Prof. Menahem Yeari
Curriculum vitae
Menahem Yeari
29 Soroka St., Haifa 34759, Israel
Tel: +972-77-3214390 Mobile: +972-544-833719
Email: myeari@gmail.com; Menahem.Yeari@biu.ac.il
Biography |
Date of Birth: |
September 4, 1973 |
Marital status: |
Married + 2 |
Citizenship: |
Israeli |
Languages: |
Hebrew, English |
Education |
2009 |
Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Haifa |
2003 |
M.A. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Haifa |
2001 |
B.A. courses in Computer Sciences, University of Haifa |
1999 |
B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy , University of Haifa |
Academic positions |
2012 – present |
Faculty member, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
2010 – 2012 |
Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Education, Leiden University, The Netherlands |
2008 – 2010 |
Research associate, Prof. Rachel Giora, Department of Linguistics, Tel-Aviv University |
1999 – 2010 |
Research assistant/associate, Institute of Information Processing and Decision Making (IIPDM), University of Haifa |
Research Interests
Learning Disabilities
Discourse Processes and Reading Comprehension
Computational Modeling of Cognition
Visual Attention and ADHD
Technological Experience
SPSS (and basic SAS)
E-prime (experiments designer)
Eyelink and SMI (eye-tracker)
C/C++ programming language (basic knowledge)
Teaching Experience |
2012 – present |
Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University |
2009 – 2010 |
Lecturer, Department of General Studies, Tel-Hai Academic College |
2007 – 2010 |
Lecturer, Department of Behavioral Sciences, The Academic College of Emek Yezreel |
2003 – 2010 |
Lecturer, Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel |
2004 – 2005 |
Lecturer, Department of General Studies, University of Haifa |
Courses Taught
Lecturer |
Reading Comprehension, Attention disorder, Development of Discourse Skills, Cognitive Profile of Children with Autism, Cognitive Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Sensation and Perception, Neurocognition, Thinking and Decisions Making, Psychology of Gender |
Ad-hoc Reviewer
The USA-Israel Binational Science Foundation
The Israel Science Foundation
The Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space
Scientific Study of Reading
Reading and Writing
Discourse Processes
Contemporary Educational Psychology
Behavior Research Methods
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Vision Research
Professional Functions
2020 – present |
Member of Bar-Ilan Ethical Commission (IRB) |
2019 – present |
Head of the Ethical Commission of the Faculty of Education |
2015 – present |
Head of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language |
2015 – present |
Editor of the Hebrew journal of Literacy and Language |
2015 – present |
Member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading |
2013 – 2015 |
Board member of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language |
2013 – present |
Member of the Cognitive Science Society |
2011 – 2014 |
Member of the Society of Text and Discourse |
Research Grants
2019 – present |
The Israel Science Foundation (250,000$). The Role of Executive Functions in Reading Comprehension of Skilled and Struggling Comprehenders.
2015 – 2019 |
The Israel Science Foundation (100,000$). The Cognitive Underpinnings of the Centrality Deficit of Poor Readers: Evidence from Eye-Movements, Think-Aloud and Computational Modeling. |
2013 – 2017 |
Marie Curie Career Integration Grants from the European Union (100,000€). Inter- and Intra-Individual Differences in Knowledge-Based Inference Generation during Reading Comprehension: The Role of Working Memory Capacity and Utilization. |
2010 – 2012 |
Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship for Career Development from the European Union (170,000€). Computational Modeling of Knowledge-Based Inference Generation during Reading Comprehension. |
Yeari, M., Lavi, T., Rasouly-Balfer, A., & Shalev, L. (In press). Meta-strategic Learning of Structure Strategies in Reading Comprehension of Expository Texts. Reading Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/02702711.2023.2253219
Avramovich, A., & Yeari, M. (In press). The role of planning in reading comprehension by adolescents with ADHD: Evidence from eye-movements. Reading & Writing Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1080/10573569.2023.2192705
Yeari, M., Hadad, A., & Korat, O. (In press). The Effect of Amount, Type and Reoccurrence of Interactions in Electronic Books on Word Learning and Story Comprehension by Kindergartners. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12077-w
Avramovich, A., & Yeari, M. (2023). The role of executive functions in reading comprehension by adolescents with ADHD: The case of domain-general versus domain-specific functions. Reading & Writing Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1080/10573569.2023.2192705
Avramovich, A., & Yeari, M. (2023). The role of executive functions in reading comprehension by adolescents with ADHD. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 39, 277-299.
