קורות חיים

    17.10.14                          Curriculum Vitae - Yaacov J Katz


    Name:                              Yaacov Julian Katz


    Address:                          Alon Shevut, Gush Etzion 90433


    Date & Place of Birth:    6 June 1945, Johannesburg, South Africa


    Family Status:                 Married with seven children


    Citizenship:                     Israeli - I.D. 6951097-2


    Higher Education


    Year                                 Institution                                 Degree


    1968 - 1971                     Bar Ilan University                   B.A.

                                                                                              Psychology & Education


    1972 - 1976                     Bar Ilan University                   M.A.

                                                                                              Educational Counseling


    1977 - 1985                     University of the                      Ph.D.

                                            Witwatersrand                          Education


    Title of Ph.D. Thesis:    The influence of some attitudes on intelligence


    Supervisor:                     Professor Julian Barling


    Professional Qualifications


    Licensed as Psychologist by Israel Ministry of Health - License No. 2416


    Licensed as Educational Counselor by Israel Ministry of Education - License No. 251


    University Appointments


    Year                                 Institution                                 Appointment


    1973 - 1976                     School of Education                 Lecturing and Research

                                            Bar Ilan University                   Assistant and Student



    1982 - 1984                     School of Education                 Senior Lecturing and

                                            Bar Ilan University                   Research Assistant


    1984 - 1987                     School of Education                 Instructor and Researcher

                                            Bar Ilan University


    1987 - 1990                     School of Education                 Lecturer and Researcher

                                            Bar Ilan University


    University Appointments (continued)


    1988 - 1992                     School of Education                 Director, Division of

                                            Bar Ilan University                   Educational Counseling


    1989 - 1990                     School of Education                 Director, Institute for

                                            Bar Ilan University                   Research & Advancement                                                      of Religious Education


    1990 - 1998                     School of Education                 Senior Lecturer and

                                            Bar Ilan University                   Researcher


    1991                                Centre for Educational             Research Consultant -

                                            Studies, King's College            ImpacT Project



    1991 - 1994                     School of Education                 Senior Researcher,

                                            Bar-Ilan University                   Institute for Community

                                                                                              Education & Research


    1992 - 1997                     School of Education                 Deputy Director, School

                                            Bar-Ilan University                   of Education and Head of

                                                                                              Educational Studies


    1998 - 2001                     School of Education                 Director, Institute for

                                            Bar-Ilan University                   Community Education &



    1995 - 2000                     School of Education                 Chair, Graduate Studies                                        Bar-Ilan University                        (M.A.) Committee


    1997 - 2001                     School of Education                 Director, School of

                                            Bar-Ilan University                   Education


    1998 - 2012                     School of Education                 Associate Professor and

                                            Bar-Ilan University                   Researcher


    2012 - cont                      School of Education                 Full Professor and

                                            Bar-Ilan University                   Researcher


    2013 – cont                     Michlalah Jerusalem                 Acting President

                                            Academic College


    Non-University Appointments


    Year                                 Institution                                 Appointment


    1970 - 1976                     Kiryat Gat Religious                Teacher and Educational

                                            Comp. High School                  Counselor


    1977 - 1981                     King David High School          Head, Department of Jewish

                                            Johannesburg, S. Africa           Studies

    Non-University Appointments (continued)


    1982 - 1994                     Gush Etzion Regional              Educational Counselor

                                            Elementary School


    2001 - 2006                     Ministry of Education              Chair, Pedagogic Secretariat                    

    Academic Awards


    Year                                 Award


    1999                                Leah Frankfurter Prize


    1991                                British Council Grant


    1980                                Student Research Project Bursary


    1971                                Academic Achievement Bursary


    Research Grants


    Year                                 Amount                                    Grantor


    1984 - 1985                     $10,000                                     Israel Furniture                                                                                              Manufacturers Association


    1988 - 1989                     $1,500                                       Ministry of Education and                                                      Culture


    1994 - 1995                     $20,000                                     Department of Torah                                                               Education and Culture,                                                                                        World Zionist Organisation


    1995 - 1997                     $35,000                                     Negev Bedouin Educational                                       Authority


    1996 -1997                      $15,000                                     Economic and Social                                                               Research Council (U.K.)


    1997 -1999                      $25,000                                     Joint Authority for Jewish                                                      Zionist Education in the                                                                           Diaspora


    1998 - 2002                     $65,000                                     Jerusalem Center for Public                                        Policy                                                                         


    1999 - 2000                     $10,000                                     Ministry of Science


    2000 - 2001                     $12,000                                     Israel Government Custodian


    2001 - 2002                     $14,000                                     J.A.F.I.


    Research Grants (continued)


    2002 - 2003                     $5,000                                       Education Department

                                                                                              Aliyat Hanoar       


    2002 - 2003                     $4,000                                       Israel Government Custodian


    2006 - 2007                     $20,000                                     Microsoft Israel Ltd.


    2012                                $3,000                                       Israel Academy of Sciences


    2014                                $1000                                        Bet Shalom


    Professional Affiliations


    1.   European Affective Education Network


    2.   International Council for Educational Media


    3.   International Seminar for Religious Education and Values


    4.   International Federation for Information Processing (TC3 WG3.1 and WG3.5)


    5.   Israel Psychological Association


    University Committees


    Year                                 Committee


    1987 - 1988                     Member, Research Committee, School of Education


    1987 - 1993                     Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee, School of                           Education


    1988 - cont                      Member, Directorate of Institute for Research &                                            Advancement of Religious Education, School of Education


    1991 - 2003                     Member, Directorate of Institute for Community Education                    and Research, School of Education


    1996 - 1998                     Member, Instruction Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences


    1997 – 2001                    Member, Appointments Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences


    1999 – 2000                    Chair, ICT Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences


    2000 – 2001                    Member, University ICT Pedagogic Committee





    Professional Committees


    Year                                 Committee


    1991 - 1994                     Chair, Advisory Committee on Vocational Education in Religious Sector, Ministry of Education, Culture & Sport


    1993 - 1995                     Chair, Advisory Committee on Social Education in                                              Religious Sector, Ministry of Education, Culture & Sport


    1997                                Chair, Advisory Committee on Negev Bedouin                                                          Educational System, Ministry of Education, Culture & Sport


    1997 - 2001                     Member, Advisory Committee to Chief Scientist, Ministry   of Education, Culture & Sport


    2001 - 2003                     Member, Steering Committee on Literacy and Reading                            Reform, Ministry of Education, Culture & Sport


    2001 - 2006                     Chair, Israel Education Commission for UNESCO


    2001 - 2006                     Member, Israel National Commission for UNESCO                                            

    2003 - 2004                     Co-Chair, Advisory Committee on Academic                                                             Administration of Academic Colleges


    2004 - 2006                     Member, National Commission for Education


    2004 - 2006                     Chair, Governmental Commission for Overseas Academic Degree Accreditation


    2004 – 2006                    Member, Israel National Academy of Sciences &                                     Humanities and Rothschhild Foundation Steering Committee      for Applied Educational Research


    2005 - 2006                     Member, Israel National Commission for Applied Social              Sciences


    2005 -2009                      Member, National Commission for Religious Education


    Associate Editorship of Scientific Journals


    Year                                 Editorship


    1999 - 2006                     Education Media International








    Membership of Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals


    Year                                 Editorship


    1989 - 1996                     Israel Journal of Computers in Education


    1989 - 1996                     Israel Journal of Educational Counseling


    1989 - cont                      Panorama - International Journal for Comparative Religious                     Education and Research


    1996 - cont                      Journal of Computer Assisted Learning


    2006 - cont                      Learning and Teaching


    2006 – cont                     Education and Information Technologies


    2009 – cont                     International Journal of Jewish Education Research


    Major Teaching and Research Interests


    1.  Attitudes and social integration in the Israeli school system.


    2.  Attitudes and computers in the Israeli school system.


    3.  Attitudes and values in religious education.


    Service to the Community


    Year                                 Service


    1989 - 1991                     Member, Advisory Committee to I.D.F. Spokesman


    1994 - 1999                     Member, Gush Etzion Regional Council


    1994 - 1998                     Member, Board of Directors, Gush Etzion Development Co.                              

    1996 - 1999                     Chair, Alon Shevut Local Municipal Committee


    1998 - 2000                     Member, Board of Directors, Israel Broadcasting Authority


    1999 - ‏‏2000                     Advisor to NRP Rehabilitation Commission


    Courses Taught at University


    1.   Psychology of Development, Personality and Learning


    2.   Cognitive Processes


    3.   Seminar on Advanced Educational Research


    4.   Seminar on Psycho-pedagogical Aspects of ICT in Education


    Supervision of Theses - M.A. Students


    Name                               Year of Graduation    Title


    Hindi Stern                      1995                           Verbal and non-verbal thinking of                                           hearing-impaired children

    Yossi Goslan                   1996                           The relationship between self-image                                                     and quality of informal education                             

                                                                                among estranged youth

    Shira Iluz                         1997                           Locus of control and coping of new                                                     immigrants from the former U.S.S.R.

