Associate Professor, Head of Ph.D. Committee, Director of the Center for Technology in Special Education, Head of the Special Education program (B.A.)

Associate Prof. Adina Shamir

Associate Professor, Head of Ph.D. Committee, Director of the Center for Technology in Special Education, Head of the Special Education program (B.A.)
Building 905 room 222A or 409
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    Bachelor study programs

    1996 -  Encouragement Prize for Excellent M.A. Students, School of Education, Bar‑Ilan University.

    1998 -  Encouragement Prize for Excellent Ph.D. Students, School of Education, Bar‑Ilan University.

    1999 -  Encouragement Prize for Excellent Ph.D. Students, Ph.D. committee, Bar‑Ilan University.






    1.     Shamir, A., & Van der Aalsvoort, G. (2004). Children's mediational teaching style and cognitive modifiability: A comparison between first and third graders in Hollandand Israel. Educational Practice and Theory26, 61-85. 

    2.     Shamir, A., & Tzuriel, D. (2004). Characteristics of children’s mediational teaching style as a function of intervention for cross-age peer mediation with computers.School Psychology International, 25, 106-116.

    3.     Shamir, A., & Silvern, S. (2005). Effects of peer mediation with young children on autonomous behavior. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 4, 199-215.

    4.     Shamir, A. (2005). Mediational teaching style and peer mediation among junior high school students. Education and Society23, 63-81.

    5.     Shamir, A., & Korat, O. (2006). How to select CD-Rom storybooks for young children: The teacher's role. The Reading Teacher59, 532-543.

    6.     Shamir, A., Tzuriel, D., & Rozen, M. (2006). Peer mediation: The effects of program intervention, math level, and verbal ability on mediation style and improvement in math problem solving School Psychology International, 27, 209-231.

    7.     Shamir, A., & Lazerovitz, T. (2007). A peer mediation intervention for scaffolding self-regulated learning among children with learning disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 22, 255-273.

    8.     Tzuriel, D., & Shamir, A. (2007). The effects of peer mediation with young children (PMYC) on children's cognitive modifiability. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 77, 143-165.

    9.     Korat, O., & Shamir, A. (2007). Electronic books versus adults readers: Effects on children's emergent literacy in low versus middle SES groups. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23, 248-259.

    10.  Shamir, A. (2007). Inclusion from theory to practice: General and local issues. Educational and Child Psychology24, 37-46.

    11.  Shamir, A., & Korat, O. (2007). Developing an educational e-book for fostering kindergarten children’s emergent literacy. Computers in the Schools24, 125-145.

    12.  Korat, O., & Shamir, A. (2008). The educational electronic book as a scaffolding tool for children's emergent literacy in low versus middle SES groups. Computers andEducation, 50, 110-124.

    13.  Shamir, A., Korat, O., & Barbi, N. (2008). The effects of CD-ROM storybook reading on low SES kindergarteners’ emergent literacy as a function of activity context: Paired peer tutoring versus individual use of the e-storybook. Computers & Education, 51, 354-367.

    14.  Shamir, A., Tzuriel, D., & Guy, R. (2007). Computer-supported collaborative learning: Cognitive effects of intervention for peer mediation tutoring. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 6, 373-394.

    15.  Shamir, A., Zion, M., & Spector, O. (2008). Peer tutoring, metacognitive processes and problem-based learning: The effect of mediation training on critical thinking.Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17, 384-398. (A)

    16.  Shamir, A. (2009). Joint activity with e-books for promoting kindergarteners’ emergent literacy: Processes and outcomes. Educational Media International, 46, 1, 81-96.

    17.  Shamir, A., Mevarech, R. Z., & Gida, C. (2009). The assessment of young children's meta-cognition in different contexts: Individualized vs. peer-assisted learning.Metacognition and Learning4, 47-61.

    18.  Korat, O., & Shamir, A. (2010). The electronic book as a tool for supporting emergent literacy: Evidence from Hebrew-speaking children. Orianut Vesafa, 3, 71-90 (Hebrew).