Yeari, M., & Avramovich, A. (2023). The effect of practice and expectancy of inferential questions on poor comprehenders’ inferential processing and monitoring. Journal of Research in Reading, 46, 22-41. http://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12412
Yeari, M., Schlesinger, L. M., & Moshka, E. (2022). The role of time constraints and domain knowledge in reading comprehension tests: The case of text‐first versus questions‐first strategies. Reading Research Quarterly, 57, 913-936.
Hadad, A., Yeari, M., & Korat, O. (2022). What is the optimal level of interaction in electronic books? An explorative study with preschool children. Literacy and Language (in Hebrew), 9, 39-63.
Primor, L., Yeari, M., & Katzir, T. (2021). Choosing the right question: the effect of different question types on multiple text integration. Reading and Writing, 34, 1539-1567.
Yeari, M., & Lavie, A. (2021). The Role of Surface Text Processing in Centrality Deficit and Poor Text Comprehension of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Think-Aloud Study. Learning Disabilities: Research and Practice, 36, 40-55.
Yeari, M., & Lev, N. (2021). Processing and Memory of Central and Peripheral Ideas in Reading Comprehension by Poor Comprehenders. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25, 215-233.
Yeari, M., & Lantin, S. (2021). The origin of centrality deficit in text memory and comprehension by poor comprehenders: a think-aloud study. Reading and Writing, 34, 595-625.
Yeari, M., Vakil, E., Schifer, L., & Schiff, R. (2019). The Origin of the Centrality Deficit in Individuals with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 41, 69-86.
Yeari, M. (2018). The role of working memory in inference generation during reading comprehension: Retention, (re)activation, or suppression of verbal information? Learning and Individual Differences, 56, 1–12.
Yeari, M., Oudega, M., & van den Broek, P. (2017). The effect of text highlighting on online processing, memory, and comprehension of central and peripheral information: Evidence from eye-movements. Journal of Research in Reading, 40, 365-383.
Yeari, M., Avramovich, A., & Schiff, R. (2017). Online inferential and textual processing by adolescents with ADHD during reading comprehension: Evidence from a probing method. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 39, 485-501.
Yeari, M., Elentok, S., & Schiff, R. (2017). Online and offline inferential and textual processing of poor comprehenders: Evidence from a probing method. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 155, 12-31.
Yeari, M., Schiff, R., & Isser, M. (2017). Do dyslexic individuals present a reduced visual attention span? Evidence from visual recognition tasks of non-verbal multi-character arrays. Annals of Dyslexia, 67, 128-146.
Yeari, M., & van den Broek, P. (2016). A computational modeling of semantic knowledge in reading comprehension: Integrating the landscape model with latent semantic analysis. Behavior Research Methods, 48, 880-896.
Yeari, M., & van den Broek, P. (2015). The role of textual semantic constraints in knowledge-based inference generation during reading comprehension: A computational approach. Memory, 23, 1193–1214.
Yeari, M., van den Broek, P., & Oudega, M. (2015). The Effect of Reading Goals on the Processing and Memory of Central versus Peripheral Information: Evidence from Eye-Movements. Reading and Writing, 28, 1-27
Fein, O., Yeari, M., & Giora, R. (2015). On the priority of salience-based interpretations: The case of sarcastic irony. Intercultural Pragmatic, 12, 1-32.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2015). The Hierarchical Navigation of Visual Attention: Organizational and Spatial Aspects of Attentional Orienting and Focusing Between Hierarchically Structured Objects. Experimental Psychology, 62, 353-370.