    Intisar Badir                    1997                           Family education and attitudes of                                                       Arab junior high school students

    Liora Chen                      1997                           Parental intervention in community                                                     and non-community schools

    Ruth Panek                      1999                           Presence or absence of husbands and                                       marital satisfaction of wives

    Vered Sasson                  1999                           Self-image, learning achievement and                                      social orientations of students

    Milka Rosenwald            2000                           Infant schools and cognitive variables                                           of students in the Arab sector

    Shoshi Arad                    2001                           Perception of friendship and cohesion                                           in junior high schools

    Irit Ariav                         2002                           Emotional intelligence and attachment                                    styles of adolescents

    Ronit Weiss                     2002                           Participation in the Naaleh project and                                    learning achievement

    Rivka Hirsch                   2003                           Self-image and belief in the ability to                                change among boarding school                                                               students

    Irina Zak                          2003                           The influence of "alcohol-free                                                              driving" instruction on adolescents

    Dorit Kadosh                  2005                           The relationship between art                                                                                             instruction and level of violence                                                    among adolescents

    Liat Diner Sapir               2007                           The relationship between disciplinary                                       styles of parents and teachers and                                                           students behavior (supervised together                                                                          with Dr Yaacov Yablon)

    Anna Tenzer                    2010                           Jewish, Zionist and national identity of                                   identity of immigrant students from                                                       the former U.S.S.R.

    Yisrael Naim                   2010                           Attitudes of elementary school                                                            teachers and students toward study in                                        an ICT-based environment

    Saadia Danan                  2010                           Intensification of self-efficacy,                                                            continuity, and self-identity as a                                                                         function of coaching



    Pnina Miron                     2011                            The relationship between                                                                                                       conservatism, self-efficacy, autonomy                                           and the choice of a university based                                             computer course

    Jenni Hanin                     2012                           The relationship between parenting                                    style, attachment and moral                                                            development among adolescents   

    Vered Reves                    2012                            The relationship between utilization of                                    computerized games and level of                                                                        attention of ADHS diagnosed high                                                                                        school students

    Moriah Chanya                2013                           The relationship between perception                                               of school organizational                                                                                      characteristics and self efficacy and

                                                                                work satisfaction among high school


    Orit Mash                        2013                            The relationship between physical                                            activity in the kindergarten and self-                                                        regulation, self-image and cognitive                                                                             achievement of the child    

    Adi Koren                       proposal approved      Parenting styles, personal coping                                                    and family adjustment among second                             and third generations of Holocaust                                          survivors

    Racheli Zaretzky             proposal approved     Emotional display rules and                                                                                    emotional behavior" in teaching: the                                                 influence of experience, age of                                                                                                      students and teacher burnout


    Supervision of Theses - Ph.D. Students


    Name                               Year of Graduation   


    Yaacov Yablon               2003                           Factors affecting willingness or                                                           reluctance to seek help in the event of                                         school violence

    Sigal Eden                       2004                           The effect of three-dimensionality as a                                    representation mode of sequential time                                       perception of hearing and hearing-                                                                     impaired children (supervised together                                           with Dr David Passig)

    Milka Rosenwald            2004                           The relationship between personality                                                   variables and learning achievement in                                          a multi-age infant school and a single-                                                               age educational framework in the                                                              Arabic-speaking population

    Neta Ravhon-Dumti        2005                           Identification of basic emotions and                                                    emotional characteristics following                                                         positive and negative feedback among                                                                          gifted and non-gifted children                                                             (supervised together with Dr Naomi                                                       Bat-Zion)

    Avishai Luski                  2006                           Parental discourse regarding filling in                                            of Placement Preference Questionnaire                                                  before sons' conscription into an IDF                                                                 combat unit (supervised together with                                          Prof Arie Cohen)

    Reut Yamin                     2006                           The development of implicit and                                                         explicit morphological knowledge                                                           among young readers (supervised                                                                                 together with Dr Michal Raveh)

    Idit Finkelstein                2007                           Adjustment of adolescent children of                                                  divorced parents: personality-related                                                      and family-related variables

    Michal Lev                      2010                           Educational trips to Poland:                                                                                                    perceptions of third generation                                                                  holocaust survivors (supervised                                                                                         together with Dr Shlomo Romi)

    Miri Shahaf                     2010                           The relationship between high school                                       students' participation in competitive                                                      sport, personality characteristics and                                                                            academic achievement

    Gili Katz                          2013                           The relationship between the learning                                      process of university students and                                                          personality variables: a comparison of                                                                             different technologies to enhance                                                        learning

    Ayala Nicola                   2013                           The contribution of legal literacy to                                                      accountability, autonomy and                                                                             effectiveness in school principals’                                                                                        decision making

    Moria Tsuriel                   2013                            The location of school climate in the                                                    Attribution-Affect-Action process and                                       school violence among students

    Yedidya Armon                         proposal approved      Teachers and students attitudes                                                                                                                                                         towards Attention-Deficit                                                                                                                                                                 Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):                                                                                                                                                                                    Educational, social, emotional and                                                                                                                                                                                behavioral aspects with respect to                                                                                                                                         religiosity

    Tali Aviv-Cohen                        proposal approved     The contribution of therapeutic                                                                                                              horseback riding and mother's                                                                                                                 attachment orientation to the                                                                                                                              improvement of executive functions,                                                                                                  sensory processing, self-esteem and                                                                                                            parental distress levels among children                                                                                            with ADHD

    Shira Bazak                     proposal approved      The relationship between over                                                              responsivity and temperament on                                                                        emotional functioning and self-                                                                                                efficacy in childhood

    Jenni Hanin                          proposal approved     The construction of a

      multidimensional model of morality


    Ela Luria                          proposal approved      The inculcation of values by parents in                                          a mixed couple marriage (religious and                                                 secular) in their children

    Michal Pantanowitz        proposal approved      Physical, familial and emotional                                                    predictors of success in an intervention                             program for the treatment of childhood                        obesity

    Inbal Perry                       proposal approved      The relationship between pre-                                                               performance routine, personality                                                                         characteristics and accuracy in team                                                                                       and individual sport

    Dorit Shirit                                  proposal approved        Government policy regarding                                                                             management of educational                                                                       frameworks for infants: an applicative                                    research study




    Editorship of Books and Journals


    1.      Katz, Y.J. (Ed.) (1995) Computers in education: pedagogical and psychological implications. Sofia: IFIP and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


    2.      Katz, Y.J., Millin, D. & Offir, B. (Eds.) (1996) The impact of information technology: from practice to curriculum. London: Chapman & Hall.


    3.      Lang, P.L.F., Katz, Y.J. & Menezes, I. (Eds.) (1998) Affective education:  a comparative perspective. London: Cassell.


    4.      Francis, L.J. & Katz, Y.J. (Eds.) (2000) Joining and leaving religion: research perspectives. Leominster: Gracewing.


    5.      Katz, Y.J. (Ed.) (2000) Educational Media International - Special Issue on Distance Learning, 37(1). London: Routledge.


    6.      Katz, Y.J. (Ed.) (2000) Educational Media International - Special Issue on Euro Education 2000, 37(4). London: Routledge.


    7.      Katz, Y.J. (Ed.) (2000) Curriculum and Teaching - Special Issue on Affective Education, 15(2). Albert Park: James Nicholas Publishers.


    8.      Marshall, G. & Katz, Y.J. (Eds.) (2003) Learning in school, home and community: ICT for early and elementary education. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


    9.       Katz, Y.J. & Marshall, G. (Eds.) (2005) Educational Media International - Special Issue on Effective Teaching and Learning: Useful ICT-Based Projects and Models. 42(2), London: Routledge.


    10.    Karpinnen, S.M., Katz,Y.J. & Neill, S.R.St.J (Eds.) (2005) Theory and research in affective education. Helsinki: University of Helsinki Press.


    11.    Rich, Y., Katz, Y.J., Mevarech Z. & Ohayon, S. (Eds.) (2013) Perspectives on Jewish literacy and education. Bethesda, MD: University Press of Maryland.


    Chapters and Articles Published in Refereed Books


    1.      Katz, Y.J., & Offir, B. (1988) Computer oriented attitudes as a function of age inan elementary school population. In F. Lovis & E.D. Tagg (Eds.) Computers in education. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 371-373.


    2.      Katz, Y.J. (1992) Measuring the effects of an integration program in an Israeli elementary school. In J Bashi & Z. Sass (Eds.) School effectiveness and improvement. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 225-235. (Hebrew)


    3.     Katz, Y.J. (1992) Educational interventions for prejudice reduction and integration in elementary schools. In J. Lynch, C. Modgil, & S. Modgil (Eds.) Cultural diversity and the schools: prejudice, polemic or progress. London: The Falmer Press, 257-271.


    4.      Offir, B., & Katz, Y.J. (1992) Computer related attitudes and self-image as a function of learners' age. In R.M. Aiken (Ed.) Information processing 92: education and society (volume 2). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 80-84.


    5.     Katz, Y.J. (1993) Achievement level, affective attributes and computer oriented attitudes: a profile of a successful end-user. In A. Knierzinger & M. Moser (Eds.) Informatics and changes in learning. Linz, Austria: IST Press, 13-15 (Section VII).


    6.     Katz, Y.J., & Ben-Yochanan, A. (1993) Issues in integration of Israeli elementary schools. In S. Levinson (Ed.) Psychology in the schools and the community. Tel-Aviv: Hadar Publishers, 273-283. (Hebrew)


    7.     Katz, Y.J., & Offir, B. (1993) Computer assisted learning and cognitive abilities: hardware and software planning implications. In A. Knierzinger & M. Moser (Eds.) Informatics and changes in learning. Linz, Austria: IST Press, 11-13 (Section I).


    8.      Ronen, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1993) Conservatism and democracy in a sample of Israeli students. In O. Ichilov (Ed.) Education for citizenship and democracy. Tel-Aviv: Massada, 87-98. (Hebrew)


    9.      Katz, Y.J. (1994) Self-image, locus of control and computer related attitudes. In R. Lewis & P Mendelsohn (Eds.) Lessons from learning. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 105-109.


