School effectiveness and effectiveness indicators: Parents', students', teachers', and principals' perspectives

Gaziel, H. H.

The purpose of this study was to examine perceptions of school effec- 
tiveness among parents, students, teachers and principals, and differences in their 
perceptions across school levels (primary vs. secondary) and types (religious state 
vs. non-religious state). Finally, the results were compared with school effectiveness 
indicators in the literature. A sample of all categories of subject in eight Israeli schools 
were interviewed (N = 64). Analysis reveals that parents stressed school outputs, 
teachers stressed their skills and teaching processes, students emphasized both inputs 
and outcomes, and principals chiefly inputs. Religious schools gave more weight than 
others to values. These findings are broadly in line with the literature, but any com- 
prehensive analysis of school effectiveness demands reference to all aspects of the 


Last Updated Date : 15/10/2018