Transformations in Teachers’ Views in One-to-One Classes—Longitudinal Case Studies

Doron, E.

This qualitative study aimed to examine how teachers in one-to-one (1:1)
classrooms changed their views regarding the integration of students’ personal laptops over
three academic years. Given the relative lack of longitudinal studies in the field of technology
in education, this study is unique in tracing transformations in teachers’ views. The
study tracked seven teachers in two junior high schools. The seven case studies comprised
three interviews with each teacher, at three different points in time, in order to reveal
whether the 1:1 program met their general and pedagogical expectations as well as their
attitudes towards integrating the laptops into their teaching. Data revealed a diversity of
transformations, disappointments, and surprises as evidenced through teachers’ testimonies
and the disparate images the participants chose to illustrate their views. The findings lead
to understanding the kind of support teachers may need to better integrate 1:1 laptops into
their teaching practices.

Last Updated Date : 18/11/2018