Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2009 Sexuality among modern Orthodox teenage girls in Israel : a study of the effects of an educational intervention PhD Debow, Yocheved Dr. David Resnick
2009 Categorization of the intra-personal sexual conflict in the virtual era among Jewish and Arab adolescents (HEBREW) MA Efrati, Yaniv Dr. Tsemach Asif
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2009 Categorization of the intra-personal sexual conflict in the virtual era among Jewish and Arab adolescents (HEBREW) MA Efrati, Yaniv Dr. Tsemach Asif
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2009 The emotional stroop effect in restricting type and binge eating/purging type of anorexia nervosa (HEBREW) PhD Elish, Sigalit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2009 The underlying dimensions of math anxiety: an alternative measure to math anxiety in Hebrew (HEBREW) PhD Fridkin, Shimon Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2009 The contribution of the school counselors to students’ willingness to seek help in the event of school violence (HEBREW) MA Gelerenter, Yifat Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2009 Supportive relationships as protective factors against the negative influence of ongoing terrorism (HEBREW) MA Greenberg, Ofer Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2009 The "religiously-lite": a model for religious identity in the postmodern era? (HEBREW) MA Hadad, Talia Dr. Elli Schachter
2009 The system of relationships between mothers and their toddlers, with eating disorders and sensory processing disorders within meal and play situations: case studies (HEBREW) MA Heimann, Inbal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2009 School type and leadership style as predictors of empowerment and organizational commitment and the role of participative decision-making as mediating them (HEBREW) PhD Hoffman, Hodaya Dr. Hannah Shachar
2009 Motives (visible and hidden) in the establishment of the Torah-oriented elementary schools in the city of Petach Tikva (HEBREW) MA Kimel, Avraham Prof. Haim Gaziel
2009 Friendship and theory of mind among children with high functioning autism (HEBREW) MA Lalum, Chen Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2009 Knowledge, feelings, and attitudes of third-generation Israeli and Canadian adolescents toward the holocaust: changes following the journey to Poland (HEBREW) PhD Lev, Michal Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2009 Knowledge, feelings, and attitudes of third-generation Israeli and Canadian adolescents toward the holocaust: changes following the journey to Poland (HEBREW) PhD Lev, Michal Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2009 The collective identity of religious Zionist youth and it’s relation to the willingness to serve in the Israeli army and to obey the law (HEBREW) MA Levi, Keren Dr. Avigail Yinon
2009 Differences in popularity of gifted boys and girls in preschool (HEBREW) MA Levin, Miri Prof. Pnina Klein
2009 Why do Israeli university students major in a foreign language ? The effect of the language status on the learner’s motivation MA Mannes, Adina Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2009 The effect of yearly school trip structures on perception of values among high school students (HEBREW) MA Milo-Aloni, Orli Dr. Hannah Shachar
2009 Characteristics of musical interactions between mothers and children in relation to child development variables (HEBREW) PhD Mualem-Paleiov, Orit Prof. Pnina Klein
2009 The differences between ego identity statuses relative to meaning in life and subjective well being (HEBREW) MA Ohana, David Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2009 Maternal mediation of children’s electronic and print storybook reading: comparison of commerical and educational books (HEBREW) MA Or, Tal Prof. Ofra Korat
2009 The power of organizational learning mechanisms as mediator between teachers’ perceived uncertainty and teachers’ perceived collective efficacy MA Qadach, Mowafaq Prof. Chen Schechter
2009 Empowerment and success among disengaged teenagers in youth at risk advancement services in relation to the ’code’ of the informal education developed by Reuven Kahane (HEBREW) MA Refaeli, Nava Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2009 Parental mediation during a shared book-reading activity, parental beliefs and the child’s emergent literacy level: an intergender viewpoint (HEBREW) PhD Ron, Ruth Prof. Pnina Klein
Prof. Ofra Korat
2009 Parental mediation during a shared book-reading activity, parental beliefs and the child’s emergent literacy level: an intergender viewpoint (HEBREW) PhD Ron, Ruth Prof. Pnina Klein
Prof. Ofra Korat