Schachter, E. P. (in press). Integrating 'internal', 'interactional' and 'external' perspectives: Identity process as the formulation of accountable claims regarding selves. In K. McLean & M. Syed, (eds.). Handbook of identity development. Oxford University Press.
Cohen-Malayev, M., Schachter, E. P., & Rich, Y. (in press). Teachers and the religious socialization of adolescents: Facilitation of meaningful religious identity formation processes. Journal of Adolescence.
Schachter, E. P. (in press). Multiple identities as viewed by Eriksonian theory and its critics: A psychological perspective with relevance to contemporary Jewish education. International Journal of Jewish Education and Research.
Schachter, E. P. (2012). "When possible, make a U-turn": Reflecting on 'the narrative turn', meaning, morality and identity. Narrative Inquiry, 22(1), 186-193.
Schachter, E.P., & Galili-Schachter, I. (2012). Identity Literacy: Reading and teaching texts as resources for identity formation. Teachers College Record, 114(5), Advance online publication.
Rich Y., & Schachter, E.P. (2012). High school identity climate and student identity development. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 37(3), 218-228.
Schachter, E. P., & Rich. Y. (2011). Identity Education: A new conceptual framework for researchers and practitioners. Educational Psychologist, 46(4), 222-238.
Hadad, T., & Schachter, E.P. (2011). ‘Religious-lite': Interim identity and emerging adulthood. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(8), 853-869.
Schachter, E.P. (2011). Narrative identity construction as a goal oriented endeavor: Reframing the issue of "Big vs. Small" story research. Theory and Psychology, 21(1), 107-113.
Schachter, E., & Marshall, S. (2010). Identity Agents: A focus on those purposefully involved in the identity of others. Identity, 10(2), 71-75.
Marshall, S., & Schachter, E. (2010). Identity Agents: Suggested Directions for Further Theory and Research. Identity, 10(2), 138-140.
Schachter, E. P., & Ventura, J. J. (2008). Identity agents: Parents as active and reflective participants in their children's identity formation. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 18, 449-476.
Schachter, E. P. (2005). Erikson meets the Postmodern: Can classic identity theory rise to the challenge? Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 5(2), 137-160.
Schachter, E. P. (2005). Context and identity formation: A theoretical analysis and a case study. Journal of Adolescent Research, 20 (3), 375-395.
Schachter, E. P. (2004). Identity configurations: A new perspective on identity formation in contemporary society. Journal of Personality, 72 (1), 167-200.
Schachter, E. P. (2002). Identity constraints: The perceived structural requirements of a 'good' identity. Human Development, 45(6), 416-433.