Professor, Head of the Special Education program (MA), Vice Dean of Faculty

Associate Prof. Sigal Eden

Professor, Head of the Special Education program (MA), Vice Dean of Faculty
Building 905 room 412
Reception Hours
Tuesday 10:00-12:00







Tel Aviv University



Bar Ilan university



Bar Ilan university


The effect of "Three-Dimensionality" as a representation mode on sequential time perception, on hearing-impaired and hearing children


Prof. Yaacov Katz, Prof. David Passig

Current position

Senior Lecture, Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Bar-Ilan University




(Work Percentage)


Assistant, School of Education

5 Hours


Instructional Doctor

5 Hours





Senior Lecture




2009-to Date

European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction- EARLI , Special Interest Group (SIG): Special Educational Needs

2013-to Date

IACEP- International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology— Membership secretary




Minerva Short-Term Research Grants


PhD student grant                 


Keren Shalem                                                     USD 16, 738







Chais Research Grant                                        USD    2,850

Chais Research Grant                                        USD    2,850

Chais Research Grant                                        USD    2,850

The Open University, Research Authority          USD    8,550          

Ministry of Education, Chief of Science             USD  22,795

Ministry of Education, Chief of Science              USD  43,825                         




B.A Computers in special education

B.A Introduction to special education

B.A Typical development and disabilities in communication and language

B.A Technologies to enhance language and learning: Typical development and disabilities


M.A. Searching tools in information directories

M.A Technologies to enhance people with special needs


  1. Cognitive and lingual enhancement of children with special populations via technology
  2. Cognitive and lingual aspects of people with hearing impairment
  3. Learning environments integrating advanced technology


  1. In 2010 I was invited to an international workshop at Bar Ilan University on "Technology as supporting literacy achievements for children at risk". The workshop was financed by ISF and was designated for invitees only from the USA, Europe and Israel (34 participants).
  2. A member of the COSPATIAL international research group, which won the European Union Grant: An integrative approach for designing collaborative technologies for social competence training in children with autism spectrum conditions. The group is comprised of researchers from Italy, the UK and Israel. The leader from Bar Ilan is Prof. Nirit Bauminger, and I serve as a researcher on behalf the university.
  3. I serve as a reviewer of national and international journals such as Computers & Education  British Journal of Educational Technology  Educational Technology and Society and others.
  4. I was a Research Fellow of the Chais Research Centre at the Open University of Israel.

Organizing conferences:

19.11.07 Multi-dimensional aspects among populations with special needs: research and implementation—Bar Ilan University

06.02.08  Learning in the Technological Era: the 3rd Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research

18.02.09 Learning in the Technological Era: the 4th Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research

10.02.10 Learning in the Technological Era: the 5th Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research—Chairperson

17.2.11 Learning in the Technological Era: the 3rd Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research—Chairperson                    


M.A. Students:

  1. Ofer Heletz, The didactic efficiency of help files for the users' demands, 2006
  2. Vanina Rosenbaum, The impact of virtual reality on parents' awareness of the cognitive states of the dyslectic child, 2007
  3. Dorit Daum, Use of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) for social support among adolescents 4.      Michal Betzer, Enhancing sequential time perception amongst children with mental retardation
  4. Sara Solomon, The influence of a computer course to reduce the digital divide on feelings of self-efficacy, attitudes towards computers, and ability to integrate in the workforce of adults with hearing impairment, 2010
  5. Maayan Fershtman, The effects of using laptops on self-esteem, motivation and spelling capabilities of students in special education classes,  2011
  6. Einat Braun, The relationship between sensory disability of parents and the ability for empathy, emotional literacy and independence of their non-disabled children, 2013
  7. Keren Leibovitz, Improving sequential time perception and storytelling ability with technology among deaf and hard-of-hearing children with and without cochlear implants
  8. Liron Rubabshi, The influence of computerized intervention on the cognitive flexibility in social problem solving processes among children with high functioning autism
  9. Atara Oren, Promoting pro-social ability of preschool children with high-functioning autism with a cognitive– behavioral computer mediated intervention
  10. Danel Vizgreen, Using tablet for teaching narrative ability in young children with high-functioning ASD

PhD Students: (Co-supervision with Prof. Adina Shamir): Einat Brainin


Books- (Author)

Dromi, E., Eden, S., Zadunaisky-Ehrlich, S., Ringwald-Frimerman, D. & Levy, H. (2010). Script as a model in language intervention. Maalot, Israel (In Hebrew).

