Assessing self regulation development through sharing feedback in online mathematical problem solving discussion

Kramarski, B.

This study examined the relative efficacies of two different metacognitive teaching methods — problem solving (MPS) and sharing knowledge (M_SK). Seventy-two Israeli sixth-grade students engaged in online mathematical problem solving and were each supported using one of the two aforementioned methods. MPS students used a problem-solving and feedback process based on the IMPROVE model (Kramarski & Mevarech, 2003). In contrast, M_SK participants were instructed to reflect and provide feedback on the solution without an explicit model. This study evaluated each methods impact on the students 'mathematical online problem solving. It also examined self-regulated learning (SRL) processes by assessing students 'online feedback using a rubric scheme. Findings indicated that M_PS students outperformed the M_SK students in algebraic knowledge and mathematical reasoning, as well as on various measures of sharing cognitive and metacognitive feedback. The M_SK students outperformed the MPS students on measures of sharing motivational and social feedback.

Kramarski, B. (2011)

Assessing self regulation development  through sharing feedback in online mathematical problem solving discussion. In G. D. Dettori & D. Persico (Eds.), Fostering self -regulated learning through ICT (pp. 232-247). Hershey, N. Y. : Information Science Reference

Last Updated Date : 25/07/2018