Toward lifelong learning: A cross-national analysis of codes of ethics for educators

Shapira Lishchinsky, O.

The goal of this study was to explore the shared meaning of ‘ethics in school practice’ based on educators’ attitudes. Our analysis focused on a random sample of 30 codes of ethics for educators that were developed by educational leaders in various countries. The data analysis was based on qualitative analysis. The findings generated a multidimensional model of ‘ethics in school practice’ that included six dimensions: ‘caring about students,’ ‘teachers’ professionalism,’ ‘collegial relationships,’ ‘parental involvement,’ ‘community involvement’ and ‘respecting the law and regulations.’ The findings may promote lifelong learning programs toward understanding the multidimensional structure of ‘ethics in school practice.

Shapira Lishchinsky, O. (2019)

Toward lifelong learning: A cross-national analysis of codes of ethics for educatorsCurriculum and Teaching, 34(2),  73 - 95

Last Updated Date : 27/02/2022