Cognitive Modifiability, Emotional–Motivational Factors, and Behavioral Characteristics Among Gifted Versus Nongifted Children

Tzuriel, D.
This study was designed to investigate the differences in cognitive modifiability,
emotional-motivational factors, cognitive behavioral characteristics during dynamic
assessment (DA), and openness to mediation and level of mediation among gifted
versus nongifted children. One hundred forty-five 3rd-grade children in 4 groups
(gifted [G], n 5 41; outstanding-high [OH], n 5 31; outstanding-low [OL], n 5 35; and
typical [T], n 5 38) were given a battery of emotional-motivational tests and two DA
measures: analogies subtest from the Cognitive Modifiability Battery and Rey's (1956)
Complex Figure test. Several behavioral categories were rated during DA. The G and
OH groups were found to be similar on variables of cognitive modifiability and
behavioral characteristics, and both were higher than the OL and T groups. The OH
group was consistently higher than the G group on emotional-motivational factors.
Discriminant function analysis showed that all variables significantly differentiated
the four groups. The OH group was similar to the G group on cognitive modifiability
but higher on emotional-motivational and cognitive behavioral characteristics.
The data raised questions about the conventional procedures of selection of gifted
children for enrichment programs.

Tzuriel, D., Bengio, E. & Kashy-Rosenbaum, G. (2011)

Cognitive Modifiability, Emotional-Motivational Factors, and Behavioral Characteristics Among Gifted Versus Nongifted Children. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 10 (3), 254-280

Last Updated Date : 10/07/2012