Accelerated school programmes: Assessing their effectiveness.

Gaziel, H. H.

Accelerated School Programmes (ASPs) apply three principles designed to raise schools' effectiveness and to narrow the gap between low-achieving and high achieving students. These principles are: (1) giving the school a unifying purpose or vision; (2) allowing the school greater autonomy in its own management; (3) developing a collaborative approach to teaching, involving teachers, students, parents and the community. This article examines the effectiveness of ASPs on the basis of a study of four comprehensive schools in Israel. While the size of the sample is small, the positive results indicate that similar research on a wider scale would be valuable in shaping future educational policy

Gaziel, H. H. (2001).

Accelerated school programmes: Assessing their effectiveness. International Review of Education, 47, 7-29. 

Last Updated Date : 02/10/2018