Medium Preferences of Children and Adolescents for Content Distributed by the Media

Zilka, G.C.

Children and adolescents are exposed to a huge variety of communication channels. In this study, we examined the relationship between medium preference and content consumed, and the factors of preference by Israeli children and adolescents, with reference to socio-demographic characteristics. This is a quantitative, mixed-method study with a qualitative element. A total of 345 participants from Israel completed questionnaires, of whom 90 were also interviewed. The findings indicate that the key factors in choosing a medium are availability, interactivity, diversity, and the ability to surf while performing other functions (Internet), and convenience (TV). The leading content are music and video clips, followed by reality shows, entertainment programs, satire and comedy, movies, and drama series. Participants use the Internet most often, but when they can choose to watch certain content on the Internet or on TV, TV is the favorite medium for most content. Some content is preferred by boys, other by girls, some by young children, other by adolescents. Viewing by children and adolescents is not random or casual, but rather an informed choice driven by familiarity with the characteristics of each medium, and by the selection of content that meets their needs. 

Zilka, G.C. (2018)

Medium Preferences of Children and Adolescents for Content Distributed by the MediaInterchange, 49(4),  457-476.  DOI: 10.1007/s10780-018-9337-2

Last Updated Date : 27/11/2018