mastery learning strategies beneficial for developing problem solving skills

Mevarech, Z. R.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate instructional methods appropriate for
developing problem solving skills (PSS) in a paramedical course. Three instructional methods were compared: Frontal Lecture Strategies (FLS), Mastery Learning Strategies (MLS) and Experiential Mastery Learning Strategies (EMLS) in which feedback corrective procedures were embedded within experiential learning situations. Results showed that FLS produced the highest scores on Lower Mental Process subtest while EMLS yielded the highest scores on all measures of problem solving skills. Several implications of this study for future research are suggested and discussed.

Mevarech, Z. R., & Werner, S. (1985).

Are mastery learning strategies beneficial for developing problem solving skills? Higher Education, 14, 425-432.

Last Updated Date : 19/11/2012