Structural Analysis of the Abridged Big Five Circumplex

Cohen, E. H.

This study explores the structure of the Big Five personality traits and the relationship of
ethnicity and gender to this structure. Data from a previously published study on gender,
ethnicity and the Abridged Big Five Circumplex are reanalyzed using Similarity Structure
Analysis (SSA).1 This revealed a radex structure in which the pure five factor markers are
arranged in a polar configuration, with Agreeableness placed opposite Neuroticism and Conscientiousness opposite Openness and Extraversion. The structure was verified
among the entire survey population and among each sub-population by ethnicity and gender.
The Agreeableness and Conscientiousness factors were the least stable.

Cohen, E. H. & Deuling, J. K. (2014)

Structural Analysis of the Abridged Big Five Circumplex: A Comparison among
Gender and Ethnic Groups. 
Bulletin de Me´thodologie Sociologique, 122, 63-86

Last Updated Date : 16/07/2018