    10.    Katz, Y.J. & Offir, B. (1994) Computer games as motivators for successful computer end-use. In J. Wright & D. Benzie (Eds.) Exploring a new partnership: children, teachers and technology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 81-87.



    11.    Offir, B., & Katz, Y.J. (1994) The computer as an instructional aid for studying the humanities. In K. Brunnstein, & E. Raubold (Eds.) Applications and impacts: information processing '94 (volume 2). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 660-665.


    12.    Offir, B., Katz, Y.J. & Passig, D. (1994) The utilisation of "open" courseware for developing an enquiry approach in the study of non-scientific subjects. In J. Wright & D. Benzie (Eds.) Exploring a new partnership: children, teachers and technology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 97-101.


    13.    Katz, Y.J., & Offir, B. (1995) The use of information technology in educational counseling: applications for high school counsellors. In B. Barta, M. Telem & Y. Gev (Eds.) Information technology in educational management. London: Chapman & Hall, 195-200.


    14.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1995) Some cognitive and social correlates of computer assisted instruction in the Israeli elementary school. In Y.J. Katz (Ed.) Computers in education: pedagogical and psychological implications. Sofia: IFIP and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 75-84.


    15.     Katz, Y.J. (1996)  Religiosity, personality and tertiary educational choice.  In L.J. Francis, W.K. Kay & W. Campbell (Eds.). Research in religious education. Leominster: Gracewing, 407-421.


    16.    Katz, Y.J. (1996) Socio-pedagogical issues affecting computer assisted instruction and learning. In Y.J. Katz, D. Millin & B. Offir (Eds.) The impact of information technology: from practice to curriculum. London: Chapman & Hall, 23-29.


    17.    Katz, Y.J. & Offir, B. (1996) The teacher and the integration of computers in instruction. In N. Hativa & Z. R Mevarech (Eds.) Computers in school. Tel-Aviv: Schocken Publishing House, 214-221. (Hebrew)


    18.    Katz, Y.J. (1997) The centrality of affective variables in the implementation of a national strategy for teacher and pupil IT suitability in elementary schools. In D. Passey & B. Samways (Eds.) Information technology: supporting change through teacher education. London: Chapman & Hall, 95-100.


    19.    Katz, Y.J. (1998) Affective education in Israeli elementary schools: principles and practice. In P.L.F. Lang, Y.J. Katz & I. Menezes, (Eds.) Affective education: a comparative perspective. London: Cassell, 145-152.


    20.    Katz, Y.J. (1998) Dealing with stress in the elementary school. In P.L.F. Lang, Y.J. Katz & I. Menezes (Eds.) Affective education: a comparative perspective. London: Cassell, 155-162.


    21.    Katz, Y.J. (1998) The relationship between distance learning methods and satisfaction and achievement of college students. In G. Davies (Ed.) Teleteaching ‘98: distance learning, training and education. Vienna: Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and IFIP, 569- 578.


    22.    Katz, Y.J. (1999) Yeshiva high schools and girls’ ulpanot in the Israeli secondary school system. In E. Peled (Ed.) The jubilee volume of  Israeli education (vol. 3). Tel-Aviv: Ministry of Defence Publishing Company, 1025-1033. (Hebrew)


    23.    Katz, Y.J. (2001) Imagining god in Israeli high schools: religious versus secular perceptions. In H.G. Ziebertz (Ed.) Imagining god: empirical explorations from an international perspective. Munster: Lit Verlag, 159-169.


    24.                                    Katz, Y.J. (2002) A psycho-pedagogical model for ICT use in the educational process. In D. Watson & J. Andersen (Eds.) Networking the learner. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 311-318.


    25.    Katz, Y.J., Kontoyianni, A., Lang, P., Menezes, I., Neill, S. Puurula, A.,
    Romi, S., Saccone, C. Vasileiou, L. & Vriens, L. (2003) The north and south
    contrasted: cultural similarities and differences in affective education. In A. Antikainen & C.Torres (Eds.) International handbook of sociology of education: international perspectives. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 360-380.


    26.    Katz, Y.J. (2003) The use of virtual reality three-dimensional simulation technology in nursery school teacher training. In G. Marshall & Y.J. Katz (Eds.) Learning in school, home and community: ICT for early and elementary education. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 41-51.


    27.    Glaubman, R. & Katz, Y.J. (2003) The Bedouin community in the Negev: educational and community characteristics. In Y. Iram & H Wahrman (Eds.) Education of minorities and peace education in pluralistic societies. Westport, CT: Praeger, (update of 1998 research report), 181-211.


    28.    Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2003) Can internet technology promote inter-group attitudes towards equality, understanding, tolerance and coexistence? In Y. Iram & H Wahrman (Eds.) Education of minorities and peace education in pluralistic societies. Westport, CT: Praeger, 169-179.


    29.    Katz, Y.J. & Rimon, O. (2004) Developing a learning model for Israeli and overseas high school pupils. In S. Karpinnen (Ed.) Cultural heritage and ICT theory and practice (Studia Pedagogica, Vol. 32). Helsinki: University of Helsinki Press, 65-73.


    30.    Katz, Y.J. (2004) State religious education in Israel: developmental trends in the Zionist era. In Z. Gross & Y. Dror (Eds.) Education as a social challenge. Tel-Aviv: Ramot Publishing House, Tel-Aviv University, 73-83. (Hebrew)


    31.    Katz, Y.J. (2005) Distance learning approaches in teacher training. In P. Nicholson, J.B. Thompson, M. Ruohonen, & J. Multisilta, (Eds.) E-training practices for professional organizations. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 255-262.




    32.    Katz, Y.J., Romi, S. & Xing, Q. (2005) Affective education: the nature and characteristics of teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward school in China and Israel. In Y.J. Katz, S. Neill & S. Karpinnen (Eds.) Theory and research in affective education. Helsinki: University of Helsinki Press, 179-197.


    33.    Katz, Y.J. (2006) The core curriculum in Israel: an educational common denominator for all population sectors. In D. Inbar (Ed.) Towards  an educational revolution. Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute and Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, 186-194. (Hebrew)     


    34.    Katz, Y.J. (2007) Values education in the Israeli educational system. In N. Kryger & B. Ravn (Eds.) Learning beyond cognition. Copenhagen: Danish University of Education Press, 291-302.


    35.    Katz, Y.J. (2007) Education for peaceful coexistence in the Israeli State Jewish school system. In J. Astley, L.J. Francis & M. Robbins (Eds.) Peace or violence: the ends of religion and education? Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 195-207.


    36.     Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2012) Acquiring vocabulary at the university level: a comparison of three learning strategies. In F. Doyran (Ed.) Research on teacher education and training: Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research, 267-276.


    37.    Katz, Y.J. (2013) Jewish cultural literacy: a core curriculum. In Y. Rich, Y.J. Katz, Z. Mevarech & S. Ohayon (Eds.) Perspectives on Jewish literacy and education. Bethesda, MD: University Press of Maryland, 247-261.


    38.     Lifshitz, H., Glaubman, R. & Katz, Y.J. (2013) Jewish literacy among participants with low cognitive level.  In Y. Rich, Y.J. Katz, Z. Mevarech & S. Ohayon (Eds.) Perspectives on Jewish literacy and education. Bethesda, MD: University Press of Maryland, 149-170.


    39.     Katz, Y.J. (2014) Spirituality in Israeli state Jewish education: possible guidelines for national education systems In J. Watson, M. de Souza, & A. Trousdale (Eds.) Global perspectives on spirituality and education. London and New York: Routledge, 83-96.


    40.     Katz, Y.J. (2014) The historical relationship between affective variables and ICT based learning and instruction and achievement in the Israeli school system. In A. Tatnall & W. Davey (Eds.) Reflections on the history of computers in education: early use of computers and teaching about computing in schools. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 324-338.


    41.    Katz, Y.J. (In press) From theory to practice: new national matriculation certificate in the Israeli educational system. In D.Chen & O. Saporta (Eds.) Theory, policy and practice in education. Tel-Aviv: Ramot. (Hebrew)                              






    Articles Published in Refereed Journals


    1.       Katz, Y.J., & Ronen, M. (1986) A cross-cultural validation of the Conservatism Scale in a multi-ethnic society: The case of Israel. Journal of Social Psychology, 126(4), 555-557.


    2.      Katz, Y.J., Schmida, M., & Dor-Shav, Z. (1986) Two different education structures in Israel and social integration. Educational Research, Vol. 28(2), 141-146.

    3.      Ben-Yochanan, A., & Katz, Y.J. (1987) Validation and use of a school readiness battery in an Israeli elementary school integration program. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 64,1083-1087.


    4.     Katz, Y.J. (1987) Conservatism of South African whites. Journal of Social Psychology, 127(2), 215-217.


    5.      Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1987) The differential effect of three educational structures on the realization of academic and social variables. Research in Education, 37, 1-11.


    6.      Schmida, M., Katz, Y.J., & Cohen, A. (1987) Ability grouping and students' social orientations. Urban Education, 21(4), 421-431.


    7.      Katz, Y J. (1988) High school headmasters' evaluations of teachers trained at universities and theological colleges. British Journal of Religious Education, 10(2), 102-107.


    8.      Katz, Y.J. (1988) The relationship between intelligence and attitudes in a bilingual society: the case of white South Africa. Journal of Social Psychology, 128(1), 65-74.


    9.      Katz, Y.J. (1988) Conservatism of Israeli Arabs and Jews. Journal of Social Psychology, 128(5), 695-696.


    10.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1988) A validation of the Social-Religious-Political Scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 48(4), 1025-1028.


    11.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Ben-Yochanan, A. (1988) Social interaction as a function of active intervention in an Israeli elementary school. Journal of Social Psychology, 128(1), 89-96.