Goldsmith, M., & Yeari, M. (2012). Central Cue Discriminability Modulates Object-Based Attention by Influencing Spatial Attention. Experimental Psychology, 59, 132-137.
Yeari, M., & van den Broek, P. (2011). A Cognitive Account of Discourse Understanding and Discourse Interpretation: The Landscape Model of Reading. Discourse Studies, 13, 635-643.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2011). Organizational and Spatial Dynamics of Attentional Focusing in Hierarchically Structured Objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 758-780.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2010). Is object-based attention mandatory? Strategic control over mode of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 565-579.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2007). Is object-based attention mandatory? Visual Cognition, 15, 119-123.
Goldsmith, M., & Yeari, M. (2003). Modulation of object-based attention by spatial focus under endogenous and exogenous orienting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29, 897-918.
Invited Talks
Colloquium of the Linguistic Department, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, December, 2021. Paper presented: Deficits of poor comprehenders during reading comprehension: Evidence from online studies.
Colloquium of the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab, University of California at Davis, California, US, November, 2019. Paper presented: Specific disorder in reading comprehension: The story of poor comprehenders.
Colloquium of the Davis Interdisciplinary Language Group, University of California at Davis, California, US, January, 2019. Paper presented: The Landscape Model – Revised (LS-R): A computational modeling of discourse comprehension.
Colloquium of elementary school principals, PISGA Center, Ashdod, Israel, November, 2017. Paper presented: Normal and deficient processes in reading comprehension.
Colloquium of the Linguistic Department, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, June, 2017. Paper presented: The story of poor comprehenders.
The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Learning Disabilities Experts, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, April, 2016. Paper presented: Poor comprehenders: Myth or specific learning disability?
Seminar in Reading Comprehension for Teachers' Instructors, Israeli Education Ministry, Israel, February, 2016. Paper presented: Normal and deficient processes in reading comprehension.
Presidential Symposium at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Chicago, USA, November, 2015. Paper presented: Computational modeling of semantic knowledge in reading comprehension.
Colloquium of the Learning Disabilities Department, Haifa University, Israel, June, 2015. Paper presented: The Role of Working Memory in Inference Generation during Reading Comprehension.
The Lab Meeting of the Learning Disabilities Department of Haifa University, Haifa University Israel, May, 2015. Paper presented: The Role of Working Memory in Inference Generation during Reading Comprehension.
An international day conference in Reading Comprehension Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, May, 2013. Paper presented: Computational modeling of knowledge-based inference generation during reading comprehension.
M.A. Students Seminar: “Learning Problems and Impairments: Research and Practice”, Leiden University, November, 2011. Paper presented: The landscape model of reading comprehension processes.
Lab Meeting of the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC), Leiden University, October, 2011. Paper presented: Computational modeling of knowledge-based inference generation during reading comprehension.
The 8th Advisory Board Meeting of the Max Wertheimer Minerva Center for Cognitive Processes and Human Performance, University of Haifa, March, 2010. Paper presented: The hierarchical navigation of visual attention: organizational and spatial aspects of focusing and orienting.
The 2nd Minerva workshop: "The Many Faces of Attention", University of Haifa, July, 2005. Paper presented: Visual attention to objects and space – a dynamic, interactive framework.
The 4th Advisory Board Meeting of the Max Wertheimer Minerva Center for Cognitive Processes and Human Performance, University of Haifa, March, 2002. Paper presented: Modulation of object-based attention by mode of spatial cueing: the role of attentional focus.
Conference Presentations
The 15th Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Kfar-Saba, Israel, July, 2022. Paper Presented: The effect of meta-strategic learning on reading comprehension by adolescents (with Tal Lavie).
The 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, USA, August, 2021 (virtual). Paper presented: The role of time constraints and domain knowledge in reading comprehension tests: The case of text-first versus questions-first strategies.
The 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, USA, August, 2021 (virtual). Paper presented: The origin of centrality deficit in poor comprehenders.
