Simulation-based constructivist approach for education leaders

Shapira-Lishchinsky, O.
The purpose of this study was to reflect the leadership strategies that may arise using a constructivist
approach based on organizational learning. This approach involved the use of simulations
that focused on ethical tensions in school principals’ daily experiences, and the development of
codes of ethical conduct to reduce these tensions. The study included 50 teachers who served in
school leadership roles in addition to their regular teaching jobs. The teachers participated in 50
simulation sessions. The data were analyzed with ATLAS.ti 5.0. Five dimensions of tensions
between leadership strategies were found to be related to the central concept of ‘‘Leadership
strategies derived from simulations:’’ Engaging versus Monitoring; Envisioning versus Implementing;
Implementing versus Engaging; Monitoring versus Envisioning, and Articulating versus Envisioning—
demonstrating the complexity of dialogue during the simulations, which include a multifaceted
model of tension between values, and codes of ethical conduct. The study findings may encourage
school principals and education leaders to use simulations to help unravel ongoing ethical dilemmas
in school for the development of leadership strategies based on organizational and constructivist
learning theories. These learning conditions may provide fertile ground for practicing difficult
ethical decision-making and thus enhance the professional development of education leaders.

Shapira-Lishchinsky, O. (2014)

Simulation-based constructivist approach for education leadersEducational Management Administration & Leadership, 43 (6) 972-988, DOI: 10.1177/1741143214543203

Last Updated Date : 15/11/2017