Positive and Negative Effects of Long-Term Bombardment Among Israeli Adolescents

Yablon, Y. B.
The effects of living under long-term bombardment were studied among
1,004 adolescent students in Israel. The study was based on the theoretical framework
of the conservation of resources and examined differences between boys and
girls who live in high and low socioeconomic environments. The findings revealed
that students from a low socioeconomic status (SES) and girls present more negative
symptoms than high SES students and boys, while concomitantly exhibiting greater
posttraumatic growth. The contribution of social resources for coping and the
relationship between positive and negative symptoms as result of exposure to
terrorism are discussed.

Yablon, Y. B., Itzhaky, H. & Pagorek-Eshel, S. (2011)

Positive and Negative Effects of Long-Term Bombardment Among Israeli Adolescents: The Role of Gender and Social Environment. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 28(3), 189-202 


Last Updated Date : 13/01/2013