Effect of a TPCK-SRL model on teachers' pedagogical beliefs, self efficacy and technology-based lesson design

Kramarski, B.

The study examined whether enabling preservice science teachers to use the TPCK-SRL model for integrating SRL (Self-Regulated Learning) into TPCK (Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge) influenced (a) beliefs about teaching and learning pedagogy, (b) self-efficacy beliefs in the context of using technology in the classroom, and (c) the extent to which these beliefs are connected to teachers’ TPCK-based lesson design. Two groups of teachers were compared (n = 96). One group practiced the TPCK-SRL model in a hypermedia environment, and the other practiced TPCK only in the same hypermedia environment. The findings indicated that after exposure to the TPCK-SRL training model, preservice teachers’ pedagogical beliefs tended more to favor student-centered learning (self-constructing knowledge) than the TPCK group. TPCK-SRL teachers also showed the strongest beliefs in their own technological self-efficacy, which influenced their ability to develop TPCK-based lesson designs in a constructivist way.

Kramarski, B. and Michalsky, T. (2015)

Effect of a TPCK-SRL model on teachers' pedagogical beliefs, self efficacy and technology-based lesson design. In C. Angeli & N. Valanides (eds.), Technological pedagogical content knowledge (pp. 89-112). New York : Springer

Last Updated Date : 04/01/2015