An ecological perspective of teacher retention: An emergent model

Zavelevsky, E.

The aim of this study is to examine the characteristics of an ecological school culture conducive to the retention of novice teachers. Twenty novice teachers were selected randomly from 20 different schools in Israel. The qualitative research findings revealed that an ecological school culture conducive to the retention of novice teachers possesses a multi-dimensional framework characterized by categories such as organizational practices, peer communication, individual aspects, community, working conditions and teacher status. The research findings can contribute to reshaping guidance procedures and practices best-suited to novice teachers, which will ultimately aid in the retention of quality teachers.

Zavelevsky, E., & Shapira-Lishchinsky, O. (2020)

An ecological perspective of teacher retention: An emergent modelTeaching and Teacher Education, 88.

Last Updated Date : 02/01/2020