Jewish Education, Youth Movements, Educational Tourism, Educational Sociology, Jewish Identity

Higher Education



B.A. in Philosophy and Sociology, University of Lyon, France


M.A. in Philosophy and Psycho-Sociology, University of Lyon, France      


DEA in Socio-linguistics, The Sorbonne, Paris, France


Jerusalem Fellow, Israel


PhD in Sociology, University of Nanterre, France


MA Thesis:

The concept of separation in Judaism: Exile and Retreat. Mention Très bien (Summa Cum Laude).



Prof. Henri Maldiney


PhD Thesis:

Jewish Volunteers from France to Israel during the Yom Kippur War: A Contribution to the Study of the Israel-Diaspora Relationship, 3 volumes. Mention Très bien (Summa Cum Laude).



Prof. Annie Kriegel


Bar Ilan University Appointments

1994-2005        Teacher at the School of Education

2005                   Senior Lecturer at the School of Education

2009                   Associate Professor at the School of Education


Other University Teaching activities

1996-2000     Alperin Regional College of the Jordan Valley, Bar-Ilan University 

1999-2003        Efrata Academic College for Education, Jerusalem

2002-2004        Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2003-2004         Ashkelon Academic College, Bar-Ilan University

2007-cont.         The Charedi College, Jerusalem


Research Appointment

1995-2000  Fellow Research at the Jerusalem Institute for the Study of Israel, Jerusalem

2011-cont.  Associate Fellow of JPR, London, UK


Scientific Committees

1991-cont. Academic Committee, Midreshet Bait Ham, Training Institute for Social-Educational Youth Workers, Jerusalem

1992-1996    Scientific Consultant Committee of the Joint Authority for Jewish Zionist Education, Jerusalem

1998-2001  Scientific Committee, the Van Leer Institute Divided Cities Project and the Memories of Morocco, Jerusalem

2001-2005  Scientific Committee, the Van Leer Institute Intellectual Integration of the CIS Immigrants

2007-cont.  Chair of the Research Committee, The Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora, University of Bar Ilan

2010           Associate Researcher at the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (UAI), Viña del Mar, Chile.

2013           Gerim: New Trends in Joining the Jewish people. A Research Group at Van Leer Institute.


Consulting and Advisory Editorships

1981-1986  Sillages (Editorial Board)

2001-cont. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education (Advisory Editorial Board)

2007-2011  FTA News Letter (Co-Editor)

2008-cont.  South Asian Journal of Tourism & Heritage (Editorial Board)

2009-cont.  International Journal of Jewish Education Research (IJJER) (Co-Founder and Editor)

2011-cont. Crisis Management in Tourism and Hospitality (Editorial Board)


Professional Affiliations

1.            Association for Jewish Studies

2.            Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry

3.            Facet Theory Association

4.            RTf 20 Méthodes (An international group of 57 methodologists)

5.            The Israel Network for Research in Jewish Education

6.            World Union of Jewish Studies

Last Updated Date : 23/01/2023