Monitoring One's Own Forgetting in Younger and Older Adults

Halamish, V.

The present study examined whether there are age-related differences in the ability to accurately monitor forgetting. Young and older adults studied a mixed list of categorized words, and later recalled items when cued with each category. They then estimated the number of additional items that they did not recall -- a form of monitoring one's forgetting. Older adults exhibited impaired memory performance compared with young adults, but also accurately estimated they forgot more information than young adults. Both age groups were fairly accurate in predicting forgetting in terms of re solution, indicating that aging does not impair the ability to monitor forgetting. 

Halamish, V., McGillivray, S. & Castel, A. D. (2011)

Monitoring One's Own Forgetting in Younger and Older Adults. Psychology and Aging, 26(3), 631-635

Last Updated Date : 25/07/2018