The 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, USA, August, 2021 (virtual). Paper presented: Predicting multiple text integration across tasks: The role of single text reading comprehension related variables (with Liron Primor & Raquel Cerdán).
The 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Lancaster, UK, July, 2021 (virtual). Paper Presented: To read the text before or while answering the questions? The effects of time constraints and domain knowledge on strategic preferences in reading comprehension tests.
The 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Lancaster, UK, July, 2021 (virtual). Paper Presented: The role of intra-text connections in centrality deficit of poor comprehenders.
The 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Lancaster, UK, July, 2021 (virtual). Paper Presented: Exploring the impact of reading single vs. multiple texts on integration synthesis tasks and the underexamined role of topic (with Liron Primor, Carla Firetto, & Tamar Katzir).
The 14th Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Ramat-Gan, Israel, July, 2021 (virtual). Paper Presented: To read the text before or while answering the questions? The effects of time constraints and domain knowledge on strategic preferences in reading comprehension tests.
The 11th Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Ra'anana, Israel, July, 2017. Paper Presented: Centrality deficit of readers with attention disorder (with Lee Schiffer, Eli Vakil & Rachel Schiff).
The 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Kassel, Germany, July, 2016. Paper presented: Online inferential and textual processing by poor comprehenders (with Shiri Elentok & Rachel Schiff).
The 3rd Conference of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Acer, Israel, February, 2016. Paper presented: The role of working memory in inference generation during reading comprehension.
The 10th Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Ramat-Gan, Israel, July, 2015. Poster Presented: The effect of self causal questioning on children with comprehension difficulties (with Helen Vinikor).
The 10th Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Ramat-Gan, Israel, July, 2015. Poster Presented: Inferential and textual Processing by Poor Comprehenders (with Shiri Elentok & Rachel Schiff).
The 25rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, July, 2015. Paper presented: The role of working memory in inference generation during reading comprehension: Retention, (re)activation, or suppression of verbal information?
The 2rd Conference of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Acer, Israel, February, 2015. Poster presented: Computational modeling of knowledge-based inference generation during reading comprehension (with Paul van den Broek).
The 9th Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Ramat-Gan, Israel, July, 2014. Poster Presented: Reading comprehension difficulties among readers with attention disorder: Inferential and textual processing skills (with Adi Avramovich & Rachel Schiff).
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Valencia, Spain, July, 2013. Paper presented: The effect of reading goals and information centrality on online text processing and offline text comprehension (with Paul van den Broek & Marja Oudega).
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Valencia, Spain, July, 2013. Poster presented: The effect of text highlighting on online text processing and offline text recall and comprehension (with Paul van den Broek & Marja Oudega).
The 8th Conference of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language, Ramat-Gan, Israel, July, 2013. Paper Presented: The effect of reading goals on processing time and memory of central and peripheral text information (with Paul van den Broek).
The 35th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting, Berlin, Germany, August, 2013. Poster presented: Computational modeling of knowledge-based inference generation during reading comprehension (with Paul van den Broek).
The 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Poitiers, France, July, 2011. Paper presented: The role of textual semantic constraints in knowledge-based inference generation, as evaluated by Latent Semantic Analysis (with Paul van den Broek).
The 51th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, November, 2010. Paper presented: Organizational and spatial dynamics of attentional navigation within and between hierarchically structured objects (with Morris Goldsmith).
The Interdisciplinary Conference of the Center for Theoretical and Applied Linguistics in Sorbonne University, Paris, France, Novemeber, 2010. Paper presented: Will anticipating irony facilitate it immediately? (with Rachel Giora & Ofer Fein).
The 6th Annual Research Fair of the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Emek Yezreel, Israel, May, 2010. Poster presented: Expecting irony: Can readers inhibit the literal meaning of ironic utterance? (with Rachel Giora).
The 15th Annual Conference of Object perception, Attention, & Memory (OPAM), Chicago, Illinois, USA, November, 2008. Poster presented: Spatial and organizational aspects of hierarchical attentional focusing (with Morris Goldsmith).
