Leadership, Organizational Development and Policy in Education – specialization in management and development of non-formal education systems


Master's degree program with specialization in management and development of non-formal education systems

Head of Program: Prof. Zehavit Gross

Non-formal education is substantial in undertaking and scarce in research. The purpose of the Management and Development of Non-formal Education Systems program is to bridge the gap between the theoretical aspects of management in the non-formal systems and the real needs that arise in the field.

Our program offers hands-on practical workshops within the framework of theoretical studies that both enhance research and reflective skills and construct personal and professional development. This specialization is part of the Leadership, Organizational Development and Policy in Education program.

Specialization in management and development of non-formal education systems prepares senior faculty educators to influence education development and practice on a broader scale. Our students work in informal educational systems found in community centers, youth movements, and different voluntary educational bodies.

Members of the academic faculty associated with our program are distinguished researchers in their respective fields and offer a rich and comprehensive curriculum from which our students can benefit.

The focuses of the specialization are to deepen theoretical, research, and practical knowledge in three areas:

1. Management

2. Youth

3. Community


1. Management

Economics of Education and School Finance Policy - Dr. Iris BenDavid-Hadar 

The competitive global age and the prominence of the knowledge-based economy reshaped the lenses by which education is designed, operated, and analyzed. Policymakers, educators, and educationalists are required to address issues related to the economics of education, such as education for sustainable development, efficiency, equity, and social cohesiveness.

The course objectives are to introduce graduate students to theories of the economics of education. The course will introduce economics of education concepts, micro-level and macro-level theories, and the principles of designing and managing a budget in a formal and informal system. 

Management skills and Educational Leadership in a Non-formal Education setting- Dr. Moshe Rubovitch

Students learn the practical tools for analyzing leadership types, behavior and communication in organizations, knowledge management, employee empowerment, educational vision and its implementation, management of changes that occur during advancements in systems, organizational climate, development of a supportive environment, self-direction, the learning community, and the learning organization and its meaning and application in education systems.


2. Youth

Coping with at-risk Youth – Prof. Shlomo Romi

Students analyze the problems and dilemmas that occur when working with at-risk youth. Subjects such as school dropout in supplementary and compensatory education settings, issues of ethics, youth laws, the ethical code of youth workers in Israel, theory, and practice in coping with conflicts, values ​​in working with at-risk youth, processes and methods of working with at-risk youth are all covered in the course.


Education for Values, Democracy, and Citizenship in a Confused World – Prof. Zehavit Gross

Students learn about values-based education ​​in a post-modern era and the theoretical and practical dilemmas that emerge when encountering youth in a complex post-modern world. The course focuses mainly on the challenges posed by the democratic system for youth and the dilemmas that arise from the different national arenas youths have a role- from to the challenge of being a world citizen in general and in Israel in particular.


3. Community

Leisure Research and Informal Education – Dr. Dafna Etzion

The course focuses on up-to-date theories in the field of non-formal education and how they are expressed in the field of community-educational activity.

Alternative Education in the Digital Age (workshop course) – Dr. Miri Goldratt

The integration of computers and the Internet in pedagogy is not just a concept. It has caused a fundamental change in the triadic approach in education: teacher-learner-content. During the course, students discuss various educational philosophies, characterize digital youth, analyze alternative educational applications and examine their significance in informal and non-formal education.

Entrepreneurship, Volunteering, and Social Involvement (workshop course) – Dr. Miri Goldratt

The term "entrepreneurship", which until a few years ago was reserved for business and industry, has extended to include fields far beyond those boundaries. Today, social initiatives are guiding principles in the activities of individuals and organizations alike. In this course, students will discuss entrepreneurship, social involvement, and volunteering characterizing a changing reality and examine their implications in informal and non-formal education. 


Study Program

The program curriculum is comprehensively structured over two consecutive years. Students must study a full study course and meet all their study requirements in each of the consecutive years of study.

Courses are taught in one concentrated school day, Mondays from 8:00-20:00.

In addition, the students are required to fulfill basic Jewish and English studies, as detailed in the following: http://graduate-school.biu.ac.il/takanon

Curriculum and study days are subject to change for the 2019-2020 academic school year.


