New Books in The Library November 2023 - February 2024
Thesis and Dissertations
370.35 ALO a + ETHESIS
Aloni, Oshra. DIS3. Accommodating students' diversity and needs in science studies : a multi-faceted holistic approach. PH.D. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2022
371.1007 GAT t + ETHESIS
Gat, Yaniv. DIS3. Toward developing teachers' social-emotional learning by team simulations in an ethical context. PH.D. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2023
618.9285882 GAZ-GUT b + ETHESIS
Gaziel-Guttman, Meyrav. DIS3. Behavioral and electrophysiological manifestations of social cognition in young adults with autism spectrum disorder compared with their neurotypical peers. PH.D. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2023
306.87432 GUL p + ETHESIS
Gul, Chen. THE2. Parental identity and motivation processes among single mothers by choice and not by choice. M.A. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2023
370.154 HAM s + ETHESIS
Hammod, Hala. THE2. Self-regulated learning during mathematical problem solving among mathematically gifted and talented students. M.A. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2023
E371.20129(A) NAS r + ETHESIS
Nassir, Misaa. DIS3. The relationship between participative decision-making and paternalistic leadership and school effectiveness : examining the mediating role of teachers' attitudes and behaviors and the moderating role of cultural attributes. PH.D. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2023
371.2 SHE c + ETHESIS
Sheena, Dan. THE2. Crisis leadership in school during the COVID-19 pandemic : breaking down leaders' effective practices. M.A. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2023
153 FAR c11 Farmer, Thomas A., Matlin, Margaret, W. Cognition . Hoboken, NJ : Wiley |
302.2244 SCHO b Scholes, Laura. Boys, masculinities and reading : gender identity and literacy as social practice . New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. |
306.43 BRO m Brooks Rachel, Waters, Johanna. Materialities and mobilities in education . Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. |
370.1 DOU t Armand Doucet, Jelmer Evers, Elisa Guerra, Dr. Nadia Lopez, Michael Soskil and Koen Timmers.Teaching in the fourth industrial revolution : standing at the precipice . Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018 |
370.1 KIZ p Kizel, Arie. Philosophy, inquiry and children : community of thinkers in education Berlin : Lit Verlag 2023 |
370.116 WAG l Wagner, Daniel, A. Learning as development : rethinking international education in a changing world New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. |
370.1523 CON 2018 Converging perspectives on conceptual change : mapping an emerging paradigm in the learning sciences / edited by Tamer G. Amin & Olivia Levrini New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. |
371.26 MCM u |
371.33 CHI 2018 Children and families in the digital age : learning together in a media saturated culture / edited by Elisabeth Gee, Lori M. Takeuchi, and Ellen Wartella. New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. |
371.384 JUK l + ETEXT Jukes, Scott. Learning to confront ecological precarity : engaging with more-than-human worlds Cham : Springer, 2023. |
371.384 OUT 2023 + ETEXT Outdoor environmental education in the contemporary world / Jan Činčera [and 4 others], editors. Cham, Switzerland : Springer |
371.384068 BEH 2017 Behavior and group management in outdoor adventure education : theory, research and practice / edited by Alan Ewert and Curt Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2017 |
371.397 SHA-LIS p + ETEXT Shapira-Lishchinskyת Orly. The power of team-based simulations in educational systems : towards mid-leaders' mentoring in periods of routine and crises. Bingley, England : Emerald Publishing |
371.58 AST b Astor, Ron, Avi & Benbenishty, Rami. Bullying, school violence, and climate in evolving contexts : culture, organization, and time. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019. |
372.21 SPI e Spiteri, Jane. Educating for sustainability in a small island nation : voices from early childhood education Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2022. |
372.35044 SET t3 Settlage, John, Southerland, Sherry, A., Smetana, Lara, & Lottero-Perdue, Pamela, S. Teaching science to every child : using culture as a starting point New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. |
372.4 SCHE c Scherer, Lexie. Children, literacy and ethnicity : reading identities in the primary school Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. |
372.6 PIV 2018 + ETEXT
Pivotal research in early literacy : foundational studies and current practices / edited by Christina M. Cassano, Susan M. Dougherty ; foreword by Joanne Knapp-Philo ; afterword by Heidi Anne E. Mesmer and M.M. Rose. New York : The Guilford Press, 2018. |
373.1102 CHA t2 Chaplainת Roland. Teaching without disruption in the secondary school : a practical approach to managing pupil behaviour Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. |
378.1213 SCO k + ETEXT Scott, Joan, Wallach. Knowledge, power, and academic freedom New York : Columbia University Press, 2019 |
379 DAV p Davies, Peter. Paying for education : debating the price of progress Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. |
379 SAL p2 Saltmanת Kenneth, J. The politics of education : a critical introduction Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018. |
379.111 BEN-POR m Ben-Porat, Michal & Johanek, Michal, C. Making up our mind : what school choice is really about Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2019. |
D470.7 COH i Cohen, Eric H. Identity and pedagogy : Shoah education in Israeli state schools Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2013. |