The 15th Annual Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Marseille, France, September, 2007. Poster presented: Object-based and space-based hierarchical focusing of visual attention (with Morris Goldsmith).
The 14th Annual Conference of Object perception, Attention, & Memory (OPAM), Houston, Texas, USA, November, 2006. Paper presented: Is object-based attention mandatory? (with Morris Goldsmith).
The 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 2006. Paper presented: Modulation of object-based attention by spatial focusing: The mediating role of perceptual organization (with Morris Goldsmith, Chana Fyodorov, and Ben Fridman).
The 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, Texas, USA, November, 2006. Poster presented: Is object-based attention mandatory? Strategic control over object-based attention (with Morris Goldsmith).
The meeting of The Israel Society for Cognitive Psychology, Ramat Gan, Israel, October, 2004. Paper presented: Modulation of object-based attention by spatial focusing: The mediating role of perceptual organization (with Morris Goldsmith and Chana Fyodorov).
The meeting of The Israel Society for Cognitive Psychology, Ramat Gan, Israel, October, 2004. Poster presented: Strategic control over mode of attentional selection: Space based versus object based (with Morris Goldsmith).
The Israel Conference on Cognitive Psychology, Judgment, and Decision Making, Jerusalem, Israel, July, 2002. Paper presented: Modulation of object-based attention by spatial orienting: the role of attentional focus (with Morris Goldsmith).
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Orlando, Florida, USA, November, 2001. Paper presented: Attentional cueing, attentional focusing, and object-based versus space-based selection (with Morris Goldsmith).
Yeari, M., Lavi, T., Rasouly-Balfer, A., & Shalev, L. (In press). Meta-strategic Learning of Structure Strategies in Reading Comprehension of Expository Texts. Reading Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/02702711.2023.2253219
Avramovich, A., & Yeari, M. (In press). The role of planning in reading comprehension by adolescents with ADHD: Evidence from eye-movements. Reading & Writing Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1080/10573569.2023.2192705
Yeari, M., Hadad, A., & Korat, O. (In press). The Effect of Amount, Type and Reoccurrence of Interactions in Electronic Books on Word Learning and Story Comprehension by Kindergartners. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12077-w
Avramovich, A., & Yeari, M. (2023). The role of executive functions in reading comprehension by adolescents with ADHD: The case of domain-general versus domain-specific functions. Reading & Writing Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1080/10573569.2023.2192705
Avramovich, A., & Yeari, M. (2023). The role of executive functions in reading comprehension by adolescents with ADHD. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 39, 277-299.
Yeari, M., & Avramovich, A. (2023). The effect of practice and expectancy of inferential questions on poor comprehenders’ inferential processing and monitoring. Journal of Research in Reading, 46, 22-41. http://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12412
Yeari, M., Schlesinger, L. M., & Moshka, E. (2022). The role of time constraints and domain knowledge in reading comprehension tests: The case of text‐first versus questions‐first strategies. Reading Research Quarterly, 57, 913-936.
Hadad, A., Yeari, M., & Korat, O. (2022). What is the optimal level of interaction in electronic books? An explorative study with preschool children. Literacy and Language (in Hebrew), 9, 39-63.
Primor, L., Yeari, M., & Katzir, T. (2021). Choosing the right question: the effect of different question types on multiple text integration. Reading and Writing, 34, 1539-1567.
Yeari, M., & Lavie, A. (2021). The Role of Surface Text Processing in Centrality Deficit and Poor Text Comprehension of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Think-Aloud Study. Learning Disabilities: Research and Practice, 36, 40-55.
Yeari, M., & Lev, N. (2021). Processing and Memory of Central and Peripheral Ideas in Reading Comprehension by Poor Comprehenders. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25, 215-233.
Yeari, M., & Lantin, S. (2021). The origin of centrality deficit in text memory and comprehension by poor comprehenders: a think-aloud study. Reading and Writing, 34, 595-625.