    12.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Ben-Yochanan, A. (1988) Academic achievement as a function of integration in an Israeli elementary school. British Educational Research Journal, 14(3), 311-318.


    13.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Schmida, M. (1988) Validation of the Student Social Orientations Questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 48(1), 137-140.


    14.    Ben-Yochanan, A., & Katz, Y.J. (1989) Validation of a school readiness battery for a referred sample of Israeli elementary school students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 68, 651-654.


    15.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1989) Conservatism of Israeli children. Journal of Social Psychology,128(6), 833-835.


    16.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1989) Image of Israeli universities as perceived by professional         journalists: planning and policy implications. Higher Education in Europe, 14(1), 68-72.


    17.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1989) Conservatism of Israeli junior high school students: Inter-ethnic differences. Psychological Reports, 65, 635-641.

    18.                                   Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1989) Differential educational structures - interschool and intraschool - and students' social attitudes. Studies in Education, 49-50, 209-220 (Hebrew).


    19.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1990) Intelligence as a function of conservatism among white South African students. Journal of Social Psychology, 130(4), 477-484.


    20.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1990) The connection between religious observance and beliefs and religiosity education. Panorama - International Journal for Comparative            Religious Education, 2(1), 59-63.


    21.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Ben-Yochanan, A. (1990) Reading and cognitive abilities: research note on a longitudinal study in Israel. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 70, 47-50.


    22.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Offir, B. (1990) Learning and teaching with computers:     psychological and counseling considerations. Educational Counseling, 1(2), 124-130 (Hebrew).


    23.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Ronen, M. (1990) Conservatism in the adult Israeli Jewish             population. Personality and Individual Differences, 11(12), 1307-1308.


    24.                                   Offir, B., & Katz, Y.J. (1990) Learning-Curve as a model for analysing the cost-effectiveness of a training system. Education and Computing, 6(1-2), 161-164.


    25.                                   Offir, B., & Katz, Y.J. (1990) Computer oriented attitudes as a function of risk-taking among Israeli elementary school teachers. Journal of Computer AssistedLearning, 6, 168-173.


    26.                                   Walkey, F.H., Katz, Y.J., & Green, D.E. (1990) The general factor in the                       Conservatism Scale: a multinational multicultural examination. Personality and Individual Differences, 11(9), 985-988.


    27.                                   Bar-Lev, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1991) State religious education in Israel: a unique ideological system. Panorama - International Journal for Comparative Religious Education, 3(2), 94-105.


    28.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1991) Computer assisted counseling model for the elementary school. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 14(1), 51-57.


    29.                                   Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1991) Prestige level of vocational high schools and students' demographic, cognitive and social variables. Curriculum and Teaching, 6(1), 42-47.

    30.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Francis, L.J. (1991) The dual nature of the EPQ lie scale? A study among university students in Israel. Social Behavior and Personality, 19(4), 217-222.


    31.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Offir, B. (1991) The relationship between personality and computer related attitudes of Israeli teachers. Education and Computing, 7, 249-252.


    32.                                   Katz, Y J., & Schmida, M. (1991) Religiosity of students in the Israeli national-religious comprehensive high school. British Journal of Religious Education, 13(2), 109-113.


    33.                                   Offir, B., Katz, Y.J., & Schmida, M. (1991) Do universities educate towards a change in teacher attitudes? The case of computer attitudes. Education and Computing, 7, 289-292.


    34.                                   Francis, L.J., & Katz, Y.J. (1992) The relationship between personality and religiosity in an Israeli sample. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 31(2), 153-162.


    35.                                   Francis, L.J., & Katz, Y.J. (1992) The comparability of the short-form EPQ-R indices of Extraversion, Neuroticism and the Lie Scale with the EPQ for a sample of 190 student teachers in Israel. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52(3), 695-700.


    36.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1992) Pastoral counseling and care activities in an ethnically heterogeneous school environment. Pastoral Care in Education, 10(1), 32-35.


    37.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1992) Conservatism of Israeli Jews and Arabs in the aftermath of the Gulf War. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(3), 335-336.


    38.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1992) Towards a personality profile of a successful computer-using teacher. Educational Technology, 32(2), 39-41.


    39.                                   Katz, Y.J., Ben-Yochanan, A., & Sheinman, M. (1992) A six-year follow-up of academic achievement in an Israeli elementary school integration project. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 74, 123-129.


    40.                                   Katz, Y J., & Schmida, M. (1992) Validation of the Student Religiosity Questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52(2), 353-356.


    41.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Schmida, M. (1992) Institutional prestige and students' social orientations. Education and Society, 10(2), 93-97.


    42.                                   Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1992) Prestige of national-religious high schools and social and religious orientations of students. Psychological Reports, 70, 1043-1050.


    43.                                   Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1992) Prestige and comprehensiveness: differences between national-religious and national-secular Israeli high schools. Panorama - International Journal for Comparative Religious Education, 4(1), 38-41.


    44.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1993) The effect of parental choice on the Israeli state religious school system. Panorama - International Journal for Comparative Religious Education, 5(2), 60-63.


    45.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Schmida, M. (1993) Social orientation of students in the Israeli state high school system. Journal of Psychology, 127(3), 303-310.


    46.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Schmida, M. (1993) A Guttman Scale factor structure of comprehensiveness. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 53(1), 225-232.


    47.     Katz, Y.J., & Schmida, M. (1993) Comprehensiveness and students' social orientations. Education and Society, 11(1), 71-77.


    48.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1994) Chaplain and counsellor in the Israeli elementary school: overlapping or complementary roles. Pastoral Care in Education, 12(2), 39-41.


    49.                                   Katz, Y.J. (1994) Milta Test and Reading Comprehension Test: a battery for examination of scholastic aptitude and achievement. Educational Counseling, 4, 61-66. (Hebrew)


    50.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Ben-Yochanan, A. (1994) Implementation of the Mason, DeMers & Middleton consultation and program evaluation model in an Israeli school integration project. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 17, 117-127.


    51.                                   Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1994) School prestige and students' social orientations. Studies in Education, 59-60, 125-132 (Hebrew).


    52.                                   Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1994) Parental considerations when choosing schools for their children. Social Behavior and Personality, 22(4), 337-342.


    53.     Evans, T.E., Katz, Y.J. & Francis, L.J. (1995) Psychometric properties of the Hebrew version of the Francis Attitude Toward Computers Scale. Psychological Reports, 77, 1003-1010.


    54.    Katz, Y.J., Evans, T. & Francis L.J. (1995) The reliability and validity of the Hebrew version of the Bath County Computer Attitude Scale. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13(3), 237-244.


    55.                                   Katz, Y.J., & Francis,L.J. (1995) Personality, religiosity, and computer oriented attitudes among trainee teachers in Israel. Computers in Human Behavior, 11(1), 1-8.


    56.    Offir, B. & Katz, Y.J. (1995) The use of multimedia and data-banks in the enquiry approach learning method. Educational Media International, 32(1), 51-53.


    57.    Offir, B., & Katz, Y.J. (1995) The teacher as initiator of change: fact or fiction.Curriculum and Teaching, 10(1), 63-66.


    58.                                   Schmida, M., & Katz, Y.J. (1995) Parental choice of school, school prestige andthe social and religious orientations of students. Studies in Educational Administration, 20, 89-98 (Hebrew).


    59.    Katz, Y.J. (1996) Academization and professional image of Israeli elementary school teachers. Educational Practice and Theory, 18(2), 75-80.


    60.    Francis, L.J. & Katz, Y.J. (1996) The gender stereotyping of computer use among female undergraduate students in Israel and the relationship with computer-related attitudes. Journal of Educational Media, 22(2), 79-86.


    61.    Francis, L.J., Katz, Y.J. & Evans, T. (1996) The relationship between personality and attitudes towards computers among female undergraduate students in Israel. British Journal of Educational Technology, 27(3), 164-170.                           

    62.    Katz, Y.J. (1997) Attitudes of youth and their parents towards service in the Israel Defence Force. Educational Counseling, 6, 40-47 (Hebrew).                           


    63.    Katz, Y.J. (1997) Effective collaboration between teachers and parents in Israel: a strategy for improvement of the educational process. Pastoral Care in Education, 15(4), 14-18.


    64.    Katz, Y.J. (1997) The theological (yeshiva) high school in Israel: ideological and educational aspects. Panorama - International Journal for Comparative Religious Education, 9(2), 47-50.


    65.    Katz, Y.J. (1999) Kindergarten teacher training through virtual reality three-dimensional simulation methodology. Education Media International. 36(2), 151-156.


    66.    Katz, Y.J (1999) The development of state religious education in Israel. Paedagogica Historica, Supplementary Series, 5, 369-377.


    67.    Francis, L.J. & Katz, Y.J. (2000) Internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity of the Hebrew translation of the Oxford Happiness Inventory.

             Psychological Reports, 87, 193-196.


    68.    Francis, L.J., Katz, Y.J. & Jones, S.H. (2000) The reliability and validity of the Hebrew version of the Computer Attitude Scale. Computers and Education, 35(2), 149-159.


    69.    Katz, Y.J. (2000) The comparative suitability of three ICT distance learning methodologies for college level instruction. Educational Media International, 37(1), 25-30.


    70.                                    Katz, Y.J. (2000) The parent-school partnership: shared responsibility for the education of children. Curriculum and Teaching, 15(2), 95-102.


    71.    Katz, Y.J. & Francis, L.J. (2000) Hebrew revised Eysenck personality questionnaire: short-form (EPQR-S) and abbreviated form (EPQR-A). Social Behaviour and Personality, 28(6), 555-560.


