mathematical problem solving
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Guidance for metacognitive judgments: A thinking-aloud analysis inmath problem solving. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 14(2):83-113
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Metacognition and Meta-Affect in Young Students: Does It Make a Difference in Mathematical Problem Solving? Teachers College Record,119(13), 1-26
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Solicited versus Unsolicited Metacognitive Prompts for Fostering Mathematical Problem-Solving Using Multimedia. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50(3), 285-314
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Metacognition, Motivation, and Emotions:Contribution of Self-Regulated Learning to Solving Mathematical Problems. Global Education Review 1(4), 76-95
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How can self- regulated learning (SRL) support problem solving of third-grade students with mathematics anxiety? ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 42(2), 179-193.
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The effects of meta-cognitive instruction on third and sixth graders solving word problems. ZDM Mathematics Education, 42,195-203.
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Using electronic mail communication and metacognitive instruction to improve mathematical problem solving. In G. Marshall & Y. Katz (Eds.), Learning in school, home and community: ICT for early and elementary education (pp. 21-30). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.