    19.  Tzuriel, D., & Shamir, A. (2010). Mediation strategies and cognitive modifiability in young children as a function of peer mediation with young children program and training in analogies versus math tasksJournal of Cognitive Education and Psychology9, 48-72. 

    20.  Segal-Drori, O., Korat, O., Shamir, A., & Klein, P. S. (2010). Reading electronic and printed books with and without adult support: Effects on emergent reading.Reading and Writing, 23, 913-930.

    21.  Korat, O., Shamir, A., & Arbiv, L. (2011). E-books as a support for emergent writing with and without adults' assistance. Education and Information Technologies, 16, 301-318.

    22.  Shamir, A., Korat, O., & Shlafer, I. (2011). The effect of activity with e-book on vocabulary and story comprehension: A comparison between kindergarteners at risk for LD and typically developing kindergarteners. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26, 299-322.

    23.  Eden, S., Shamir, A., & Fershtman, M. (2011). The effect of using laptops on the spelling skills of students with learning disabilities. Educational Media International, 48, 249-259.

    24.  Shamir, A., Korat, O., & Fellah, R. (in press). Promoting vocabulary, phonological awareness and concept about print among children at risk for learning disability: Can e-books help? Reading and Writing.

    25.  Segal-Drori, O., Korat, O., & Shamir, A. (in press). Do e-books promote emergent litracy of preschoolers? Evidence from children in different SES groups. Megamot(Hebrew).

    26.  Shamir, A., & Shlafer, I. (in press). E-books' effectiveness in promoting phonological awareness and concept about print: A comparison between children at risk for learning Disabilities and Typically Developing Kindergarteners. Computers & Education.





    1.     Shamir, A., & Korat, O. (Eds.) (accepted).  Technology as a support for literacy achievements for children at risk. Springer Publishing.




    1.     Buttner, G., & Shamir, A. (2011). Special issue: Learning disabilities: causes, consequences and responses. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (IDDE), 58(1). 

    2.     Shamir, A., & Margalit, M. (2011). Special issue: Technology and students with special educational needs: new opportunities and future directions. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(3).  






    1.    Shamir, A., & Korat, O. (2009). The educational electronic book as a tool for supporting children's emergent literacy. In A. G. Bus, & S. B. Neuman (Eds.),Multimedia and Literacy Development: Improving Achievement for Young Learners. London: Taylor and Francis Group.

    2.    Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L., Shamir, A., Dion, E., Saenz, M. L., & McMaster, K. L. (2011). Peer mediation: A means of differentiating classroom instruction. In A. Mcgill-Franzen, & R. L. Allington (Eds.). Handbook of Reading Disabilities, 362-373, Taylor & Francis, New- York.

    3.    Shamir, A., & Korat, O. (2011). Activity with an e-book as a tool to promote emergent literacy in different contexts. In O. Korat, & D. Aram (Eds.). Literacy and language: Relationships, bilingualism and difficulties, 287-303, Magnes, The Hebrew University Jerusalem. (Hebrew).

    4.    Shamir, A., & Fellah, R. (in press). The effect of an educational electronic book on the emergent literacy of preschool children at risk for learning disabilities. In E. Hjörne, G. Van der Aalsvoort, & G. de Abreu (Eds.). Learning, social interaction and diversity – exploring identities in school practices, Sense Publisher,Roterdam.




    Research Fields



    1.     Cognitive Modifiability and Metacognition among students with Special Needs (including students from low SES populations);

    2.     Use of new technologies to support learning of students with diverse academic needs (including Special Educational Needs); and

    3.     Peer-Mediated Learning.



    Research Projects



    -        New Technologies as a support for learning among children with special needs (including Learning Disabilities).

    -        Metacognition among young children- cross cultural research (with Cambridge University, England).

    -        Electronic books (e-books) as a support for literacy and Math among children with diverse academic needs.


    Fields of Expertise

    Professor Shamir is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Bar-Ilan University.

    Her scientific research and publications lie in the area of cognitive and metacognitive development, Use of new technologies to support learning of students with diverse academic

    needs including students with Learning Disabilities.  




    Last Updated Date : 10/07/2024