    72.    Puurula, A., Neill, S., Vasileiou, Husbands, C., Lang, P., Katz, Y.J., Romi, S., Menezes, I. & Vriens, L. (2001) Teacher and student attitudes to affective education: a European collaborative research project. Compare, 31(2), 165-186.




    73.    Te’eni, D., Margaliot, N. & Katz, Y.J. (2001) Polls, opinions and political decisions – an information theory view of the 1999 elections. Israel Affairs, 7(2), 269-286. Reprinted in D. Elazar & M.B. Mollov (Eds.) Israel at the polls 1999. London: Frank Cass, 269-286.


    74.    Yablon, Y.B. & Katz, Y.J. (2001) Internet-based group relations: a high school peace educational project in Israel. Educational Media International, 38(2/3), 175-182.


    75.       Yablon, Y.B. & Katz, Y.J. (2001) Statistics through the medium of internet:   what students think and achieve. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 5(4), 17-22.


    76.       Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2001) (In)Equality in the Israeli educational     system: a joint Jewish-Arab educational project. Information Technology, Education and Society, 2(2), 77-91.


    77.     Katz, Y.J. (2002) Attitudes affecting college students’ preferences for distance learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(1), 2-9.


    78.    Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2002) Who is afraid of university internet courses? Educational Media International, 39(1), 69-73.


    79.     Francis, L.J. & Katz, Y.J. (2002) Religion and happiness: a study among Israeli female undergraduates. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 13, 75-86.


    80.     Katz, Y.J. (2002) Information and communication technology in the Israeli educational system: past, present and future. Educational Media International, 39(2), 145-152.


    81.   Katz, Y. (2002) A values based core curriculum: the Israeli perspective. Panorama - International Journal for Comparative Religious Education, 14(1), 117-124.


    82.     Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2003) Online university learning: cognitive and affective perspectives. Campus Wide Information Systems, 20(2), 48-54.


    83.     Romi, S. & Katz, Y.J. (2003) Affective education: the nature and characteristics of teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward school in Israel. Educational Practice and Theory, 25(1), 35-47.


    84.     Francis, L.J., Katz, Y.J., Yablon, Y.B. & Robbins, M. (2004) Religiosity, personality, and happiness: a study among Israeli male undergraduates. Journal of Happiness Studies, 5, 315-333.                               


    85.     Katz, Y.J., Laslau, A. & Yablon, Y.B. (2005) The contribution of graduates of teacher training colleges linked to hesder yeshivot to state religious education and the community. Dapim, 39, 147-167, (update & upgrade of 2003 research report).


    86.     Lewis, R., Romi, S., Xing, Q. & Katz, Y.J. (2005) Teachers' classroom discipline and students' misbehavior in Australia, China and Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21(6), 729-741.


    87.     Katz, Y.J. (2005) The Israeli school core curriculum and matriculation examinations: an attempt to set standards for a national educational system. Educational Practice and Theory, 27(1), 67-82.


    88.     Katz, Y.J. (2005) Jewish education in the Israeli state secular education system. Panorama - International Journal for Comparative Religious Education, 17(winter), 83-88.


    89.     Katz, Y.J. & Rimon, O. (2006) The study of literature and culture in a web-based environment. Educational Media International, 43(1), 29-41.


    90.     Francis, L.J. & Katz, Y.J. (2007) Measuring attitude toward Judaism: the internal consistency reliability of the Katz-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Judaism. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 10(4), 309-324.


    91.     Lewis, R., Romi, S., Katz, Y.J. & Xing, Q. (2008) Students' reaction to classroom discipline in Australia, China and Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(3), 715-724.


    92.     Katz, Y.J., Rimon, O., Romanov, D. & Zusman, N. (2008) Does Israel’s technology track pass the test? A propensity score matching estimation study. Information Technology Education and Society, 9(1), 47-69.


    93.     Lifshitz, H. & Katz, Y.J. (2009) Religious concepts among individuals with intellectual disability: a comparison between adolescents and adults. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 24(2), 183-201.


    94.     Romi, S., Lewis, R. & Katz, Y.J. (2009) Student responsibility and classroom discipline in Australia, China, and Israel. Compare, 39(4), 439-452.


    95.    Katz, Y.J. (2009) Religious education in Israel: the contribution to societal values and cohesion. Journal of Religious Education, 57(3), 65-71.


    96.    Yablon, Y.B. & Katz, Y.J. (2009) Bridging the national divide: using elearning in citizenship education in Israel. International Journal on WWW/INTERNET, 7(1), 109-117 (Best paper award at IADIS e-Society Conference 2009 and printed in conference proceedings; extended version selected for inclusion in this journal).


    97.     Katz, Y.J. (2010) The state approach to Jewish and non-Jewish education in Israel. Comparative Education, 46(3), 325-338.


    98.     Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2011) Affect and digital learning at the university level. Campus Wide Information Systems, 28(2), 114-123.


    99.     Katz, Y.J. (2011) Religious and values education in a multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society: the case of Israel. Sutra - Research Journal of the Shruti Foundation, 9, 13-20.


    100.   Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2011) Student assessment of affective variables in an internet-based 'Introduction to quantitative research methods' course. EURODL, Special issue on the best research papers presented at EDEN Conferences 2010, 70-83.


    101.   Shachaf, M., Katz, Y.J. & Shoval, E. (2012) The relationship between level of participation in physical activity and gender and academic achievement of Israeli high school students. Bitnuah, 10(2), 182-196. (Hebrew)


    102.   Katz, Y.J. (2013) University students' attitudes toward cell-phone based learning. EURODL, Special issue on the best research papers presented at EDEN Conferences 2012, 92-105.


    103.   Shachaf, M., Katz, Y.J. & Shoval, E. (2013) The unique trio: academic achievement, sport and gender. Education and Society, 31(1), 17-36.


    104.   Shachaf, M. and Katz, Y.J. (2014) The relationship between high school students' participation in sporting activity and personality variables. Athens Journal of Sports, 1(1), 35-43. (Reprinted in ATINER Conference Paper Series, No: EDU2013-0432. Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research).


    105.   Katz Y.J. (2014) Cognitive and affective aspects of SMS based learning at the university level. Athens Journal of Education, 1(4), 259-269. (Reprinted in ATINER Conference Paper Series, No: EDU2014-0984. Athens: Athens Institute  


    106.   Shachaf, M., Katz, Y.J. & Shoval, E. (2014) Gender differences in scholastic achievement of high school athletes. Dapim, 58, 225-242. (Hebrew)


    107.   Shachaf, M., Katz, Y.J. & Shoval, E. (In press) Sport, academic achievement and gender: a winning combination? Ruach Hasport. (Hebrew)


    108.   Perry. I. & Katz Y.J. (In press) Duration, patterns of behavior and learning processes applications of pre-performance routine in sports. Ruach Hasport. (Hebrew)


    Articles Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings


    1.     Katz, Y.J., & Offir, B. (1990) Computer assisted instruction and students' social orientations. In Proceedings of 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology. Los Alamitos, Ca: IEEE: Computer Society Press, 660-664.





    2.       Appelberg, L., Bruillard, E., Downes, T., Katz, Y.J., O’Briain, T., Offir, B., Passey, D. & Passig, D. (2000) Teacher education for distance learning. In D. Benzie & D. Passey (Eds.) Educational uses of information and communication technologies - Proceedings of ICEUT 2000. Beijing: IFIP and Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 276- 282.


    3.       Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2000) Educational intervention for the enhancement of equality, coexistence, understanding, and peace between Jewish and Arab high school students through the medium of advanced technology. In N. Fadia, N. Hativa, & Z. Shertz (Eds.) Research applications in education in a changing world - Proceedings of 12th  Conference of the Israel Educational Research Association. Tel-Aviv: Reches Publishing, 577-582.


    4.       Katz, Y.J., Yablon, Y.B. & Sagee, R. (2001) Expectations of first-year university students: internet-based versus traditional “Introduction to Statistics” courses. In H. Sponberg, Z. Lustigova & S. Zelenda (Eds.) Telecommunications for education and training – Proceedings of TET 2001. Prague: Charles University Press, 114-117.


    5.       Yablon, Y. B. & Katz, Y. J. (2001) An ICT based project for the facilitation of equality, understanding and tolerance among Israeli Jewish and Bedouin high school students. In C. Montgomerie & J. Viteli (Eds.) Proceedings of Ed-Media 2001. Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2086-2091.


    6.      Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2003) Locus of control, self-esteem, motivation and satisfaction, teaching and learning through an internet-based and traditional 'Introduction to Statistics' course. In A. Szucs, E. Wagner & C. Tsolakidis (Eds.) The quality dialogue: integrating quality cultures in flexible, distance and e- learning - Proceedings of EDEN 2003. Budapest: European Distance Education Network, 183-187.


    7.      Katz, Y.J. & Rimon, O. (2004) The development of quantitative reasoning and quantitative literacy. In C. Papanastasiou (Ed.) Proceedings of the IRC-2 conference (Vol. 2). Lefkosia, Cyprus: Cyprus University Press, 47-68.


    8.      Katz, Y.J. & Rimon, O. (2006) Collaborative learning through networking: improving pedagogic processes through collaborative learning in literature. In A Szucs & I Bo (Eds.) E-comptetences for life, employment and innovation - Proceedings of EDEN 2006. Budapest: European Distance Education Network, 497-501. 


    9.       Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2008) The promotion of inter-ethnic perceptions and attitudes by way of a distance learning project. In A. Szucs & A. Tait (Eds.) New learning cultures: how do we learn, where do we learn - Proceedings of EDEN 2008. Budapest: European Distance Education Network.


