The Impact of Teachers' Aggressive Management Techniques on students Attitudes toward Schoolwork

Romi, S.

Previous studies have shown that teachers' aggressive classroom management impacts negatively on students. The authors compared student reaction to teachers' use of aggressive management techniques in Australia, China, and Israel. Reactions included distraction negativity toward teachers and perceptions that teachers' responses were unjustified, yet the perception of aggression as justified (or not) only minimally affected the degree of students' distraction and negativity toward the teacher. Yelling in anger and sarcasm appeared less problematic in Israel and somewhat less so in China; in Australia, no difference in potential impact between different forms of aggression was evident. Implications of these findings are discussed

Romi,S, .Lewis,R., Roache,J. & Riley, P. (2011)

The Impact of Teachers' Aggressive Management Techniques on students Attitudes toward Schoolwork.  The Journal of Educational Research.104(4), 231-240

Last Updated Date : 25/07/2018