.
4. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2008, June). Complementary perspective for the evaluation of student teachers' pedagogical SRL in metacognitive hypermedia environment. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop on Meta-Cognition and Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies, ITS, Montreal.
5. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2008, September). Preparing pre-service teachers for professional education within a metacognitive computer-based learning environment. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG 6 & 7 Learning and Instruction with Computers in cooperation with SIG 6 Instructional Design, Salzburg, Austria.
6. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2009, August). Prompting self-reflection differentially in a computer-based learning pedagogical context. Symposium to be conducted at the 13th Biennial Conference, EARLI, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
7. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2010, May). Three training approaches to promote teachers’ SRL in technology environment. Symposium conducted at the 4rd Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16, Munster, Germany.
8. Michalsky, T., & Mevarech, Z, R. (2010, May). The effects of metacognitive instruction embedded within inquiry laboratory work on scientific inquiry skills. Paper presented at the 4rd Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16, Munster, Germany.
9. Michalsky, T. (2011, July). Promoting Pre-service Teachers’ Capacity to Teach
Self-Regulated Learning through Analysis of Both Teachers' and Students' Behavior. International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology. (IACEP) Boston, USA.
10. Michalsky, T. (2011, September). Preparing Teachers for Self-Regulated Learning to Empower TPCK. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Denver, USA.
11. Michalsky, T. (2013, August). Using videotaped teaching practice to promote SRL among pre-service teachers. Symposium conducted at the 15th Biennial Conference, Munich, Germany.
1. Michalsky, T., & Kramarski, B. (2008). Complementary perspective for the evaluation of student teachers' pedagogical SRL in metacognitive hypermedia environment. In I. Roll, & V. Aleven (Eds.), Measuring metacognition and self-regulated learning in educational technologies (ITS). Montreal, Canada. pp. 31-40. http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/iroll/workshops/its08/papers/Michalsky.pdf.
2. Kramarski, B., & Michalsky, T. (2008). Preparing pre-service teachers for professional education within a metacognitive computer-based learning environment. In N. Schwartz, J. Zumbach, T. Seufert, & L. Kester (Eds.), Beyond knowledge: The legacy of competence meaningful computer-based learning environments (pp. 93-101). Salzburg: Springer.
Last Updated Date : 08/02/2024