Employing teachers with disabilities: A multifaceted prism of school principals’ ethical dilemmas

Tal-Alon N.

The aim of this study was to identify the ethical dilemmas of school principals who employ teachers with different physical disabilities. By conducting 18 in-depth interviews with principals from different school levels and different sectors in Israel, we identified the ethical dilemmas that emerged and their causes. The findings reveal that principals who employ teachers with disabilities struggle with multifaceted ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas reflect the tension between the educational ideology that was demonstrated by the principals’ inclination for integration and inclusion versus the three different elements of the principals’ professional responsibilities, namely commitment to the educational system, commitment to the wellbeing of the school staff, and commitment to the wellbeing of the students. Comprehending these dilemmas and understanding the ways in which these values contradict each other is a critical step on the way to building a more inclusive school. 

Tal-Alon N., & Shapira-Lishchinsky O. (2021)

Employing teachers with disabilities: A multifaceted prism of school principals’ ethical dilemmas. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 49(6),  940 - 957. DOI 10.1177/1741143220921185

Last Updated Date : 01/02/2022