Chapters in Books- (Author)

1.  Eden, S., Kurtz, G. & Mevarech, Z. (2012). The effects of metacognitive guidance on student achievement in a fully online course. In: D. Chen & G. Kurtz (Eds.) ICT, learning and teaching. Or Yehuda: the Center of Academic Studies. (In Hebrew).

2. Eden, S., Shamir, A., & Fershtman, M. (2012). Making a difference: Using laptops as a support for spelling improvement among students with LD. In A. Shamir & O. Korat (Eds.) Technology as a support for literacy achievements for children at risk. Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht.

3. Eden, S. (2014). Promoting deaf and hard-of-hearing children with advanced technologies. In: T. Most & D. Ringwald-Frimerman (Eds.) Research and intervention in educating children with hearing impairment in Israel, pp.346-383. Mofet Institute. (In Hebrew). 

4. Zancanaro, M., Giusti, L., Bauminger-Zviely, N., Eden, S., Gal, E. & Weiss, P.L. (2014). NoProblem! A collaborative interface for teaching conversation skills to children with high functioning Autism spectrum disorder. In A. Nijholt (Ed.) Playful user interfaces, pp. 209-224, Springer Singapore.

Articles in periodicals

  1. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2000). Improving flexible thinking in deaf and hard-of-hearing children with virtual reality technology. American Annals of the Deaf, 145(3), 286-291.
  2. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2000). Enhancing the induction skill of deaf and hard-of-hearing children with virtual reality technology. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 5(3), 277-285.
  3. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2002). Virtual reality as a tool for improving spatial rotation among deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 4(6), 681-686.
  4. Passig, D., Noyman, T. & Eden, S. (2002). Improving the awareness to toddlers' initial emotional experience in kindergarten with virtual reality technology. Educational Media International, 39(2), 1-10.
  5. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2003). Cognitive intervention through virtual environments among deaf and hard-of-hearing children. European Journal of Special Needs in Education, 18(2), 1-10. 
  6. Passig, D., Eden, S. & Heled, M. (2007). The impact of virtual reality on the awareness of teenagers to social and emotional experiences of immigrant classmates. Education and Information Technologies, 12, 267-280.
  7. Eden, S. & Passig, D. (2007). Three-dimensionality as an effective mode of representation for expressing sequential time perception. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 36(1), 51-63.
  8. Eden, S. (2008). The effect of 3D virtual reality on sequential time perception among deaf and hard-of-hearing children. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 23(4), 349–363. 
  9. Passig, D., Eden, S. & Rosenbaum, V. (2008). The Impact of Virtual Reality on Parents' Awareness of Cognitive Perceptions of a Dyslectic Child. Education and Information Technologies. 10.  Beaudoin, M. F., Kurtz, G., & Eden, S. (2009). Experiences and opinions of E-learners: What works, what are the challenges, and what competencies ensure successful online learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5, 275-289.
  10. Passig, D., Eden, S. (2010). Enhancing time-connectives with 3D Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR). Journal of Educational Computing Research, 42(3), 307-325.
  11. Eden, S. & Heiman, T. (2011). The influence of CMC on social support of students with and without learning disabilities. Educational Technology and Society, 14(2), 89-97.
  12. Eden, S. & Betzer, M. (2011). Three-dimensions vs. two-dimensions intervention programs: the effect on the mediation level and behavioral aspects of children with intellectual disability, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(3), 337-353.
  13. Ingber, S. & Eden, S. (2011). Enhancing sequential time perception and storytelling ability among deaf and hard-of-hearing children. American Annals of the Deaf, 156(4), 391–401.
  14. Eden, S., Shamir, A. & Fershtman, M. (2011). The effect of using laptops on the spelling skills of students with learning disabilities. Educational Media International, 48(4), 249 - 259.
  15. Olnik-Shemesh, D., Heiman, T. & Eden, S. (2012). Cyberbullying victimization in adolescence: The relationships with loneliness and depressive mood. Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties, 17(3-4), 361-374.
  16. Eden, S., Heiman, T., & Olnik-Shemesh, D. (2012). Teachers' perceptions, beliefs, and concerns about cyberbullying. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(6), 1036-1052.
  17. Eden, S. & Eshet, Y. (2013). The Effect of Format on Performance: Editing Text in Print versus Digital Formats. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(5), 846-856.
  18. Bauminger-Zvieli, N., Eden, S., Zancanaro, M., Weiss, T., & Gal E. (2013). Increasing social engagement in high-functioning children with ASD using school based- shared active surfaces (SAS) technologies. Autism, 17(3), 317-339.
  19. Eden, S. (2014). Virtual intervention to improve storytelling ability among deaf and hard-of-hearing children. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29(3), 370-386.
  20. Heiman, T., Olenik-Shemesh, D. & Eden, S. (2014). Cyberbullying involvement among students with ADHD: relation to loneliness, self-efficacy and social support. European Journal of Special Needs Education. DOI:
  21. Eden, S. & Eshet, Y. (2014). The Effect of Digital Games and Game Strategies on Young Adolescents' Aggression. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50(4), 449-466.
  22. Eden, S. & Ingber, S.  (2014). Virtual environment as a tool for improving sequence ability among deaf and hard-of-hearing children. American Annals of the Deaf, 159(3), 284-295.
  23. Eden, S., Heiman, T. & Olenik-Shemesh, D. (2014). Bully versus victim on the internet: the correlation with emotional-social characteristics. Education and Information Technologies. 10.1007/s10639-014-9348-2                                                                   


