Master's program in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


Registration for the program starts on 16.1.2022

Master's degree –  ASD

Head of Program: Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Tzviely 



חינוך מיוחד בספקטרום האוטיסטיאוטיזיםAאוטיזים

Studies in the Master's program in Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) provide students with expertise in theoretical and practical knowledge when working with students on the autism spectrum. The program accredits an M.A. degree with a certificate indicating completion of studies in Special Education with a specialization in autism.

The program is designed for special education teachers, educational counselors, therapy professionals, special education counselors, and graduates of a bachelor's degree in similar fields such as psychology, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and social work. Experience with children with autism is required.


Program Objectives 

Theoretical and practical training for work with children on the autism spectrum


Structure of Studies:

The duration of the studies is about two years, one day a week each year and another half day in the afternoon for methodology studies in one of the years.

The program includes theoretical courses and a practical practicum course of about 6 weekly hours

The student receives aמ MA in Autism from the Faculty of Education


Who is this program for?

Special education teachers, educational counselors, therapists or special education counselors.

Those with a BA in therapeutic and paramedical professions such as: psychology, occupational therapy, communication clinicians, social work, neuroscience.

Parents of children on the spectrum with a BA.

Experience in working with children with autism is required.


Study Program

  • Theoretical courses: topics such as diagnosis and intervention, neurological aspects, socio-emotional function, sensorimotor characteristics, verbal-communicative function, sex education, working with parents

  • Practicum courses: practical training for therapeutic-educational work with preschool and school-age children on the autistic spectrum with a focus on social-emotional-communicative functioning including learning different social programs adapted to preschool, school age and different levels of functioning (low-high); Academic-cognitive functioning includes remedial teaching, pre-academic preschool abilities and cognitive abilities; Sensory processing and treatment of behavioral disorders

  • The practical training in the practicum courses can be integrated with work in other various frameworks

  • School days - The courses are spread over two days, Sunday and Thursday

  • Duration of study about four semesters (a student who is interested can study about five semesters, two and a half years).

  • In the first year, studies are on Sunday and in the second year studies are on Thursday, and another half day for methodological studies in the afternoon during one of the years.

There may be changes in the curriculum and in the study days for 2022-2023 academic school year

View the curriculum for the first year, 2021-2022

View the curriculum for the second year, 2021-2022


Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must be graduates of a bachelor's degree in Special Education or in similar fields or fields of therapy and paramedical care such as psychology, brain sciences, behavioral sciences, occupational therapy, speech therapy, social work, etc. with the average grade of 87 or above from an accredited university or college
  • Parents of a child with ASD, graduates of a bachelor's degree; priority given to degrees in the educational-therapeutic fields
  • Experience with work children with ASD
  • At least one year of experience in the special education - autism field
  • Recommendations- Academic recommendation and letter of recommendation from an employer
  • Successfully pass an interview


Application process

  1.  Applicants must register through the online registration form (Technical assistance, Shema *9392)
  2. Two recommendations must be sent – a letter of recommendation from an employer and an academic recommendation (students who completed their degree requirements beyond the two year period can instead submit two letters of recommendation letters from an employer).
    1. Academic recommendation form (Hebrew) - Recommendations from a lecturer in an academic course (preferably a seminar course.
    2. Letter of recommendation from an employer (Hebrew) - Recommendation from a professional who knows the candidate from field experience.

The recommendations must arrive at the School of Education, the secretariat for M.A. studies directly from the person providing the recommendation and not from the applicant 

(Applicants must note their personal details on the back of the recommendation forms which the recommenders fill out)


Applications can be sent in one of the following ways:

Address: M.A. Admissions Committee, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002


Fax: 03-738-4123

Mail: Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002, School of Education, M.A. studies


After registering, the following documents must be sent to the M.A. Committee office:

  • Graduation certificate – official and original (should include the stamp of the accredited university or establishment, signature, and establishment logo)
  • Transcript with grade point average listed
  • An updated curriculum vida (CV)
  • Photograph of Israeli identity card (Te'udat Zehut)
  • Passport picture


An invitation to an interview is dependent on the completion of registration and confirmation of receiving the abovementioned forms by the university.

Applicants who are eligible will be invited to an interview

The above mentioned are the minimum requirements and do not guarantee acceptance


For more information, please refer to the program secretariat:

Tel: 03-531-8456

Fax: 03-738-4123

Telephone reception hours Sunday through Thursday: 10: 30-11: 30 and 13: 30-14: 30

Reception hours on Sunday, Wednesday between the hours of 11: 30-14: 00 and on Mondays, Thursdays between 8:30 and 10:30.

On Tuesdays, there is no reception


Last Updated Date : 28/09/2022