The roles of perceived parental expectation and criticism in adolescents’ multidimensional perfectionism and achievement goals

Madjar, N.

Perfectionism consists of personal predispositions and attitudes toward performance. Although there is some disagreement in the field regarding how to best define and measure perfectionism, most studies have supported a distinction between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism. The current study examines a model in which students’ perceptions of parents’ standards and criticism are proposed as antecedents of multidimensional perfectionism, which in turn are hypothesised to be associated with types of academic achievement goal orientations. The sample consisted of 256 high school students who completed questionnaires assessing adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism, perceptions of their parents and personal achievement goals. Structural equation modelling supported the hypotheses suggesting that high parental standards are positively associated with the adaptive perfectionist characteristic of self-organised perception, which in turn are associated with a mastery goal orientation. Parental criticism predicted the maladaptive perfectionist characteristic of concern over mistakes, which in turn was found associated with a performance-avoidance goal orientation.

Madjar, N., Voltsis. M., & Weinstock, M. (2015)

The roles of perceived parental expectation and criticism in adolescents’ multidimensional perfectionism and achievement goals Educational Psychology, 35(6), 765-778

Last Updated Date : 12/09/2017