  1. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (1998). Improving inductive thinking with Virtual Reality technology. The 15th annual conference for computers in education, Moach, July 1998, Tel Aviv Israel.
  2. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (1999). Enhancing the induction skill among hearing-impaired children, ComNed, IFIP, Communication and Networking in Education, June 1999, Finland.
  3. Eden, S. & Ingber, S. (2000). Integrating hearing-impaired children in regular classes—a model for success. Education for preschoolers, August 2000, Jerusalem, Israel.
  4. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2000). Enhancing cognitive skills with virtual reality. ICDVRAT 2000, September 2000, Sardinia, Italy.
  5. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2001). Virtual reality as a tool for improving spatial rotation among deaf and hard-of-hearing children. TET 2001, May 2001, Prague, proceedings pp. 202-206.
  6. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2004). The influence of Virtual Reality as a representation mode on time perception on hearing-impaired children. The 19th annual conference for computers in education, Moach, January 2004, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  7. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2004). Three-dimensionality as a representation mode to better express sequential-time perception in children. IFIP WG 3.5- Learning for 21st century: What really matters? 28 June – 2 July 2004. Budapest, Hungary.
  8. Eden, S. (2004). The influence of 3D as a representation mode on time perception of hearing-impaired children. Educating deaf and hard-of-hearing children conference, 50th anniversary of Micha, November 2004, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  9. Eden, S. (2006). Immersive VR as an effective mode of representation for expressing sequential-time perception. VR Symposium, a research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, June 2006. Haifa, Israel.
  10. Passig, D. & Eden, S. (2007). 3D as an efficient representation mode in sequence perception of children with hearing impairment. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 189-197. Raanana, Israel.
  11. Passig, D. Eden, S. & Rosenbaum, V. (2007). The influence of using Virtual Reality on parent’s awareness of the cognitive and emotional aspects of the dyslectic child. The 21st annual conference for computers in education, Moach, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  12. Eden, S., Passig, D. & Bezer, M. (2007). Improving time sequence among children with intellectual disability with Virtual Reality technology. Multi-dimensional aspects among populations with special needs: research and implantation, Ramat Gan, Israel.
  13. Eden, S. (2007). Expressing time connectives among hearing impaired children with different representation modes. Multi-dimensional aspects among populations with special needs: research and implantation, Ramat Gan, Israel.
  14. Eden, S., Kurtz, G. & Mevarech, Z. (2008). The effects of metacognitive guidance on student achievement in a fully online course. Learning in the Technological Era: 3 Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 115-121. Raanana, Israel.
  15. Passig, D. Eden, S. & Rosenbaum, V. (2008). Enhancing parents' awareness of Dyslexia with Virtual Reality. Learning in the Technological Era: 3rd Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 149-156. Raanana, Israel.
  16. Eden, S. & Kurtz, G. (2008). The effects of metacognitive guidance on student achievement in a fully online course. 3rd Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Metacognition. May 8 - 10, 2008, Ioannina, Greece.
  17. Beaudoin, M.F., Kurtz, G. & Eden, S. (2009). Experiences and opinions of e-learners: What works, what doesn't, and what competencies ensure successful learning. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, S. Eden, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 34-40.
  18. Eden, S. & Heiman, T. (2009). The Influence of CMC on Social Support of Students with and without Learning Disabilities. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, S. Eden, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 103-111.
  19. Eden, S., Fershtman, M. & Shamir, A. (2010). The Effect of Using Laptops on the Spelling Capabilities of Students in Special Education Classes. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, S. Eden, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 162-169.
