The use of computers in kindergarten, with and without adult mediation, effects on children’s cognitive performance and behavior

Klein, P.S.

This study was designed to examine the di€erential e€ects of three types of adult interaction
with kindergarten children using computers on children's cognitive performance and style of
response. The types of adult interaction considered were: (1) mediation: provision of media-
tion, including behaviors such as focusing, a€ecting, expanding, encouraging, and regulation
of behavior; (2) accompaniment: responding to children's questions; and (3) no assistance:
provision of minimal technical assistance. The study sample included 150 kindergarten chil-
dren, age 5±6 years. Children who engaged in adult-mediated computer activity showed
higher levels of performance on a series of cognitive measures and more re¯ective response
styles as compared to the other children. Adults' mediating behaviors found most predictive
of children's cognitive performance were expanding, encouraging and regulation of behavior.
Findings led to the conclusion that integrating adult mediation in pre-school computer
learning environments facilitates informed use of computer technologies and has positive
e€ects on children's performance

Last Updated Date : 12/07/2017