Intergenerational sharing of knowledge as means of deepening the organisational learning culture in schools

Klein, J.

Learning organisations promote the transfer of insights to new personnel (vertical dimension) and the development of shared team knowledge (horizontal dimension). Educational research focuses mainly on the horizontal dimension. This study examined a theoretical framework combining both dimensions and its contribution to teachers’ work. Three hundred and eighty-nine teachers and personnel completed questionnaires about horizontal learning (organisational learning culture (OLC)) and vertical (knowledge continuity management (KCM)) organisational knowledge transfer. A theoretical model was validated clarifying reciprocal relations between study variables. OLC contributes directly, but minimally, to the performance of new personnel or veterans in new posts. KCM mediation contributes to adjustment. Paradoxically, school managements limit KCM.

Klein, J. & Shapira-Lishchinsky, O. (2016)

Intergenerational sharing of knowledge as means of deepening the organisational learning culture in schoolsSchool Leadership and Management,   DOI: 10.1080/13632434.2016.1196172, 1-18

Last Updated Date : 13/07/2016