Educational electronic book activity supports language retention among children at risk for learning disabilities

Shamir, A.

The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of an activity
with an educational electronic book (e-book) on language retention among children at risk
for learning disabilities (LD) (seven weeks after the intervention). Two modes of the
educational e-book were investigated: with and without metacognitive guidance. Seventy
seven kindergarteners aged 4.5–7 were randomly divided into three groups: (1) reading an
e-book which included metacognitive guidance (EBM); (2) reading an e-book which did
not include metacognitive guidance (EB); (3) receiving the regular kindergarten program
(control). The children’s vocabulary was assessed before the intervention, immediately after
the intervention (post 1) and seven weeks later (post 2). Story comprehension was assessed
only following the intervention (post 1 and 2). The findings showed a long-term effect of the
activity with the e-book on vocabulary. However, for story comprehension, a decrease in
recall of words and quotes and an increase in the recall of main ideas from the story were
found seven weeks after the activity with the e-book. No significant difference in retention
was found between the two intervention groups (with andwithout metacognitive guidance).
The implications of these results for kindergarteners at risk for LD are discussed

Shamir, A.,  Segal-Drori, O., & Goren, I. (2018)

Educational electronic book activity supports language retention among children at risk for learning disabilities. Education and Information Technologies, 23, 1231–1252. DOI 10.1007/s10639-017-9653-7

Last Updated Date : 19/11/2018