    10.     Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2009) Mobile learning: a major e-learning platform. In A. Szucs (Ed.) New technology platforms for learning revisited - Proceedings of EDEN 2009. Budapest: European Distance Education Network, 121-128.

    11.     Yablon, Y.B. & Katz, Y.J. (2009) Bridging the national divide: using e-learning in citizenship education in Israel. In P. Kommers & P. Isaias (Eds.) e-Society 2009. Lisbon: IADIS Press, 253-258.


    12.     Katz, G. & Katz, Y.J. (2011) Cell-phone suitability as a learning content delivery platform at the university level: a comparison of three learning strategies. In G.S. Csanyi and A. Steiner (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Student Mobility and ICT. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, 38-44.


    13.     Katz, Y.J. (2012) Religious education and spirituality: complimentary or contradictory educational concepts? In V. Gersak, H. Korosec, E. Majaron & N. Turnsec (Eds.) Promoting the social emotional aspects of education: a multi-faceted priority. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, 88-93.


    14.     Katz, Y.J. (2013) Concept learning via SMS delivery at the university level. In M.F. Paulsen & A. Szucs (Eds.) The joy of learning: enhancing learning experience, improving learning quality - Proceedings of EDEN 2013. Budapest: European Distance Education Network, 125-134.


    15.     Shachaf, M. and Katz, Y.J. (2014) The relationship between high school students' participation in sporting activity and personality variables. ATINER Conference Paper Series, No: EDU2013-0432. Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research).


    16.     Yablon, Y.B. and Katz, Y.J. (2013) Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) of feelings of majority and minority population groups in Israel. ATINER Conference Paper Series, No: CBC2013-0439.           Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research.


    17.     Katz, Y.J. (2013) SMS-based learning in tertiary education: achievement and attitudinal outcomes. In M.B. Nunes & M. McPherson (Eds.) Proceedings of the international conference: IADIS e-Learning 2013. Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS Press, 118-125.


    18.    Katz Y.J. (2014) Cognitive and affective aspects of SMS based learning at the university level. Athens: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: EDU2014-0984.


    19.     Katz, Y.J. (2014) Mobile learning delivery via social networks: what platforms do first-year university students prefer? In A.M. Teixeira & A Szucs (Eds.) Challenges for research into open & distance learning: doing things better - doing better things - Proceedings of EDEN 2014. Budapest: European Distance Education Network, 249-256.


    Research Reports


    1.       Katz, Y.J. & Ben-Yochanan, A. (1993) Issues concerning integration: school and community viewpoints. Ramat-Gan: Institute for Community Education and Research, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    2.       Katz, Y.J. (1994) Project Lehava: an evaluation. Ramat-Gan: Institute for Research and Advancement of Religious Education, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    3.       Katz, Y.J. (1995) Am Segula: an evaluation of a short-term experiential Jewish education program. Ramat-Gan: Institute for Research and Advancement of Religious Education, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    4.       Schmida, M. & Katz, Y.J. (1995) The religious comprehensive school. Ramat-Gan: Institute for Community Education and Research, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    5.       Glaubman, R. & Katz, Y.J. (1998) The Bedouin community in the Negev: educational and community characteristics. Ramat-Gan: Institute for Community Education and Research, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    6.       Schmida, M. & Katz, Y.J. (1999) A survey of learning and instruction of        carpentry in Israel and the relationship to the needs of industry. Ramat-Gan: Institute for Community Education and Research, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    7.      Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2001) The attitudes of the Israeli public towards the educational system in anticipation of the 2001-2002 school year. Ramat-Gan: Institute for Community Education and Research, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    8.       Katz, Y.J., Laslau, A. & Yablon, Y.B. (2003) The contribution of graduates of teacher training colleges linked to hesder yeshivot to state religious education and the community. Jerusalem: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. (Hebrew)


    9.       Zusman, N., Katz, Y.J., Romanov, D. & Rimon, O. (2005) The relationship between achievement and the allocation of resources to high school students in grammar and technological tracks. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education Culture & Sport, Bank of Israel and Central Bureau of Statistics. (Hebrew)


    10.     Katz, Y.J. & Rimon, O. (2006) Numeracy in the junior high school. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education Culture & Sport. (Hebrew)


    11.     Katz, Y.J. (2010) Learning to read via the Afikei Kria" instructional method. Ramat-Gan: School of Education. (Hebrew)


    12.     S. Iluz & Y.J. Katz (2013) Assessment of teachers' attitudes towards remedial teaching of talmud in ultra-orthodox primary schools. Ramat-Gan: Stern Institute for Research and Advancement of Religious Education, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)


    Presentations at National and International Conferences


    1.     "Social integration as a result of the reform in the Israeli school system". Paper presented at the 1st  Conference of the Israel Educational Research Association, Tel Aviv, April 1976.


    2.      "Ability grouping and students' social orientations". Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Education in the 90's: Equality, Equity and Excellence in Education. Tel Aviv, December 1984.


    3.     "Two different educational structures in Israel and social integration". Paper presented at the International Seminar on Micro- and Macroscopic approaches to the Sociology of Education. Tel-Aviv, May 1985.


    4.     "Academic achievement and social integration as a function of educational interventions in an Israeli elementary school". Paper presented at the 21st Conference of the I.P.A. Tel Aviv, March 1987.


    5.     "Computer assisted counseling for the infant school". Paper presented at the 2nd International Congress on Early Childhood Education: Childhood in the Technological Era. Ramat-Gan, July 1987.


    6.     "The anatomy of a successful school integration program". Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Manchester, September 1987.


    7.     "Conservatism of Israeli junior high school students: inter-ethnic differences". Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Sociological Society, Beer-Sheva, February 1988.


    8.     "School-readiness, academic achievement and socio-economic status". Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the Israel Educational Research Association, Tel-Aviv, February 1988.


    9.     "The relationship between language and attitudes and certain measures of intelligence in white South Africa". Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Individual Differences: Psychological, Educational and Neurological Implications, Ramat-Gan, July 1988.


    10.                                   "Computer oriented attitudes as a function of age in an Israeli elementary school sample". Paper presented at the IFIP European Conference on Computers in Education, Lausanne, July 1988.


    11.                                   "The relationship between learning tracks and students' social orientations". Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Israel Sociological Society, Haifa, February 1989.


    12.                                   "Conservatism and democracy in the Israeli student population". Paper presented at the 22nd Conference of the I.P.A., Haifa, February 1989.


    13.                                   "In-service teacher training for social integration and prejudice reduction". Paper presented at Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, March 1989.


    14.                                   "Learning curve as a model for analysing the cost-effectiveness of a training system". Paper presented at IFIP WG3.4 Working Conference, Helsinki, July 1989.

    15.                                   "Measuring the effects of an integration program in an Israeli elementary school". Paper presented at the 3rd International Congress for School Effectiveness, Jerusalem, January 1990.


    16.                                   "Prestige level of vocational high schools and students' demographic, cognitive and social variables". Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Israel Sociological Society, Ramat Gan, February 1990.


    17.                                   "High school headmasters' evaluations of teachers trained at universities and theological colleges". Paper presented at ISREV VII - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Humlebaek, June 1990.


    18.                                   "Computer assisted instruction and students' social orientations". Paper presented at the 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, Jerusalem, October 1990.


    19.    "Description of a successful educational integration program in an elementary school". Paper presented at the 2nd Benor Memorial Conference, Beer-Sheva, December 1990.


    20.    "School processes and students' social orientations". Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Israel Sociological Society, Tel-Aviv, April 1991.


    21.    "Cognitive and social correlates of computer assisted instruction in the Israeli elementary school". Paper presented at CAL91 - International Symposium on Computers in Education, Lancaster, April 1991.


    22.                                   "The relationship between personality and computer related attitudes of Israeli teachers". Paper presented at IFIP WG3.5 International Working Conference, Alesund, July 1991.


    23.                                   "Personality correlates of Israeli teachers with positive computer oriented attitudes". Paper presented at the 23rd Conference of the I.P.A., Jerusalem, October 1991.


    24.                                   "Evaluating computer methodology used in schools by way of field studies". Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Computers in Education, Ramat-Gan, April 1992.


    25.                                   "Religiosity of students in the Israeli national-religious comprehensive high school". Paper presented at ISREV VIII - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Banff, August 1992.


    26.                                   "Computer related attitudes and self-image as a function of learners' age". Paper presented at the IFIP World Computer Conference, Madrid, September 1992.


    27.                                   "Achievement level, affective attributes and computer oriented attitudes: a profile of a successful end-user". Paper presented at the IFIP Open Conference, Gmunden, June 1993.


    28.                                   "Computer assisted learning and cognitive abilities: hardware and software  planning implications". Paper presented at the IFIP Open Conference, Gmunden, June 1993.


    29.                                   "The teacher as initiator of change in schools". Paper presented at the MOFET International Conference on Teacher Education - From Practice to Theory, Tel-Aviv, June 1993.


    30.                                   "Religiosity, personality and tertiary educational choice". Paper presented at the 6th Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Baltimore, July 1993.


    31.                                   "Self-image, locus of control and computer related attitudes." Paper presented at the IFIP WG3.3 Working Conference, Archamps, September 1993.


    32.                                   "Conservatism of Israeli Jews and Arabs after five years of Intifada". Paper presented at the 24th Conference of the I.P.A., Ramat-Gan, October 1993.


    33.                                   "Affective education in the Israeli elementary school: principles and practice". Paper presented at the International Seminar on Affective Education, Coventry, May 1994.


    34.    "Computer games as motivators for successful computer end-use". Paper presented at the IFIP WG3.5 Working Conference, Philadelphia, June 1994.


