Spatial Characteristics of 3D-IVR and 2D Computerised Environments on Cognitive Modifiability

Tzuriel, D.

Increasing evidence indicates that practising cognitive abilities in computerised environments
and especially in the 3D Immersive Virtual Reality (3D-IVR) environment, significantly
improves cognitive achievements. This chapter’s focus is on the effects of two spatial
computer environment characteristics: Rotation of Information Resources (RIR) and Shift of
Viewing Angles (SVA) on cognitive modifiability in a Dynamic Assessment (DA) procedure.
The DA procedure used included three phases: pre-teaching, teaching, and post-teaching. The
measure used was Analogies Subtest (AN) from the Cognitive Modifiability Battery (CMB).
The problems consisted of dimensions of color, height, number, and position. The teaching
phase was based on mediated learning experience strategies of problem solving. Children
in Grades 1 and 2 (n = 73) were randomly assigned to either the 3D-IVR or 2D mode of
presentation. The findings indicate that the frequency of use of SVA contributed significantly
to pre- to post-teaching improvement on the AN Subtest. Cognitive modifiability was
significantly derived from improvements in test dimensions of height and position, which
are specifically connected to spatial perception. The findings are discussed in relation to the
contribution of the use of spatial computer environment characteristics (SVA and RIR) in DA,
cognitive maps formation, and cognitive performance.

Tzuriel, D., Eshel-Kedmi, G., & Passig, D. (2019)

Spatial Characteristics of 3D-IVR and 2D Computerised Environments on Cognitive Modifiability. In Advances in mediated learning experience in 21st century education (pp. 73-96)  Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia


Last Updated Date : 04/12/2019