Yeari, M., Vakil, E., Schifer, L., & Schiff, R. (2019). The Origin of the Centrality Deficit in Individuals with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 41, 69-86.
Yeari, M. (2018). The role of working memory in inference generation during reading comprehension: Retention, (re)activation, or suppression of verbal information? Learning and Individual Differences, 56, 1–12.
Yeari, M., Oudega, M., & van den Broek, P. (2017). The effect of text highlighting on online processing, memory, and comprehension of central and peripheral information: Evidence from eye-movements. Journal of Research in Reading, 40, 365-383.
Yeari, M., Avramovich, A., & Schiff, R. (2017). Online inferential and textual processing by adolescents with ADHD during reading comprehension: Evidence from a probing method. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 39, 485-501.
Yeari, M., Elentok, S., & Schiff, R. (2017). Online and offline inferential and textual processing of poor comprehenders: Evidence from a probing method. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 155, 12-31.
Yeari, M., Schiff, R., & Isser, M. (2017). Do dyslexic individuals present a reduced visual attention span? Evidence from visual recognition tasks of non-verbal multi-character arrays. Annals of Dyslexia, 67, 128-146.
Yeari, M., & van den Broek, P. (2016). A computational modeling of semantic knowledge in reading comprehension: Integrating the landscape model with latent semantic analysis. Behavior Research Methods, 48, 880-896.
Yeari, M., & van den Broek, P. (2015). The role of textual semantic constraints in knowledge-based inference generation during reading comprehension: A computational approach. Memory, 23, 1193–1214.
Yeari, M., van den Broek, P., & Oudega, M. (2015). The Effect of Reading Goals on the Processing and Memory of Central versus Peripheral Information: Evidence from Eye-Movements. Reading and Writing, 28, 1-27
Fein, O., Yeari, M., & Giora, R. (2015). On the priority of salience-based interpretations: The case of sarcastic irony. Intercultural Pragmatic, 12, 1-32.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2015). The Hierarchical Navigation of Visual Attention: Organizational and Spatial Aspects of Attentional Orienting and Focusing Between Hierarchically Structured Objects. Experimental Psychology, 62, 353-370.
Goldsmith, M., & Yeari, M. (2012). Central Cue Discriminability Modulates Object-Based Attention by Influencing Spatial Attention. Experimental Psychology, 59, 132-137.
Yeari, M., & van den Broek, P. (2011). A Cognitive Account of Discourse Understanding and Discourse Interpretation: The Landscape Model of Reading. Discourse Studies, 13, 635-643.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2011). Organizational and Spatial Dynamics of Attentional Focusing in Hierarchically Structured Objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37, 758-780.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2010). Is object-based attention mandatory? Strategic control over mode of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 565-579.
Yeari, M., & Goldsmith, M. (2007). Is object-based attention mandatory? Visual Cognition, 15, 119-123.
Goldsmith, M., & Yeari, M. (2003). Modulation of object-based attention by spatial focus under endogenous and exogenous orienting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29, 897-918.
2019 – present |
The Israel Science Foundation (250,000$). The Role of Executive Functions in Reading Comprehension of Skilled and Struggling Comprehenders.
2015 – 2019 |
The Israel Science Foundation (100,000$). The Cognitive Underpinnings of the Centrality Deficit of Poor Readers: Evidence from Eye-Movements, Think-Aloud and Computational Modeling. |
2013 – 2017 |
Marie Curie Career Integration Grants from the European Union (100,000€). Inter- and Intra-Individual Differences in Knowledge-Based Inference Generation during Reading Comprehension: The Role of Working Memory Capacity and Utilization. |
2010 – 2012 |
Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship for Career Development from the European Union (170,000€). Computational Modeling of Knowledge-Based Inference Generation during Reading Comprehension. |
Fields of Expertise
Reading and discourse comprehension
Poor comprehenders and ADHD
Executive functions and Working memory
Computational modeling of cognition
Last Updated Date : 22/01/2025