Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2013 Towards developing a code of ethics among education leaders based on team simulations MA Shaer, Anat Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2013 The relationship between counselor self-efficacy, personality traits and school counselor performance (HEBREW) MA Shalom-Assraf, Ester Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2013 Behavior patterns of teachers in class according to teachers’ authority styles : permissive, authoritatiive, authoritarian (Hebrew) MA Sharabi, Hila Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2013 The effects of meta-cognitive intervention on kindergarten children tendency to spontaneous focus on numerosity and mathematical structures (SFON) (HEBREW) MA Sharir, Tal Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2013 The effects of meta-cognitive intervention on kindergarten children tendency to spontaneous focus on numerosity and mathematical structures (SFON) (HEBREW) MA Sharir, Tal Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2013 Existing parental knowledge of daycare : what do they know and what do they want to know (HEBREW) MA Shraub, Bracha Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2013 Existing parental knowledge of daycare : what do they know and what do they want to know (HEBREW) MA Shraub, Bracha Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2013 Risk factors, life narratives and typology of school students who committed suicide (HEBREW) PhD Siman-Tov, Yochi Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2013 Jealousy and social engagement in young children with autism (HEBREW) MA Stuemler-Cohen, Tamara Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2013 Women study : characterizing conversation and learning in women’s Chevrutut (HEBREW) PhD Teomim-Ben Menachem, Esty Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
Prof. Zohar Livnat
2013 Women study : characterizing conversation and learning in women’s Chevrutut (HEBREW) PhD Teomim-Ben Menachem, Esty Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
Prof. Zohar Livnat
2013 School climate in the attribution-affect-action process and school violence (HEBREW) PhD Tzuriel, Moriah Prof. Yaacov Katz
2013 Values education in non-religious Jewish Israeli schools : a case study of Tali schools (HEBREW) MA Viner-Mimar, Inbar Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2013 Values education in non-religious Jewish Israeli schools : a case study of Tali schools (HEBREW) MA Viner-Mimar, Inbar Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2013 The connection between the civic orientation of eleventh grade students from Ethiopian origin and their acculturation and adaptation process at school (HEBREW) MA Yishay, Bat-Zion Dr. Avigail Yinon
2013 Memory functions and episodic memory in low functioning ASD individuals (HEBREW) MA Zaguri, Hodaya Prof. Nira Mashal
2013 The contribution of close relations with father, mother, and teacher to socio-emotional and behavioral adjustment of adolescents with and without LD in different educational settings (HEBREW) MA Zeidman, Adva Dr. Michal Alyagon
2013 A growth model for evaluation of achievements in math by measuring school’s added-value by means of readiness, participation, self-efficacy, additional reinforcement hours and student’s background variables (HEBREW) MA Zilberberg, Nechama Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
2013 Higher education funding model in Israel as a tool for achieving economic and social goals (HEBREW) PhD Zilkha, Gury Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Prof. fff fffff
2012 Motor learning in children with language deficiencies as compared to children with normal language development (HEBREW) MA Abu-Asba, Haya Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2012 Social, ethical and moral dilemmas faced by youth movement counselors in Israel (HEBREW) MA Amar, Shlomi Prof. Zehavit Gross
2012 Does maternal mediation during book reading promotes children’s emergent reading? and does the progress maintains? (HEBREW) MA Arest, Keren Prof. Ofra Korat
2012 The relationship between heterosocial competence and conflict resolution skills among adolescence couples (HEBREW) MA Axelrod-Charny, Alexandra Dr. Zeev Apel
Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2012 The relationship between heterosocial competence and conflict resolution skills among adolescence couples (HEBREW) MA Axelrod-Charny, Alexandra Dr. Zeev Apel
Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2012 Self esteem, self social efficacy and Jewish identity : changes in youths following the ’masa Israeli’ - ’Israeli journey’ (HEBREW) MA Baruchin, Asnat Prof. Shlomo Romi