  20. Cobb, C.V., Millen, L., Glover, T., Parsons, S., Garib-Penna, S., Weiss, P.L., Gal, E., Bauminger, N., Eden, S., Zancanaro, M. & Giusti, L. (2010). Integrative approach for designing collaborative technologies for social competence training in children with autism spectrum conditions, Proc. 8th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies, P M Sharkey, J Sanchez (Eds), pp. 295-298, Via del Mar/Valparaiso, Chile, 31 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2010.
  21. Weiss, P.L. & Eden, S.  (2011). Innovative technology for social interaction: Design, research findings and practical implications. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, S. Eden, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 165-67, Israel, 17 February, 2011.    
  22. Weiss, P.L., Gal, E., Eden, S., Giusti, L. & Zancanaro, M. (2011). Usability of a Multi-Touch Tabletop Surface to Enhance Social Competence Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, S. Eden, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), Israel, 17 February, 2011.
  23. Weiss, P.L., Cobb, S., Gal, E., Millen, L., Hawkins, T., Glover, T., Sanassy, D., S. Eden, Giusti, L. & Zancanaro, M.  (2011). Usability of Technology Supported Social Competence Training for Children on the Autism Spectrum. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2011.
  24. Eden, S., Weis, P. L., Gal, E. & Zancanaro, M. (2011). Social competence training for children on the autism spectrum disorder using multi-touch tabletop surface: A usability study, Joint Virtual Reality Conference, 20-21 September 2011, Nottingham, UK.
  25. Hawkins, T., Cobb, S., Millen, M., Glover, T., Weiss, P.L., Gal, E., Eden, S., Zancanaro, M., Parsons, S. & Garib-Penna, S. (2011). CVE and SAS applications to promote collaboration and communication in children with Autism. Joint Virtual Reality Conference, 20-21 September 2011, Nottingham, UK.
  26. Eshet-Alkalai, Y. & Eden, S. (2012). Print versus digital: The effect of format on performance in editing text. Learning in the Technological Era: Chais Conference on Instructional Technologies Research, Y. Eshet-Alkalai, S. Eden, A. Caspi, N. Geri, Y. Yair (Eds.), pp. 13-21.
  27. Gal, E., Eden, S., Zancanaro, M. & Weiss, P.L. (2012). Collaborative collocated technologies to promote social communication in children with HFASD. Presented at IMFAR 2012 – Annual Meeting of International Society for Autism Research. Toronoto. May, 2012
  28. Eden, S. & Ingber, S. (2012). Improving storytelling ability among hearing impaired children. Script conference, the Israeli association to literacy, Israel.
  29. Eden, S. (2012). Enhancing children with hearing impairment with virtual reality. IDC- the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children 2012, Interactive Technologies for Children with Special Needs Workshop. June 12-15, 2012, Bremen, Germany.
  30. Weiss, P.L., Gal, E., Eden, S., Bauminger, N. & Zancanaro, M. (2012). Applying participatory design to develop technology for Autism. Invited talk at ICare4Autism, Jerusalem, August 1 2012.
  31. Parsons, S., Bauminger, N., Cobb, S., Gal, E., Glover, T., Weiss, P.L., Zancanaro, M., Eden, S., Garib-Penna, S., Hawkins, T., Millen, L. & Rietdij K, W. (2012). Collaborative Technologies for supporting social conversation and collaboration in the classroom: overview and findings of the COSPATIAL project ITASD Valencia 2012.
  32. Eden, S. & Ingber S. (2012). Improving storytelling ability of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children. EARLI SIG 15 "Special Educational Needs", Theoretically-based intervention of learning disorders. 29 - 30 August 2012, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
  33. Bauminger-Zvieli, N., Eden, S., Zancanaro, M., Weiss, T., & Gal E. (2013). Improving social cognition of children with autism with advance technology. IACEP 2013 International Conference: Unfolding potential: assessment, strategies, change, and intervention. Leiden, The Netherlands, June 24-27, 2013.
  34. Eden, S. & Ingber, S. (2014). Enhancing Storytelling Ability with Virtual Environment among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children. ICCHP 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, July 09-11, 2014; Pre-Conference July 07-08, 2014. Université Paris, Saint-Denis; France.
  35. Eden, S. (2014). Virtual environment as a tool to advance storytelling ability among children with hearing impairment. IACEP- International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology, European Regional Conference 2014, Cognitive and executive functioning: concepts, measurement and educational implications. Budapest, Hungary, June 19-20, 2014.

Last Updated Date : 08/02/2024