Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2020 Mothers’ emotional flooding, emotion regulation, and parenting style as predictors of children’s emotion regulation a mediation model (HEBREW) MA Nahum, Netta Dr. Anat Moed
2020 Cultural perspective to investigate the relationship between participative and paternalistic leadership and school outcomes (HEBREW) MA Nassir, Misaa Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
2020 Music aptitude, intelligence and memory among individuals with intellectual disability compares to individuals with typical development : associations and developmental trajectories (impaired, parallel or continuous trajectory) (HEBREW) PhD Poria, Yifat Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
Dr. רבקה אלקושי
2020 Music aptitude, intelligence and memory among individuals with intellectual disability compares to individuals with typical development : associations and developmental trajectories (impaired, parallel or continuous trajectory) (HEBREW) PhD Poria, Yifat Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
Dr. רבקה אלקושי
2020 Exploring school ethical culture in an ecological approach : an international perspective (HEBREW) PhD Raveh-Amsalem, Shani Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2020 Examining organizational citizenship behavior and organizational misbehavior phenomena in educational career development processes by means of team-based simulations PhD Shaer, Anat Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2020 Life stories narratives of adults with dual diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental disorders personal identity, quality of life and future orientation (HEBREW) MA Shahar, Ayelet Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2020 Scientific inquiry-based style: hands on, minds on and virtual lab : effects on high-school students' inquiry skills attitudes, science knowledge, and socially shared regulation of learning (HEBREW) MA Shaked Dana Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2020 Effect of aerobic walk on verbal creativity and verbal fluency of adults with intellectual disability with non-specific etiology, compared to adults with typical development (HEBREW) MA Shapira, Dorel Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2020 Effect of aerobic walk on verbal creativity and verbal fluency of adults with intellectual disability with non-specific etiology, compared to adults with typical development (HEBREW) MA Shapira, Dorel Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2020 Influence of meta-cognitive intervention on children age 5-10 tendency to spontaneous recognition of mathematical structures (HEBREW) PhD Sharir, Tal Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Prof. Nira Mashal
2020 Influence of meta-cognitive intervention on children age 5-10 tendency to spontaneous recognition of mathematical structures (HEBREW) PhD Sharir, Tal Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Prof. Nira Mashal
2020 Centrality effect in poor comprehenders evidence from an eye-tracking study (HEBREW) MA Shemesh, Noa Dr. Menahem Yeari
2020 Impact of diglossia on acquisition of spoken and standard Arabic : narrative and expository text production in speaking and writing (HEBREW) PhD Shibel, Suha Sabbah Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Elinor saiegh haddad
2020 Impact of diglossia on acquisition of spoken and standard Arabic : narrative and expository text production in speaking and writing (HEBREW) PhD Shibel, Suha Sabbah Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Elinor saiegh haddad
2020 Contribution of combined health related physical fitness knowledge (HPFK) training with physical education classes to the physical literacy of junior high school girls (HEBREW) MA Stahl, Moran Prof. Michal Zion
2020 Contribution of feedback to statistical learning processes in aural modality, distinguishing between implicit learning and explicit learning : comparison between readers with dyslexia and readers with normal reading development (HEBREW) MA Star, Galit Prof. Rachel Schiff
2020 Enhancing the efficacy of identifying visual patterns and novel anomalies in real time of cyber defenders with 3D immersive VR (HEBREW) PhD Tamary-Hochman, Reut Prof. David Passig
2020 Impact of an educational program on the knowledge and behavior of preschoolers in the area of intelligent consumption and waste reduction (HEBREW) MA Tamary, Amalya Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
2020 Interaction between adult psychosocial stage of development among parents in a mixed religious-secular marriage (Hebrew) MA Uliel, Hen Dr. Elli Schachter
2020 Mothers' representation of their young children with sensory processing difficulties : relationships between degree of sensory processing difficulties, aspects of mothers' representations and adaptive behavior (HEBREW) MA Vidra Seiffer, Gabriela Dr. Waniel Ariela
Dr. Anat Moed
2020 Mothers' representation of their young children with sensory processing difficulties : relationships between degree of sensory processing difficulties, aspects of mothers' representations and adaptive behavior (HEBREW) MA Vidra Seiffer, Gabriela Dr. Waniel Ariela
Dr. Anat Moed
2020 Impact of specific instruction vs. generic instruction for expressive arts assignment on creativity and self and co regulated learning (HEBREW) MA Wolfson, Tsipora Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2020 Suicidal ideation and attempts in broader autism phenotype MA Yeshayahu, Hadas Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2020 Online intervention program to change implicit theories about intelligence, achievement goals and self-efficacy (HEBREW) MA Zabary, Meirav Associate Prof. Nir Madjar