    35.                                   "The use of information technology in educational counseling: applications for high school counsellors". Paper presented at  the IFIP WG3.4 Working Conference, Jerusalem, July 1994.


    36.    "Religiosity of Israeli Jews and Arabs before and after the September 13th peace agreement between Israel and the PLO". Paper presented at ISREV IX - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Goslar, August 1994.


    37.    "The computer as an instructional aid for studying the humanities". Paper presented at the IFIP World Computer Conference, Hamburg, September 1994.


    38.    "Educational counseling and information technology: an efficient and cost-effective tool for high school counsellors". Paper presented at the 11th Conference of the Israel Educational Research Association, Jerusalem, February 1995.


    39.                                   "Effective collaboration between teachers and parents: strategies for school improvement". Paper presented at the 2nd European Seminar on Affective Education, Rome, May 1995.


    40.    "The implementation of a national computer strategy on the basis of personality and attitudinal diagnosis". Paper presented at the IFIP WCCE 1995, Birmingham,July 1995.


    41.    "Conservatism of Israeli Jews and Arabs before and After the Oslo Agreement". Paper presented at the 25th Conference of the I.P.A., Beer-Sheva, October 1995.


    42.    "The move towards extremism in the Israeli population". Paper presented at the 27th  Annual Conference of the Israel Sociological Society, Beit Berl, February 1996.


    43.    "Socio-pedagogical issues affecting computer assisted instruction and learning". Paper presented at the IFIP WG3.2 and WG9.5 International Working Conference, Ma'ale Hahamisha, March 1996.


    44.    "Future values in affective education in Israel". Paper presented at the 3rd European Seminar on Affective Education, Dublin, May 1996.


    45.    "The centrality of affective variables in the implementation of a national strategy of teacher and pupil IT suitability in elementary schools". Paper presented at the IFIP TC3 WG3.1 and WG3.5 Joint International Working Conference, Kiryat Anavim, June 1996.


    46.    "The influence of socio-psychological issues on the utilisation of information technology in education". Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Computers in Education, Jerusalem, July 1996.


    47.    "Psycho-pedagogical aspects of religious education taught with the utilisation of informational technology". Paper presented at ISREV X - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Los Angeles, August 1996.


    48.    "The use of affective variables in the prediction of effective teacher and pupil IT utilisation in elementary schools". Paper presented at 7th EARLI Conference, Athens, August 1997.


    49.    "The development of state religious education in Israel". Plenary paper presented at ISCHE XIX - International Standing Conference on History of Education, Maynooth, September 1997.


    50.    "The five-year plan for Negev Bedouin education". Paper presented at the International Conference on Minority Education in Pluralistic Democracies, Ramat-Gan, May 1998.


    51.    "Two distance learning methods and satisfaction and achievement of college students ". Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Computers in Education, Tel-Aviv, July 1998.


    52.    “The tension between values and technology and the resulting influence on educational reforms”. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Education in the Test of Time, Haifa, July, 1998.


    53.    “The Bedouin educational system: does values education lead to peaceful coexistence?” Paper presented at ISREV XI - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Carmarthen, August 1998.


    54.    “The relationship between distance learning methods and satisfaction and achievement of college students”. Paper presented at the IFIP World Computer Conference, Teleteaching ‘98, Vienna & Budapest, September 1998.


    55.    “Kindergarten teacher training through virtual reality three-dimensional  simulation methodology”. Paper presented at the annual ICEM Conference, Helsinki, October 1998.


    56.    "The comparative suitability of three ICT distance learning methodologies for college level instruction. Paper presented at the IFIP Comned '99 Conference, Hameenlinna, June 1999.


    57.    "Parent-school relationship" Paper presented at the European Affective Education Network Conference, Tinos, July 1999.


    58.                                   "University level distance learning methodologies: affective variables related to students’ preferences". Paper presented at the annual ICEM Conference, Ljubljana, October 1999.


    59.    "The use of ICT as a facilitator of values education: a high school peace education project". Paper presented at Euro Education 2000, Aalborg, February, 2000.


    60.    "A peace education project for Israeli Jews and Moslems". Plenary paper presented at ISREV XII – International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Kiryat Anavim, July, 2000.


    61.    "Teacher education for distance learning". Paper presented at ICEUT 2000, Beijing, August, 2000.


    62.    “(In)equality in the Israeli educational system: a joint Jewish-Arab educational project”. Paper presented at the VIIIth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research, Rishon Le’Zion, September 2000.


    63.    "Educational intervention for the enhancement of equality, coexistence, understanding, and peace between Jewish and Arab high school students through the medium of advanced technology”. Paper presented at 12th Conference of the Israel Educational Research Association, Tel-Aviv, October 2000.                                                                                                                                                                                     

    64.    “A high school peace education project in Israel based on ICT utilization”. Paper presented at the annual ICEM Conference, Geneva, November 2000.


    65.    "Imagining god in Israeli high schools: religious versus secular perceptions". Paper presented at Wuerzburg Research Days, Wuerzburg, December 2000.


    66.    “Expectations of first-year university students: internet based versus traditional ‘Introduction to Statistics’ courses. Paper presented at the International Conference on Telecommunications for Education and Training, Prague, May 2001.


    67.    “School violence: description and intervention”. Plenary paper presented at the European Affective Education Network Conference, Porto, June 2001.


    68.    “An ICT based project for the facilitation of equality, understanding and tolerance among Israeli Jewish and Bedouin high school students”. Paper presented at Ed-Media 2001, Tampere, June 2001.


    69.    “A psycho-pedagogical model for ICT use in the educational process”. Paper presented at IFIP WCCE 2001, Copenhagen, July-August 2001.


    70.                                   “Who is afraid of the internet”? Paper presented at the annual ICEM Conference, Taipei, October 2001.


    71.    “Education for democracy in the Israeli state educational system”. Paper presented at OECD Forum 2002, Paris, May 2002.


    72.    “Core curriculum in the Israeli educational system” Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Teacher Training, Achva, June 2002.


    73.    “The use of virtual reality three-dimensional simulation technology in nursery school teacher training”. Paper presented at the IFIP TC3 WG3.5 International Working Conference, Manchester, July 2002.


    74.    “A values based core curriculum: the Israeli perspective”. Paper presented at ISREV XIII - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Kristiansand, July, 2002.


    75.    “The contribution of graduate teachers of hesder yeshiva teacher training colleges to the state religious educational system as well as to the community”. Paper presented at the 13th Conference of the Israel Educational Research Association, Ramat-Gan, October 2002.


    76.                                   “Internet as a source of knowledge: advantage versus risk”. Paper presented at the annual ICEM Conference, Granada, October 2002.


    77.                                   “Locus of Control, self-esteem, motivation and satisfaction, teaching and learning through an internet-based and traditional “Introduction to Statistics” course. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the European Distance Education Network, Rhodes, June 2003.


    78.    “The affective aspects of the Israeli core curriculum”. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Conference on Education, Spirituality and the Whole Child, London, June 2003.


    79.    “Distance learning approaches in teacher training: affective variables related to students’ preferences”. Paper presented at IFIP TC3 WG3.3 and WG3.4 Open  Working Conference, Pori, July 2003.


    80.    “The collaborative study of literature, cinema and television: an inter-school distance learning project”. Paper presented at Neothemi 2003, Helsinki, September 2003.



    81.    "A collaborative learning project between countries: the development of a learning model for Israeli and overseas students". Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Computers in Education,

             Tel-Aviv, January 2004.


    82.    “The study of literature and culture in a web-based environment”. Paper presented at IFIP TC3 WG3.5 International Workshop, Budapest, June 2004.


    83.    “Religious-secular high school student workshops designed to achieve a reduction in inter-group tensions”. Paper presented at ISREV XIV - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Villanova July, 2004.


    84.    “The development of numeracy: a model for spiral learning in mathematics on the basis of international standards for the junior high school” Paper presented at the 14th Conference of the Israel Educational Research Association, Beer-Sheva, October 2004.


    85.    “The study of literature and culture in a web-based environment”. Paper presented at the annual ICEM Conference, Vienna, October 2004.


    86.    "Curriculum studies today: university, society and school". Paper presented at the National Conference on Curriculum Studies, Jerusalem, February 2005.


    87.    "ICT and preferred pedagogic strategy". Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Computers in Education, Tel-Aviv, March 2005.


    88.    "Affective education in Israel". Paper presented at the EAEN Conference on Learning Beyond Cognition, Copenhagen, June 2005.


    89.    “Collaborative learning through networking: improving pedagogic processes through collaborative learning in literature”. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the European Distance Education Network, Vienna, June 2006.


    90.                                    "Jewish education in the Israeli state secular education system". Paper presented at ISREV XV - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Driebergen, July 2006. 


    91.    "Mobile learning: dream or reality". Paper presented at the annual ICEM Conference, Eger, November 2006.


    92.    "Peace education in the Israeli state Jewish schools". Paper presented at the EAEN Conference on Affective Education in Action, Adana, June 2007.


    93.    "Extremism and education: an Israeli curricular contribution to the solution of the problem". Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Human Rights in Education, London, July 2007.


    94.    "Does SMS technology in university learning and instruction have a sound pedagogical basis?" Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Higher Education, Ariel, September 2007.


    95.    "The promotion of inter-ethnic perceptions and attitudes by way of a distance learning project". Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the European Distance Education Network, Lisbon, June 2008.


    96.    "Religious education in the Israeli state educational system: different religions, different ideologies, similar values". Paper presented at ISREV XVI - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Ankara, July 2008. 


    97.     "Prnciples underlying a core curriculum of Jewish literacy". Paper presented at an international conference on Promoting Jewish Lieracy in Educational Settings, College Park MD, September 2008.


