Identity configurations: A new perspective on identity formation in contemporary society

Schachter, E.P.

This paper deals with the theoretical construct of
‘‘identity configuration.'' It portrays the different possible ways in which
individuals configure the relationship among potentially conflicting
identifications in the process of identity formation. In order to explicate
these configurations, I analyzed narratives of identity development retold
by individuals describing personal identity conflicts that arise within a
larger context of sociocultural conflict. Thirty Jewish modern orthodox
young adults were interviewed regarding a potentially conflictual identity
issue (i.e. their religious and sexual development). Their deliberations, as
described in the interviews, were examined, and four different configurations
were identified: a configuration based on choice and suppression;
an assimilative and synthesizing configuration; a confederacy of
identifications; and a configuration based on the thrill of dissonance. The
different configurations are illustrated through exemplars, and the
possible implications of the concept of ‘‘configuration'' for identity
theory are discussed

Schachter, E. P. (2004).

Identity configurations: A new perspective on identity formation in contemporary society. Journal of Personality, 72 (1), 167-200.

Last Updated Date : 29/10/2018