Study Tracks

Track A: Master's degree with thesis

This track is intended for students interested in receiving a master's degree in the Leadership, Organizational Development, and Policy in Education program with specialization in management and development of non-formal education systems, including writing a thesis as part of the curriculum. Students acquire theoretical knowledge and professional competencies alongside research skills and academic development. Studies in the program allow students to combine work life with studies in general and studies toward obtaining a doctoral degree in particular.

The theoretical studies are 18 yearly hours and take place on Mondays throughout two consecutive years. After completion of the academic theoretical studies, students are given an additional (third) year to submit their thesis

Study program for 2019-2020 academic school year – 1st year (Hebrew)

Study program for 2019-2020 academic school year – 2nd year (Hebrew)


Track B: Master's degree without thesis

This track is intended for students interested in receiving a master's degree in the Leadership, Organizational Development and Policy in Education program with specialization in management and development of non-formal education systems without a written research work (thesis). Students acquire theoretical knowledge, professional competencies, and participate in research courses. Those studying in this track are required to pass a final examination on the material to be determined by the M.A. Committee of the School of Education.

The theoretical studies are 22 yearly hours and take place on Mondays throughout two consecutive years.

Study program for 2019-2020 academic school year – 1st year (Hebrew)

Study program for 2018-2019 academic school year – 2nd year (Hebrew)


Admissions Requirements

Preference will be given to applicants who are bachelor's degree graduates in administration or other professions with educational or managerial experience with a grade average of 80 or above. Applicants must be educators and/or teachers and/or supervisors engaged in education: teaching/training/ educational work. Applicants designate themselves to integrate into the educational management systems in Israel. (Exceptional requests will be discussed in special cases). Practical experience in non-formal education is recommended.


Application Process

1. Online registration

2. After registration, the following documents must be sent:

  • B.A. graduation diploma - official and original (should include the stamp of the accredited university or establishment, signature, and establishment logo)
  • Teaching certification certificate – official and original (should include the stamp of the accredited university or establishment, signature, and establishment logo)

The above-mentioned documents can be sent in two formats:

Mail: M.A. Admissions Committee, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002

Physically handed over: Mador Shema (building 605), Sun-Thurs from 8:00-18:00

3. Two recommendations must be sent – a letter of recommendation from an employer and an academic recommendation (students who completed their degree requirements beyond the two year period can instead submit two letters of recommendation letters from an employer).

4. An updated curriculum vida (CV) must be sent by email (toar2edu@biu.ac.il) or by fax (03-738-4123) or by mail (School of Education, M.A. studies, Science and Technology Education, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290000)


For more information please refer to the program secretary:

E-Mail: Avigail.Erez@biu.ac.il

Fax: 03-738-4123

Tel: 03-531-8456

Calling hours are Sunday-Thursday, 10:30-11:30 and 13:30-14:30

Reception hours are Sundays and Wednesdays: 11:30-14:00, Mondays and Thursdays: 8:30-10:30. On Tuesdays there are no reception hours.


Studies toward an Education worker certification are located in Bar-Ilan University in the Professional Development Center. Click here for the study program syllabus.



Academic staff and active researchers with international publications on a variety of topics:

Prof. Haim Gaziel - Education Policy and School Effectiveness

Dr. Joseph Klein - Decision-making and Decentralization in Education Systems

Prof. Chen Schechter - Learning from Success

Prof. Israel Gilat - The Teacher and Educational Leader in Law - Rights and Duties.

Prof. Orly Shapira - Organizational Ethics, Training and Teachers' Withdrawal Behavior in Education Systems

Dr. Iris BenDavid-Hadar - The Economics of Education - Financing and Managing the School Budget


Additional research activities:

Prof. Mordechai Bar-Lev Research Forum for the Study of Informal Education

The forum is designed for regular meetings (twice per semester) between senior researchers and educators in the field of non-formal education.

Prizes for Excellence in Non-formal Education in Memory of Prof. Mordechai Bar Lev

Each year the program awards prizes in excellence for outstanding seminar papers in the field of non-formal education in order to encourage research and scientific excellence in this field.


Our program curriculum is unique in that it links the latest research findings in Israel and abroad with its assimilation in the field.



סגל אקדמי
שם דרגה/תפקיד דוא"ל
Dr. Efrati Yaniv Senior Lecturer yaniv.efrati@biu.ac.il

Last Updated Date : 28/09/2022