    98.    "Mobile learning: a major e-learning platform". Paper presented at LOGOS Conference, Budapest, January 2009.


    99.    "Bridging the national divide: using e-learning in citizenship education in Israel". Paper presented at IADIS e-Society 2009 Conference, Barcelona, February 2009.


    100.   "Values education in Israeli schools: a pilot study". Paper presented at 10th Conference of the European Affective Education Network, Ayr, July 2009.


    101.   "Acquiring vocabulary at the university level: a comparison of three learning strategies". Paper presented at 12th Annual ATINER conference, Athens, May 2010.


    102.   "Religious education in the state religious educational sub-sector in Israel: no room for freedom of religion and belief". Paper presented at ISREV XVII - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Ottawa, July 2010. 


    103.   "Student assessment of affective variables in an internet-based 'Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods' course". Paper presented at 6th EDEN Research Workshop, Budapest, October 2010.


    104.   "The contribution of heritage and values education in Israel to societal understanding and cohesion: a concept paper". Paper presented at 6th International Conference of the Israeli Association for Research in Jewish Education, Ramat-Gan, December 2010


    105.   "Religious and values education in a multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society: the case of Israel". Paper presented at WE-ASC World Education and Culture Congress, New Delhi, January 2011.


    106.   "Affect and digital learning at the university level". Paper presented at 13th Annual ATINER Conference on Education, Athens, May 2011.


    107.   "Internet-based technology and peace education: Enhancing positive inter-group relationships between Jewish and Arab adolescents in Israel". Paper presented at 5th Annual ATINER Conference on Psychology, Athens, May 2011.


    108.   "Religious education and spirituality: two contradictory educational concepts". Paper presented at 11th Conference of the European Affective Education Network, Ljubljana, June 2011.


    109.   "Cell-phone suitability as a learning content delivery platform at the university level: A comparison of three learning strategies". Paper presented at 4th S-ICT Conference, Vienna, November 2011.


    110.   "Spirituality and psychological well-being: Essential for a meaningful education". Plenary Paper presented at 2nd WE-ASC World Education and Culture Congress, New Delhi, January 2012.


    111.   "The definition of spirituality in faith and knowledge based religious education".Paper presented at ISREV XVIII - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, Turku, July 2012.


    112.   "University students' attitudes toward cell-phone based learning". Paper presented at 7th EDEN Research Workshop, Leuven, October 2012.


    113.   "Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) of feelings of majority and minority populationgroups in Israel". Paper presented at 6th Annual ATINER Conference on Business and Society in a Global Economy, Athens, December 2012.


    114.   "The relationship between high school students' participation in sporting activity and personality variables". Paper presented at the15th Annual ATINER Conference on Education, Athens, May 2013.


    115.   "Concept learning via SMS delivery at the university level". Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Distance Education Network, Oslo, June 2013.  


    116.   "SMS-based learning in tertiary education: achievement and attitudinal outcomes". Paper presented at IADIS e-Learning 2009 Conference, Prague, July 2013.


    117.   "Differences between affective variables and learning and instruction and scholastic achievement in the Israeli educational system". Paper presented at the Kaye College Conference on Encounters in Education between Cultures and Pedagogies, Beer-Sheva, March 2014.


    118.   "Rabbi Nachman of Breslev and cognitive psychology: a concept paper". Paper presented at ISREV XIX - International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, York, July 2014.



    Academic Profile

    Prof Yaacov Katz obtained his B.A in psychology and education, his M.A. in educational counseling and his Ph.D. degree in education. During his academic career, he has specialized in the research of psycho-pedagogical variables related to two major areas, namely religious and values education and educational technology.  In his research he has investigated the relationship between psycho-pedagogical variables and the enhancement and promotion of religiosity and values of students in the educational system as well as the relationship between religiosity and values on the one hand and cognitive and affective outcomes on the other[1]. In addition Prof Katz has examined psycho-pedagogical models related to the utilization of advanced educational technology for learning and instruction in the educational system from the elementary school level up to university level. Based on his research he has suggested the adoption of psycho-pedagogical models that promote the enhancement of efficient use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in educational settings and frameworks[2]. In the course of his research activities Prof Katz developed an advanced survey methodology that promotes increased precision in the surveying process as well as increased validity in the results and conclusions of his research. The development of this advanced survey methodology resulted from close cooperation between Prof Katz, Prof Dov Te'eni and Dr Nahshon Margaliot.

    In the course of his academic work and research Prof Katz has maintained long term working relationships with internationally renowned scholars and has closely collaborated with prominent academics in religious education and values and educational technology such as Prof Jeff Astley of Durham University, Prof Margaret Cox of Kings College London, Prof Leslie Francis of Warwick University, and Prof John Hull of Birmingham University all from the U.K; Prof Marina Stock-McIsaac of Arizona State University, and Prof Dick Cornell of the University of Central Florida, both from the U.S.A; and with Prof Hans-Georg Ziebertz of the University of Wuerzburg in Germany. One prominent example of his international collaboration was the establishment of a research team comprising researchers from Denmark, Finland, Greece, Israel, Netherlands, Portugal and the United Kingdom that conducted and published research on the psycho-pedagogical correlates of affective education and values. Together with this research team he was awarded a prestigious ESRC grant in order to finance ongoing research on the psycho-pedagogical issues affecting values education.

    He is a member of influential and prestigious international academic and research organizations such as International Seminar for Religious Education and Values (ISREV), European Affective Education Network (EAEN), International Federation for Information Processing  (IFIP) and International Council for Educational Media (ICEM) and has cultivated excellent working relationships with members of these organizations and is well recognized as an expert in his fields of research. In addition he is a member of a team of experts nominated and budgeted by the Israel Academy of Sciences to review the Israel school civics education curriculum.

    Due to the recognition Prof Katz has received as an internationally known researcher in the areas of religious education and values and the utilization of ICT in education, he has been invited on numerous occasions to present keynote and plenary presentations at international scientific conferences on the topics related to his expertise.

    Prof Katz is a member of the editorial board of a number of prominent scientific journals, such as Education and Information Technologies (EAIT), International Journal of Jewish Education Research (IJJER), Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL), and for a number of years served as deputy editor of Educational Media International (EMI). He has also edited a number of scientific volumes included in the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) series on ICT and education published by Chapman and Hall as well as by Kluwer Science Publishers. In addition, Prof Katz has served as a referee of submissions made to Teachers College Record and Computers and Education, two prestigious, prominent and influential journals in education.

    Prof Katz was a member of the directorate of ISREV, the most prominent and prestigious scientific organization dedicated to the study of religious education and values. He has edited a scientific volume containing research papers authored by ISREV members. He has also served as a committee member of the International Council for Educational Media, an international NGO affiliated to UNESCO. Prof Katz is an active member of the educational sector of the IFIP and is a founding member of the EAEN and has edited two scientific volumes based on research conducted by members of EAEN. In addition he has co-coordinated a number of research projects conducted by EAEN members.

    In the sphere of academic administration Prof Katz has served as the Deputy Head of the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University (1992-1997), as Head of the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University (1997-2001), as Head of the Institute for Research and Advancement of Religious Education (1989-1990), as Head of the Institute of Community Education and Research (1994-2001), as Head of the Institute of Integration in Education (2009-2010) and as Head of the Baker Center for Early Childhood Development (2011-2013). He served as the Chairperson of the Pedagogic Secretariat (Chief Pedagogic Officer) of the Ministry of Education (2001-2006) where he was responsible for the development national pedagogic strategy, as well as for the development of curricular policy, standards and benchmarks for the Israeli educational system. At present he serves as Acting President of Michlalah Jerusalem Academic College.


    [1] Katz, Y.J. (2007) Values education in the Israeli educational system. In N. Kryger & B. Ravn (Eds.) Learning beyond cognition. Copenhagen: Danish University of Education Press, 291-302.

    Francis, L.J. & Katz, Y.J. (2007) Measuring attitude toward Judaism: the internal consistency reliability of the Katz-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Judaism. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 10(4), 309-324.

    Katz, Y.J. (2009) Religious education in Israel: the contribution to societal values and cohesion. Journal of Religious Education, 57(3), 65-71.

    Lewis, R., Romi, S., Katz, Y.J. & Xing, Q. (2008) Students' reaction to classroom discipline in Australia, China and Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 715-724.                                  

    Romi, S., Lewis, R. & Katz, Y.J. (2009) Student responsibility and classroom discipline in Australia, China, and Israel. Compare, 39(4), 439-452.

    Katz, Y.J. (2010) The state approach to Jewish and non-Jewish education in        Israel. Comparative Education, 46(3), 46(3), 325-338.


    [2] Katz, Y.J. (2002) A psycho-pedagogical model for ICT use in the educational process. In D. Watson & J. Andersen (Eds.) Networking the learner. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 311-318.

    Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2003) Promoting intergroup attitudes in Israel through internet technology. In Y. Iram & H Wahrman (Eds.) Education of minorities and peace education in pluralistic societies. Westport, CT: Praeger, 169-179.

    Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2009) Mobile learning: a major e-learning platform. In A. Szucs (Ed.) New technology platforms for learning revisited. Budapest: European Distance Education Network, 121-128.

    Katz, Y.J. & Yablon, Y.B. (2011) Student assessment of affective variables in an internet-based 'Introduction to quantitative research methods' course. EURODL, Special issue on the best research papers presented at EDEN Conferences 2010, 70-83.


    תחומי התמחות

    attitudes toward religious education, attitudes toward the use of technology (ICT) in education,

    attitudes toward values in education.

    Last Updated Date : 22/01/2023